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目前,以阿富汗为中心的"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透活动日益加剧,并呈现出组织化、专业化和国际化趋势,地处"金新月"边缘的我国新疆地区深受其害,毒品案件不断上升,恐怖势力以毒养恐的趋向愈发明显,对我国边境安全构成了极大的威胁。加强禁毒情报工作,打牢禁毒工作基础;提高管控能力,严防毒品渗透;加强堵源截流工作;加强国际禁毒合作;严厉打击毒品犯罪是解决"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透的有效途径。  相似文献   
We present, analyze, and compare three random search methods for solving stochastic optimization problems with uncountable feasible regions. Our adaptive search with resampling (ASR) approach is a framework for designing provably convergent algorithms that are adaptive and may consequently involve local search. The deterministic and stochastic shrinking ball (DSB and SSB) approaches are also convergent, but they are based on pure random search with the only difference being the estimator of the optimal solution [the DSB method was originally proposed and analyzed by Baumert and Smith]. The three methods use different techniques to reduce the effects of noise in the estimated objective function values. Our ASR method achieves this goal through resampling of already sampled points, whereas the DSB and SSB approaches address it by averaging observations in balls that shrink with time. We present conditions under which the three methods are convergent, both in probability and almost surely, and provide a limited computational study aimed at comparing the methods. Although further investigation is needed, our numerical results suggest that the ASR approach is promising, especially for difficult problems where the probability of identifying good solutions using pure random search is small. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
从建构文化的发展历程与内涵入手,透过建构的视角审视我军第一代营房,对其在材料与技术的选择、建构表现以及建造者与建筑的关系等方面进行了分析,发现第一代营房在建设经费短缺的条件下重视建筑材料、建筑结构、构造技术等建筑本体内容,展现出建筑的朴素真实之美,并在无形中蕴含了建构的精神。这不仅反映出我军一些优良的营房建设传统,也反衬出当下营房建设的一些不良倾向。希望借助建构这一有力工具,在完成对第一代营房重新审视的同时从中获得启示,对今日方兴未艾的我军现代营房建设提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
美军是世界新军事变革的积极倡导者和先行者,其以信息化为核心的全面军事转型计划启动早,成效明显,具有丰富的实践经验。借鉴美军的训练转型经验,对于准确理解和把握战斗力生成模式转变的特点规律,探索战斗力生成模式转变的方法途径,破除制约战斗力生成的瓶颈,加快推进战斗力生成模式转变,提升信息化条件下的作战能力,具有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
军事刑事司法专属管辖划分的根据在军事法学界存在着争议,在法律规范的规定中也是非常原则,缺乏可操作性。本文从军事法学界对军事刑事司法专属管辖根据的不同学术观点入手,依据我国现行法律规范的零散性规定,以军事司法权的内在属性为理论依托,论证了我国军事刑事司法专属管辖根据的原则与例外。  相似文献   
提高军校学员的综合素质,实施素质教育,其任务不仅是文化的传递和能力的培养,而要在传授知识、发展能力的基础上,着重培养学员的人文精神和科学素养.文章论述了图书馆在加强军校素质教育中的作用、功能以及具体措旌.  相似文献   
目前,军队院校科研评价与监督机制中存在着一些突出问题,在一定程度上影响和阻碍了军队院校科研工作的快速发展。分析存在问题的原因,从军队院校长远发展的战略高度充分认识创新军队院校科研评价与监督机制的必要性与紧迫性,探讨改革军队院校科研评价与监督机制的基本途径与思路,对于保证军队院校科研管理工作高效运转具有重要而深远的战略意义。  相似文献   
针对目前军事仿真系统开发中存在的军事仿真规则提取不完备的问题,在充分发挥ECA规则提取方法优势的基础上,提出了面向实体的军事仿真规则提取方法。该方法以实体状态变迁为中心,运用系统论方法,重点分析实体的环境、功能、行为、组元和结构状态,并将分析结果引入ECA规则。通过将该方法应用于装备抢修组实施抢修的规则提取中,验证了其对于提高规则的完备性与可信性具有较好的效果。  相似文献   
Characteristically, a small subset of operational problems admit risk neutrality when contingent claims methodology were used in their analysis. That is, for the majority of manufacturing and production problems, operating cash flows are not directly linked to prices of traded assets. However, to the extent that correlations can be estimated, the methodology's applicability to a broader set of operational problems is supported. Our article addresses this issue with the objective of extending the use of contingent claims techniques to a larger set of operational problems. In broad terms, this objective entails a partial equilibrium approach to the problem of valuing uncertain cash flows. To this end, we assume risk aversion and cast our approach within Merton's intertemporal capital asset pricing model. In this context, we formulate a “generic” production valuation model that is framed as an exercise in stochastic optimal control. The model is versatile in its characterization and can easily be adapted to accommodate a wide‐ranging set of risk‐based operational problems where the underlying sources of uncertainty are not traded. To obtain results, the model is recast as a stochastic dynamic program to be solved numerically. The article addresses a number of fundamental issues in the analysis risk based decision problems in operations. First, in the approach provided, decisions are analyzed under a properly defined risk structure. Second, the process of analysis leads to suitably adjusted probability distributions through which, appropriately discounted expectations are derived. Third, through consolidating existing concepts into a standard and adaptable framework, we extend the applicability of contingent claims methodology to a broader set of operational problems. The approach is advantageous as it obviates the need for exogenously specifying utility functions or discount rates.© 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
军用飞机的效能与费用是两个相互制约的因素,对两者进行科学合理的综合评估,对于军用飞机的发展和使用有着很重要的意义。在分析综合效能/费用的基本评估指标基础上,提出了在军用飞机全寿命周期综合效能/费用评估指标,重点对作战使用阶段的最佳效能/费用进行评估分析,最后给出结论。  相似文献   
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