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为了提高认知无线电传感器网络(CRSN)中的能量使用效率和性能指标,提出了一种新的基于认知无线电的无线传感网系统,该系统中的传感器节点均使用改进的机会频谱接入路由协议,提出的协议能够更好地增加网络的可扩展性和提高网络性能。构建了精确的信道模型以便评估复杂的室内环境不同区域的信号强度,通过实验模拟对提出系统的性能进行评估。模拟结果显示,相比其他两种路由协议,提出的协议在吞吐量、包延迟及总能量消耗方面表现更佳。  相似文献   
A firm making quantity decision under uncertainty loses profit if its private information is leaked to competitors. Outsourcing increases this risk as a third party supplier may leak information for its own benefit. The firm may choose to conceal information from the competitors by entering in a confidentiality agreement with the supplier. This, however, diminishes the firm's ability to dampen competition by signaling a higher quantity commitment. We examine this trade‐off in a stylized supply chain in which two firms, endowed with private demand information, order sequentially from a common supplier, and engage in differentiated quantity competition. In our model, the supplier can set different wholesale prices for firms, and the second‐mover firm could be better informed. Contrary to what is expected, information concealment is not always beneficial to the first mover. We characterize conditions under which the first mover firm will not prefer concealing information. We show that this depends on the relative informativeness of the second mover and is moderated by competition intensity. We examine the supplier's incentive in participating in information concealment, and develop a contract that enables it for wider set of parameter values. We extend our analysis to examine firms' incentive to improve information. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 62:1–15, 2015  相似文献   
以经典扩跳频抗干扰通信技术为切入点,综述了外军短波、超短波战术通信和数据链领域抗干扰装备和技术的发展现状,在此基础上,对通信抗干扰技术未来发展趋势进行了分析和预测。  相似文献   
阐述了无线电引信静态参数和靶场试验数据相关关系建模方法。利用某种引信的靶试产品数据,建立了灵敏度与炸高的数学模型,得出它们之间服从对数分布。据此提出库存无线电引信灵敏度检测方法。  相似文献   
针对连续波多卜勒无线电引信炸高散布大、抗干扰性差等问题,研究设计了一种单片机引信系统。采用相关比较法提取目标信息,采用相除对消原理消除影响炸高散布因素,采用数字滤波、设置虚警门限及近目标接电技术进行抗干扰。仿真试验证明该电路效果良好,并具有抗早炸、抗缓变信号和大脉冲突增信号干扰的能力。  相似文献   
为验证某型号无线电引信对空中目标的近炸性能,设计了两台高速摄像机脱靶量观测方案,在靶机上设置三维标尺,运用PCC软件进行后处理,可快速测量出脱靶量。同时用高速摄像机中的两点法测速得到的结果与多普勒雷达测速结果吻合较好。结果证明此种方法简单,测试精度高,可为类似试验提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
利用时域有限差分方法(FDTD),结合端接负载模型,计算某指挥控制系统置于方舱上壁的鞭状天线的超宽带(UWB)耦合效应。计算结果表明:该天线在超宽带环境中耦合的最大电流在35 A左右;当入射波的电场方向与天线方向一致时,天线上可以感应更大的电流;由于方舱上壁反射电磁场的作用,当仰角在120°左右时,天线上的感应电流峰值最大;超宽带脉冲平行于车长方向入射该系统能比垂直入射该系统,感应出更大的电流。  相似文献   
为提高无线电引信杆实验测试结果的准确性,针对从国外引进的老设备存在的突出问题,设计了基于光纤技术的无线电动态模拟测试系统,给出了测试原理、软硬件设计以及对系统的校准分析。  相似文献   
为了去除直达波干扰,从强的直达波干扰背景中有效提取SISAR侧影成像的目标全息信号,提出了对接收的含有目标全息信号和强直达波的混合信号直接进行包络检波,然后通过对检波后的输出进行时域的正交分解,恢复目标的全息信号的新方法.仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   
We investigate information flow in a setting in which 2 retailers order from a supplier and sell to a market with uncertain demand. Each retailer has access to a signal. The retailers can disclose signals to each other (horizontal information sharing), while the supplier can solicit signals by offering retailers differential payments as incentives for signal disclosure (vertical information acquisition). In the base setting, market competition is in quantity, and a retailer can fully infer the signal that the other retailer discloses to the supplier. We show that the supplier prefers to sequentialize the procedure for information acquisition. Moreover, vertical information acquisition by the supplier is a strategic complement to horizontal information sharing between the retailers to establish information flow. In the equilibrium, the retailers have no incentive to exchange signals, but system wide information transparency can be realized through a combination of information acquisition and inference. We further study the signaling effect, whereby the supplier utilizes wholesale pricing as an instrument to affect the retailers' inference of the shared signals, and price competition to explore their impacts on the supplier's preference for sequential acquisition and the sustainability of information flow.  相似文献   
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