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The load-carrying capacities and failure patterns of reinforced concrete components can be significantly changed by membrane effects. However, limited work has been carried out to investigate the blast resistance of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (HFR-LWC) members accompanying membrane action. This paper presents a theoretical approach to quantitatively depicting the membrane behavior and its contribution on the behavior of HFR-LWC beams under close-range blast loadings, and the suitability of the proposed model is validated by a series of field tests. An improved Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) model was employed to describe the dynamic responses of beam-like members under blast loadings accompanying membrane action, where the mass-load coefficient is determined according to the nonuniformly distributed load induced by close-range explosion, and the membrane action is characterized by an in-plane (longitudinal) force and a resisting moment. The elasto-plastic and recovery responses of HFR-LWC beams under the combined action of blast load and membrane force were analyzed by the promoted model. A specially built end-constrain clamp was developed to provide membrane action for the beam member when they are subjected to blast load simultaneously. It is demonstrated that the analytical displacement-time histories are in good agreement with experimental results before peak deflections and that the improved SDOF model is an acceptable tool for predicting the behavior of HFR-LWC beams under blast loadings accompanying membrane action.  相似文献   
应用于飞行器隐身等离子体的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据雷达波隐身对等离子体电子数密度的要求 ,分析计算说明了热平衡与非热平衡等离子体以及冷等离子体可应用于飞行器的隐身。通过对等离子体不同产生方法、临界电子数密度的分析以及气体击穿电场强度的计算 ,归结出了不同等离子体的特点 ,并进而说明用稳态电源以及微波源产生的等离子体适合应用于飞行器隐身  相似文献   
利用厚壁和薄壁圆筒应力分析理论对陶瓷内衬组合钢管的应力进行了分析,并给出当钢管直径一定的情况下,确定陶瓷最小壁厚的一种方法。  相似文献   
Motivated by some practical applications, we study a new integrated loading and transportation scheduling problem. Given a set of jobs, a single crane is available to load jobs, one by one, onto semitrailers with a given capacity. Loaded semitrailers are assigned to tractors for transportation tasks. Subject to limited resources (crane, semitrailers, and tractors), the problem is to determine (1) an assignment of jobs to semitrailers for loading tasks, (2) a sequence for the crane to load jobs onto semitrailers, (3) an assignment of loaded semitrailers to tractors for transportation tasks, and (4) a transportation schedule of assigned tractors such that the completion time of the last transportation task is minimized. We first formulate the problem as a mixed integer linear programming model (MILPM) and prove that the problem is strongly NP‐hard. Then, optimality properties are provided which are useful in establishing an improved MILPM and designing solution algorithms. We develop a constructive heuristic, two LP‐based heuristics, and a recovering beam search heuristic to solve this problem. An improved procedure for solutions by heuristics is also presented. Furthermore, two branch‐and‐bound (B&B) algorithms with two different lower bounds are developed to solve the problem to optimality. Finally, computational experiments using both real data and randomly generated data demonstrate that our heuristics are highly efficient and effective. In terms of computational time and the number of instances solved to optimality in a time limit, the B&B algorithms are better than solving the MILPM. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 416–433, 2015  相似文献   
利用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对钨合金长杆弹侵彻陶瓷复合装甲与均质钢进行了数值仿真。重点分析了长杆弹垂直侵彻复合装甲全过程,研究了钨合金长杆弹体入射速度与弹体剩余动能、损失动能之间的关系。同时,拟合了长杆弹在不同入射速度侵彻均质钢靶下弹体剩余动能与靶板厚度之间的关系。并根据终点效应关系式,建立了弹体在不同入射速度下陶瓷复合装甲的均质钢等效靶板。分析结果表明,陶瓷复合装甲等效均质钢靶板厚度随弹体入射速度呈先增加后稳定趋势。研究结果对毁伤效能试验与战斗部设计等具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
针对现代导航战对卫星导航接收机干扰对抗能力的要求,研究了BDS/GPS双模自适应抗干扰接收机的关键技术。在分析传统空时零陷技术的基础上,引入基于数字波束形成的自适应抗干扰技术,并使用惯性模块和历书进行卫星信号初始来波方向估计,显著增强了接收机的抗干扰能力。同时,提出了BDS/GPS双模多阵元天线耦合测量与校正技术,有效解决了双模天线设计难题。仿真测试表明:接收机使用数字波束形成技术后,总体抗干扰能力可达85dB,比单一使用空时零陷技术增加了8dB。  相似文献   
硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料填充薄壁钢管横向压缩吸能特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料填充薄壁钢管后的吸能特性,对单钢管、钢管嵌套系统及填充硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料后的钢管进行横向静力压缩试验,并对试验结果进行对比分析。结果表明:硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料填充管比空钢管的吸能效果有明显提高,其中双钢管嵌套系统填充硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料后吸能效果提高最明显,三钢管嵌套系统吸收外来的能量值最大。薄壁钢管填充硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料是一种性能优良的吸能装置,在防护工程中可作为隔爆抗侵彻材料。  相似文献   
针对防空兵基地训练需求,设计了使用低速平台搭载干扰系统伴随高速战机实施随队干扰的编队方式,仿真分析了不同主瓣宽度雷达、不同平台速度下的随队干扰过程。结果表明,对于所设计的编队方式,存在某一速度取值范围使得全程随队过程得以实现;当平台速度低于实现全程随队干扰的取值范围时,存在最佳的初始进入距离以实现最大局部随队干扰过程。  相似文献   
在14根方钢管混凝土构件试验的基础上,分析了初应力系数、荷载偏心率、混凝土强度、试件长细比等因素对承载力的影响,给出了钢管初应力对方钢管混凝土压弯构件承载力的影响系数,采用ANSYS有限元分析程序进行了非线性全过程分析.  相似文献   
针对常规相控阵雷达的馈线网络小型化问题以及由发射高增益定向波束引起雷达信号被截获概率较大的问题,提出了一种新的相控阵雷达系统。该系统的馈线网络中仅有一个带移相器的收发共用通道,在时序控制模块的控制下贯续接入各收发共用的阵元进行发射信号馈送或信号接收,同一时刻只有一个阵元与通道连接。基于此系统提出了类波束形成的概念与技术,通过各阵元依次发射时间分集的脉冲信号形成类发射波束;各阵元依次接收这些脉冲信号并进行相干脉冲积累以形成类接收波束;并通过控制移相器的相移量以及通道切换时间形成各阵元间发射或接收的相位差进而控制类波束的最大指向。仿真分析证明了该系统能以较小的硬件规模在不形成高增益定向波束的前提下具有与常规相控阵相当的性能。  相似文献   
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