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无线电引信超宽带电磁脉冲效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用超宽带(UWB)电磁脉冲发生器对不同姿态的某型无线电引信进行了超宽带电磁脉冲辐照实验研究。实验表明:电点火头本身在UWB辐照下是安全的,当超宽带电磁脉冲峰峰值场强达到106 kV/m时,在引信加电工作情况下可以使实验引信全部引爆;此外,引信-弹体自身等效天线长度增加会导致无线电引信超宽带电磁脉冲效应更加明显。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect of alliance membership on the defense burdens of major powers in the 19th and 20th centuries. We hypothesize that the reactions of states to alliance membership will be different in the pre‐nuclear and nuclear eras. Possession of nuclear weapons by allies makes the security provided by the alliance more akin to a collective good than is the case in the pre‐nuclear era. States join alliances for two reasons: security and autonomy. The effects of each of these concerns are identified. We include in our model such alliance‐level factors as the power equivalence of the allies and the number of states in the alliance. We also look at state‐level variables such as power position within the alliance. We conclude that the nuclear period generally operates as the free‐rider principle would posit, while models based on “complementarity of effort” are more applicable in the earlier period.  相似文献   
This paper models and simulates a government‐contractor principal‐agent weapon system repair model. Insights are derived as to how government repair contracts should be constructed so as to induce optimal contractor behavior. The paper's general conclusion is that the best contracting approach combines a lump‐sum payment that does not vary with the number of units repaired, expensive item cost‐sharing, and a contractor‐provided availability guarantee. Provided there is intercontractor competition, this type of contract performs well even if the government is poorly informed about weapon system break patterns or repair costs.  相似文献   
Vendor‐managed revenue‐sharing arrangements are common in the newspaper and other industries. Under such arrangements, the supplier decides on the level of inventory while the retailer effectively operates under consignment, sharing the sales revenue with his supplier. We consider the case where the supplier is unable to predict demand, and must base her decisions on the retailer‐supplied probabilistic forecast for demand. We show that the retailer's best choice of a distribution to report to his supplier will not be the true demand distribution, but instead will be a degenerate distribution that surprisingly induces the supplier to provide the system‐optimal inventory quantity. (To maintain credibility, the retailer's reports of daily sales must then be consistent with his supplied forecast.) This result is robust under nonlinear production costs and nonlinear revenue‐sharing. However, if the retailer does not know the supplier's production cost, the forecast “improves” and could even be truthful. That, however, causes the supplier's order quantity to be suboptimal for the overall system. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
投掷式通信干扰机是未来通信对抗装备发展的一种趋势,针对其压制无线战术通信的兵力部署优化问题,引入"通信干扰压制概率"和"通信干扰效益"两个指标,建立了基于双层规划的兵力部署优化模型,上层规划以整体通信干扰效益最大化为目标,下层为随机机会约束规划,以通信干扰压制概率满足一定置信水平为约束,以干扰机需求量最小化为目标。采用随机模拟、遗传算法和动态规划相结合的混合智能算法求解双层规划模型,并通过算例分析验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
考虑到战场环境下,低信噪比和敌方干扰容易造成超短波电台通信中断,而鉴于天线阵可以有效提高信噪比和抑制干扰,结合战场电台天线分布特点,提出一种多子阵电台天线应急接收模型。理论分析多子阵电台天线波束形成特性,以消除栅瓣、抑制干扰、提高增益为目标,采用蜂群算法对子阵间距进行优化。仿真结果表明,优化子阵间距可以有效消除栅瓣、抑制干扰、提高增益。同时,与遗传算法和粒子群算法相比,蜂群算法具有更好的全局搜索能力和收敛速度。该研究成果可为超短波电台应急通信提供参考。  相似文献   
为了解决实际装备在教学中缺乏的问题,可以采用虚拟仪器技术搭建近似真实的虚拟教学平台,在平台上开发各种与实际装备功能和界面一致的虚拟装备,以弥补实际装备的不足,利用虚拟仪器的思想,采用图形化编程语言LABVIEM,完成了某电台装备的整体设计和功能实现,着重介绍了其实现技术细节。  相似文献   
短波跳频电台组网在军事通信中占有重要地位,组网应用可以提高跳频电台的抗干扰性能.介绍了跳频通信的特点及抗干扰性能,分析了短波跳频通信技术的发展趋势.短波跳频电台组网可以提高通信的可通概率与战术应用的灵活性,为此着重研究了短波跳频电台组网的原理与方法以及组网的注意事项,为军事短波跳频电台的组网应用奠定基础.  相似文献   
指挥控制(C2,Commandand Control)关系网络连接数的增加会增强指控节点之间的信息共享,但也会增加节点信息处理和交换负荷,如果达到一定程度,则会造成节点本身的“信息过载”从而影响C2网络性能。对此,通过研究C2网络在两种不同处理方式下的共享感知信息平均提交时间,用网络节点响应时间的均方差表征一个C2网络的共享态势感知时间的一致性,最后对两种不同结构C2网络特征参数的计算,说明了网络连接增加会导致信息提交时间的延长,但一致性会增强。  相似文献   
认知无线电允许次级用户在频谱没有被主用户使用时动态地接入频谱进行数据传输。动态频谱接入是解决无线电频谱资源短缺和使用效率低下问题的有效方案,而频谱感知是实现动态频谱接入的关键挑战之一。次级用户的感知能力有限,为了快速找到频谱空闲概率最大的频段从而获得更多的频谱接入机会,研究了频谱感知次序问题。考虑到频谱空闲概率会随时间变化且对次级用户不可知,提出了一个在线学习框架,把频谱感知次序问题规约成经典多摇臂赌博机问题,并利用在线学习方法——满意折现汤普森抽样算法(satisficing discounted Thompson sampling)处理优化问题。仿真结果表明,和其他算法相比,所提算法可获得更多的频谱接入机会并且能够跟踪频谱空闲概率的变化。  相似文献   
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