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一种RS码快速盲识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了获取数字通信中未知线路的纠错编码信息,提出了一种RS码快速盲识别方法.通过对RS码的二进制表示进行码根求解的方法来检测未知线路的RS码长、本原多项式阶数以及可能的本原多项式;进而遍历得到的本原多项式对RS序列进行伽罗华域的傅里叶变换(GFFT),通过连零位置和个数最终确定未知线路的真实本原多项式和生成多项式.实验验...  相似文献   
We study a deterministic two‐machine flowshop scheduling problem with an assumption that one of the two machines is not available in a specified time period. This period can be due to a breakdown, preventive maintenance, or processing unfinished jobs from a previous planning horizon. The problem is known to be NP‐hard. Pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithms and heuristics with worst case error bounds are given in the literature to solve the problem. They are different for the cases when the unavailability interval is for the first or second machine. The existence of a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) was formulated as an open conjecture in the literature. In this paper, we show that the two cases of the problem under study are equivalent to similar partition type problems. Then we derive a generic FPTAS for the latter problems with O(n54) time complexity. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
We consider the classical problem of whether certain classes of lifetime distributions are preserved under the formation of coherent systems. Under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) component lifetimes, we consider the NBUE (new better than used in expectation) and NWUE (new worse than used in expectation) classes. First, a necessary condition for a coherent system to preserve the NBUE class is given. Sufficient conditions are then obtained for systems satisfying this necessary condition. The sufficient conditions are satisfied for a collection of systems which includes all parallel systems, but the collection is shown to be strictly larger. We also prove that no coherent system preserves the NWUE class. As byproducts of our study, we obtain the following results for the case of i.i.d. component lifetimes: (a) the DFR (decreasing failure rate) class is preserved by no coherent systems other than series systems, and (b) the IMRL (increasing mean residual life) class is not preserved by any coherent systems. Generalizations to the case of dependent component lifetimes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
本文在如下情况:(1)取定P(1≤P≤8),设K_i=8l_i P(i=1,…,l),k_2>9/4(k_1-1)>O;(2)取定整数q(l≤q≤4)式,设k_1=4t_1 q(i=1,…,l),k_2>5/2(k_1-1)>0满足时,决定了一些非常非常余维数的未定向协边子群J_n~(k_1…k_l).  相似文献   
This study addresses cyclic scheduling in robotic flowshops with bounded work‐in‐process (WIP) levels. The objective is to minimize the cycle time or, equivalently, to maximize the throughput, under the condition that the WIP level is bounded from above by a given integer number. We present several strongly polynomial algorithms for the 2‐cyclic robotic flowshop scheduling problems for various WIP levels. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 58: 1–16, 2011  相似文献   
对飞参原始记录数据进行预处理是有效利用飞参数据的基础。介绍了三种典型数据平滑算法的原理,建立仿真航线,并以飞参经度和纬度通道数据为例,对三种平滑算法的处理效果进行了对比研究。结果表明,当误差服从正态分布以及广义正态分布时,通过选取适当参数,Vondrak算法相对于滑动平均和加权局部多项式回归算法具有明显优势,从而为飞参原始记录数据的预处理算法选择提供了参考。  相似文献   
本文讨论了有限域GF(q)(q=p~α,p≥2为素数,α≥1为正整数)上多元多项式与钟控序列的周期和线性复杂度的关系。当前馈函数g(x_1,x_2,…,x_n)∈GF(q)[x_1,x_2,…x_n]为一次多项式时,我们给出了钟控序列到达最大周期与线性复杂度的充要条件。  相似文献   
针对地球扰动引力对弹道导弹惯性导航精度影响日益突出这一问题,研究了沿弹道扰动引力的多项式拟合方法,并基于线性系统理论和弹道摄动思想推导了用于求解扰动引力对弹道助推段状态影响的完整解析表达式。同时考虑扰动引力影响与导弹视加速度之间的耦合特性,将扰动引力引起的视加速度偏差视为扰动引力影响的附加补偿项,并进行迭代修正。仿真结果表明:扰动引力拟合残差小于3×10~(-7)m/s~2,考虑耦合项修正的弹道误差传播解析模型计算残差减小为原有方法的1/3,计算时间仅为直接采用弹道积分求差法的1/10。  相似文献   
介绍一种新型的二维相位解包络算法。该算法的原理是将被解包络的相位作为输入光场,通过光学衍射计算得到其远场衍射光场的光强分布,然后使用相位恢复算法进行优化计算,得到一组用于表达连续波面的最佳Zernike多项式参数。此算法的特点在于,结合已成熟的相位恢复算法,波面解包络的唯一性和准确性可得到充分的保证;同时利用光场衍射计算,可方便地通过对衍射光强的滤波实现对相位噪声的抑制。实验验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
将分段幂多项式拟合方法与线性兴波阻力理论相结合,提出一种针对复杂线型小水线面双体船的兴波阻力数值计算方法,该方法应用于常规小水线面双体船的兴波阻力计算,表明该方法能在常规的幂多项式拟合方法的基础上进一步提高计算精度,同时也验证了该方法的正确性,将该方法的计算结果与复杂线型小水线面双体船剩余阻力的试验结果相比,两者吻合较好,证明了该方法用于复杂线型小水线面双体船的兴波阻力计算是可行的。  相似文献   
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