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高校舆情研究探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
及时了解和掌握学校各方面舆情动态、探索舆情的产生和变化规律,对于高校科学决策和处理舆情危机具有重要价值。本文阐述了新形势下高校舆情的含义、特点及舆情研究的内容,分析了高校舆情研究现状和存在的问题,提出了高校舆情研究的政策性建议,以便为高校制定发展战略,推动高校持续、健康、快速发展提供参考。  相似文献   
教学质量是高等学校的生命线,是影响人才培养质量的最直接因素。依据本院在教学质量监控方面的探索与实践,提出建立一套适合公安现役院校特点的教学质量监控体系,用来指导和评价教学工作,加强教学管理,不断提高教学质量。  相似文献   
公安现役部队是列入武警序列由公安部门管理的部队。对其执法能力的要求具有特殊性。公安现役院校担负着为公安现役部队培养人才的任务,教学过程中应对公安现役部队执法能力的涵义、执法能力的内容和因执法能力不足而产生的问题以及解决问题的途径作了探讨。提出创新法学教学模式是提高公安现役部队执法能力的有效方法。  相似文献   
如何加强财务监督工作,这不仅涉及到部队财务监督工作的未来走向,更是事关营造健康、规范的财经新秩序的关键因素。财务监督所面临的问题是一个涉及方方面面的综合体,因此,强化财务监督不能局限于财务部门的单方面工作,而应当站在加强监督职能、健全监督体系、拓展监督范围的整体高度,稳步推进监督管理的法制化、规范化和科学化进程。  相似文献   
Traditional inventory systems treat all demands of a given item equally. This approach is optimal if the penalty costs of all customers are the same, but it is not optimal if the penalty costs are different for different customer classes. Then, demands of customers with high penalty costs must be filled before demands of customers with low penalty costs. A commonly used inventory policy for dealing with demands with different penalty costs is the critical level inventory policy. Under this policy demands with low penalty costs are filled as long as inventory is above a certain critical level. If the inventory reaches the critical level, only demands with high penalty costs are filled and demands with low penalty costs are backordered. In this article, we consider a critical level policy for a periodic review inventory system with two demand classes. Because traditional approaches cannot be used to find the optimal parameters of the policy, we use a multidimensional Markov chain to model the inventory system. We use a sample path approach to prove several properties of this inventory system. Although the cost function is not convex, we can build on these properties to develop an optimization approach that finds the optimal solution. We also present some numerical results. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
在目前的网络舆情事件传播分析中,尽管生命周期模型能够较好地描述舆情事件的发展规律,但却忽略了部分时期之间存在的共性特征,无法充分体现意见领袖对网络舆情事件传播过程的影响.本文提出了一种基于知识图谱和二级传播理论的网络舆情事件传播分析方法,首先,构建网络舆情事件知识图谱;然后,基于知识图谱计算用户影响力挖掘意见领袖;最后...  相似文献   
西方治安管理主体多元化探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统观念认为,政府警察机构是维护社会治安秩序的主体。然而,西方国家的治安管理实践表明,私人保安、社会自治组织等社会治安组织也参与社会治安管理工作,与警察机构合作、互动,共同维护社会秩序。治安管理主体呈现多元化的原因主要有三个方面:一是西方政府机制本身内在固有的缺陷导致警察机构治安服务失灵现象为其提供现实依据;二是新公共管理、自组织网络治理等理论为其产生提供理论基础;三是治安需求的多元化为其提供了发展的动力。  相似文献   
This paper studies a periodic‐review pricing and inventory control problem for a retailer, which faces stochastic price‐sensitive demand, under quite general modeling assumptions. Any unsatisfied demand is lost, and any leftover inventory at the end of the finite selling horizon has a salvage value. The cost component for the retailer includes holding, shortage, and both variable and fixed ordering costs. The retailer's objective is to maximize its discounted expected profit over the selling horizon by dynamically deciding on the optimal pricing and replenishment policy for each period. We show that, under a mild assumption on the additive demand function, at the beginning of each period an (s,S) policy is optimal for replenishment, and the value of the optimal price depends on the inventory level after the replenishment decision has been done. Our numerical study also suggests that for a sufficiently long selling horizon, the optimal policy is almost stationary. Furthermore, the fixed ordering cost (K) plays a significant role in our modeling framework. Specifically, any increase in K results in lower s and higher S. On the other hand, the profit impact of dynamically changing the retail price, contrasted with a single fixed price throughout the selling horizon, also increases with K. We demonstrate that using the optimal policy values from a model with backordering of unmet demands as approximations in our model might result in significant profit penalty. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
Passenger prescreening is a critical component of aviation security systems. This paper introduces the Multilevel Allocation Problem (MAP), which models the screening of passengers and baggage in a multilevel aviation security system. A passenger is screened by one of several classes, each of which corresponds to a set of procedures using security screening devices, where passengers are differentiated by their perceived risk levels. Each class is defined in terms of its fixed cost (the overhead costs), its marginal cost (the additional cost to screen a passenger), and its security level. The objective of MAP is to assign each passenger to a class such that the total security is maximized subject to passenger assignments and budget constraints. This paper shows that MAP is NP‐hard and introduces a Greedy heuristic that obtains approximate solutions to MAP that use no more than two classes. Examples are constructed using data extracted from the Official Airline Guide. Analysis of the examples suggests that fewer security classes for passenger screening may be more effective and that using passenger risk information can lead to more effective security screening strategies. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
当前,在系统的维修性方面,有许多概念是模糊的;许多行为是盲目的,至少是经验主义的。本文针对这些情况,提出了完整的科学维修的概念。以一个有使用价值的预防性维修策略为例,通过讨论,使这种科学维修的概念具体化,并且给出了系统的首翻期、维修周期以及更换期的严格定义和确定方法。  相似文献   
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