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"新三论"(包括耗散结构论、协同学和突变论)作为一种新的世界观,给研究作战系统这个复杂的非线性系统提供了新的视角。运用"新三论"的思想和方法指出作战系统的序参量,建立序参量方程,分析序参量演化稳定性与途径,得出一些有价值的结论,对于探索作战系统发展演变的规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   
采用实验和数值模拟方法对电场作用下微燃烧器的液体乙醇层流扩散燃烧进行研究。研究结果表明,数值模拟高温区与实验拍摄火焰结构外形相似,前者的结构尺寸均高于后者;H/d与R e基本上呈线性增加关系,W/d先随R e线性增加,后变化幅度较小;H/d与电场强度E之间存在波浪曲线关系,波浪整体呈上升趋势,W/d整体上随电场强度E也呈上升趋势;火焰高度和宽度无量纲的数值模拟值与实验计算值吻合良好。  相似文献   
高考复习是一个系统工程,每一个环节要精心筹划,落实到位,才能取得好的效果。文章认真分析2008~2011年新课标高考物理试卷的结构和命题特点,探讨了今后高考命题的动向和规律,提出了可操作的备考策略。  相似文献   
大空间钢结构厂房具有平面布局灵活,空间利用率大,建设周期短、抗震性能好,构件制造与安装机械化程度高,可重复再利用等优点,但其在消防安全方面存在着各种先天隐患。重点分析了大跨度钢结构厂房的火灾危险性,同时有针对性的对大跨度钢结构厂房的消防监督管理措施及防火设计思路进行了论述。  相似文献   
鱼雷寿命周期费用研究技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着技术的发展,寿命周期费用的研究正日益受到关注。评述了国内外寿命周期费用方面的研究现状,介绍了鱼雷寿命周期费用研究方法的内容及用途,探讨了费用估算的一般方法,在鱼雷寿命周期费用分解原则的基础上给出了鱼雷寿命周期费用分解结构,讨论了寿命周期费用研究方法急需解决的主要问题,并对其今后的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   
本文介绍了抗超高速撞击多层结构复合材料的设计、制备和实验,并对结果进行了讨论,实验证明,以SiC陶瓷基复合材料为防护层、以空心微珠或多孔变密度复合材料为缓冲层、以编织物复合材料为结构层的多层结构复合材料,具有面密度低、抗撞击速度范围宽、抗撞击性能好的特点。  相似文献   
本文论述了世界军事在国际格局形成、发展、演变过程中的作用。军事实力是影响国际格局的重要因素,各国军事实力的变化,促使世界向多极化迈进;局部战争对国际格局具有直接作用,朝鲜、越南、阿富汗及海湾战争的爆发、进程与结果,影响着国际格局的发展;各国军事战略的对抗性和相溶性,亦同样对国际格局有重要影响。  相似文献   
3D-Honeycombed CL-20 structures with low critical size of detonation have been fabricated successfully for intelligent weapon systems using a micro-flow direct ink writing (DIW) technology. The CL-20-based explosive ink for DIW technology was prepared by a two-component adhesive system with waterborne polyurethane (WPU) and ethyl cellulose (EC). Not only the preparation of the explosive ink but also the principle of DIW process have been investigated systematically. The explosive ink displayed strong shear-thinning behavior that permitted layer-by-layer deposition from a fine nozzle onto a substrate to produce complex shapes. The EC content was varied to alter the pore structure distribution and rheological behavior of ink samples after curing. The deposited explosive composite materials are of a honeycombed structure with high porosity, and the pore size distribution increases with the increase of EC content. No phase change was observed during the preparation process. Both WPU and EC show good compatibility with CL-20 particles. Apparently high activation energy was realized in the CL-20-based composite ink compared with that of the refined CL-20 due to the presence of non-energetic but stable WPU. The detonation performance of the composite materials can be precisely controlled by an adjustment in the content of binders. The 3D honeycombed CL-20 structures, which are fabricated by DIW technology, have a very small critical detonation size of less than 69 μm, as demonstrated by wedge shaped charge test. The ink can be used to create 3D structures with complex geometries not possible with traditional manufacturing techniques, which presents a bright future for the development of intelligent weapon systems.  相似文献   
The increasing threat of explosions on the battle field and the terrorist action requires the development of more effective blast resistance materials and structures. Curved structure can support the external loads effectively by virtue of their spatial curvature. In review of the excellent energy absorption property of auxetic structure, employing auxetic structure as core material in curved sandwich shows the potential to improve the protection performance. In this study, a novel cylindrical sandwich panel with double arrow auxetic (DAA) core was designed and the numerical model was built by ABAQUS. Due to the complexity of the structure, systematic parameter study and optimal design are conducted. Two cases of optimal design were considered, case1 focuses on reducing the deflection and mass of the structure, while case2 focuses on reducing the deflection and increasing the energy absorption per unit mass. Parameter study and optimal design were conducted based on Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHD) method, artificial neural networks (ANN) metamodel and the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-Ⅱ). The Pareto front was obtained and the cylindrical DAA structure performed much better than its equal solid panel in both blast resistance and energy absorption capacity. Optimization results can be used as a reference for different applications.  相似文献   
冲击波在多层结构中的传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水下冲击载荷在多层结构中的传播规律进行了理论分析,根据分界面上的应力和速度连续性条件得到透射波强度的解析表达式.从理论分析可以看出,舰船结构的多层防护体系对于减少爆炸冲击的损伤具有重要的作用,防护结构的波阻抗越大,防护的效果越好,这种方法可应用于多层防护结构在远场爆炸冲击波作用下的毁伤或防护方面的预测.  相似文献   
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