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从治安行政法律关系、治安行政指导依据分析探讨治安行政指导的性质,从治安行政性、治安性、主动性、方式多样性等方面探讨治安行政指导特征,并对其表现形式等理论问题进行研究,有利于治安行政指导基本问题的研究。  相似文献   
在思想观念日益多样化的今天,充分运用红色资源是深化公安现役部队理想信念教育的新途径。通过对红色资源在部队理想信念教育中优势、问题及原因的分析,对如何有效运用红色资源开展公安现役部队的理想信念教育进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   
我国舆论监督体制还不完善 ,记者在进行批评报道的问题上存在一些误区 ,把记者的“权利”误以为行政、司法等“权力” ,从而产生了一些负面影响。通过记者在舆论监督中的“权利”与“权力”的辨析 ,树立正确的舆论监督原则 ,把握正确的舆论导向  相似文献   
The past decade has seen substantial shifts in Swedish security policy and major change in the domestic debate about NATO. For the first time, all of the right-of-centre “alliance parties” are calling for a full NATO membership, and popular support for NATO has increased. Yet public opinion contains ambiguities and paradoxes that complicate the picture. At the same time as support for NATO has increased, the public is overwhelmingly for continued military non-alignment. Drawing on previous research, longitudinal data from national surveys, and other sources on defence and security issues, this article aims to increase our understanding of the development and change in Swedish public opinion on NATO. A key argument is that Erving Goffman’s theatre metaphor, combined with neo-institutional decoupling theory, to a large degree can help understand the public opinion paradox.  相似文献   
作为20世纪杰出的建筑规划改革思想家,克里斯托弗·亚力山大在建筑的理论和实践方面都有深远的影响。文章对亚氏的建筑思想进行了探讨,对其理论著作和思想发展过程作了一定的分析,阐述了亚氏的模式语言和无名特质所带来的建筑理论和实践的变革,指出以使用者亲自感受为中心、强调公众参与设计是亚氏理论的核心内容。  相似文献   
Despite problems of violence domestically, Brazil has played a key leadership role as part of MINUSTAH peacekeeping operations in Haiti since 2004. This article addresses how Brazil's international military engagement is shaping domestic approaches to urban security, and what may be the implications of the use of military strategies, operations, and norms to address issues of public security in Brazilian cities. It is argued that current approaches toward urban security employing military-trained peacekeepers actually represent a continuation of old paradigms, yet these recent militarised approaches are likely evolving into newer and potentially more accountable forms by constraining indiscriminate use of force and establishing a positive state presence in marginal urban areas. As such, the article connects long-established issues of dealing with urban violence in Latin America with ongoing debates in the United States and beyond about post-counterinsurgency approaches to increasingly urban conflict settings. It reflects on potential lessons to be learned from the Latin American perspective, while showing also how these have changed over the last decade. The article concludes that despite the potential utility of force in some urban conflict settings, this approach could entail a normative shift towards legitimising forceful containment of violence, and hinder democratic consolidation in Brazil.  相似文献   
The United States has conducted armed drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004. While there has been some recent work on Pakistani public opinion about drones, there is very little research on how Pakistan’s media characterize the US drone program. This is an important gap in understanding the determinants of Pakistani popular perceptions of this program. Decades of research has shown that “news framing”, a process by which certain aspects of a complex concept are emphasized in political communications with others played down, influences individual cognition while forming political opinions. In this essay, we address this lacuna by assembling an unprecedented sample of editorials about the drone program from three English newspapers and one Urdu newspaper and analyzing the news frames within them. We next compare the trends in these news frames to public opinion data collected by Pew between the spring of 2009 and 2014. Initially, most Pakistanis were unaware of the drone program, media coverage of the program expanded as drone strikes increased in frequency. While Pakistanis became more cognizant of the US drone strikes, even by 2014 large minorities remained unaware. Pakistani public opinion strongly reflected the top media frames, particularly those that are negative. This is an important finding suggesting that newspaper editorials are a good barometer of Pakistani opinions despite the fact that only information elites rely upon newspapers for political information.  相似文献   
城市的拥有者是公众,城市空间应是吸引大众活动的舞台。现代城市正在以复杂的和变化的方式进行着不断的演化,由于这种演化的不确定性、综合性,需要对其进行面对公众开放性规划与设计。公众参与在城市空间的塑造中,以及在地域文化的延续中起着重要的作用。通过强调城市形象的审美意识认同,宏观上对城市形象的系统把握,进而深入论述如何挖掘、构筑属于市民自己的风格城市。  相似文献   
关于扩大中等收入者比重的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中等收入者与中产阶级是两个不同的概念 ,这可以通过两者的内涵和外延、外部特征及其形成的社会背景、阶级分析方法和阶层分析方法的比较等几个方面加以区别 ;应该把收入水平作为中等收入者的唯一划分标准 ;扩大中等收入者比重的关键在于提高低收入者收入水平 ,调低高收入者收入 ;扩大中等收入者比重这个新观点丰富和发展了邓小平同志的“先富、后富”理论 ,体现了社会主义的优越性 ,是共同富裕的最新表现 ,改善了我国的社会阶层结构。  相似文献   
目前我国城乡差距突出表现为公共产品差距,公共产品有效供给不足已成为当前制约农民增收的瓶颈。无论从理论分析还是从国内外实践看,公共产品的有效供给与农民的增收呈现正相关关系。因此,提高公共产品的有效供给是促进农民增收的有效途径,针对公共产品供给实践中存在的影响农民增收的问题而采取相应的对策是当前促进农民增收的理性选择。  相似文献   
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