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In 1968, President Nixon established the Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, or the Gates Commission, which served as the impetus and justification for an All-Volunteer Force (AVF). At the end of its deliberations, the commission recommended abolishing the draft and transforming the U.S. military into a force of volunteers beginning in 1973. Interestingly, the debate regarding the merits of both systems appeared to be largely economic – with cost–benefit analysis playing the primary role. Lately, we are beginning to see a new, politically-motivated impetus for returning to a “system of national service.” The ideas spurring this debate are many: the need to reaffirm the nation state, the commitment of citizens to the state, political ownership and oversight of the forces, the need for social equity in serving the nation, limiting the support for armed conflict by burden-sharing among citizens, and equitably spreading the personal cost of war.  相似文献   
对单节点并联供水系统直接用伯努利方程、管道阻力特性和节点连续性方程建立了求解工况参数的一个新的数学模型,讨论了其解,列举了实际应用。  相似文献   
为了研究某型导弹典型公路发射场坪沉降量和受力状态,利用混凝土塑性损伤模型建立某导弹无依托发射场坪有限元模型,在选取30种典型路面结构的基础上,分析了土基层弹性模量和面层与基层间黏结状况两个因素对路面动载响应的影响。结果表明:层间接触不良会导致路面弯沉、剪应力变大。同时得出该型导弹发射道路土基层弹性模量应大于20 MPa。研究结果对于评估导弹无依托发射生存能力和快速反应能力提供参考依据。  相似文献   
随着网络中可供选择QoS服务日益增多,在用户请求服务时,为了确保用户获得满足其功能与QoS要求的服务,提出了一种基于灰关联分析的QoS服务选择方法,根据用户对网络服务的QoS需求估计各项QoS指标的主观权重,以用户的偏好感知作为服务选择的约束条件;基于候选服务集合构建候选服务决策矩阵,采用灰关联分析方法从中获得用户QoS满意度最高的服务。仿真和分析表明,该服务选择策略能为服务质量敏感的用户提供有效的满足QoS需求的服务方案。  相似文献   
This paper considers optimal staffing in service centers. We construct models for profit and cost centers using dynamic rate queues. To allow for practical optimal controls, we approximate the queueing process using a Gaussian random variable with equal mean and variance. We then appeal to the Pontryagin's maximum principle to derive a closed form square root staffing (SRS) rule for optimal staffing. Unlike most traditional SRS formulas, the main parameter in our formula is not the probability of delay but rather a cost‐to‐benefit ratio that depends on the shadow price. We show that the delay experienced by customers can be interpreted in terms of this ratio. Throughout the article, we provide theoretical support of our analysis and conduct extensive numerical experiments to reinforce our findings. To this end, various scenarios are considered to evaluate the change in the staffing levels as the cost‐to‐benefit ratio changes. We also assess the change in the service grade and the effects of a service‐level agreement constraint. Our analysis indicates that the variation in the ratio of customer abandonment over service rate particularly influences staffing levels and can lead to drastically different policies between profit and cost service centers. Our main contribution is the introduction of new analysis and managerial insights into the nonstationary optimal staffing of service centers, especially when the objective is to maximize profitability. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 615–630, 2017  相似文献   
张剑芳  苏辰 《国防科技》2017,38(2):046-049
物流单证是物流系统之间数据交换的载体,是实现物流业务流程无缝衔接的条件。文章介绍了物流单证结构,研究了军事物流单证的信息交换过程,建立了军事物流单证的信息交换架构,探讨了军事物流单证信息查询和业务状态信息跟踪服务。  相似文献   
针对近距空战中多架战机对空中的多个敌对目标进行协同攻击的机动决策问题进行了研究。将群决策理论引入多机协同空战机动决策,首先确定了决策成员与候选方案,然后基于战场态势评估提出了采用风险决策准则的偏好排序确定方法,给出了集结偏好的序数型群决策方法。在不同空战想定条件下进行仿真,结果表明,该方法合理、可行,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
A univariate meta analysis is often used to summarize various study results on the same research hypothesis concerning an effect of interest. When several marketing studies produce sets of more than one effect, multivariate meta analysis can be conducted. Problems one might have with such a multivariate meta analysis are: (1) Several effects estimated in one model could be correlated to each other but their correlation is seldom published and (2) an estimated effect in one model could be correlated to the corresponding effect in the other model due to similar model specification or the data set partly shared, but their correlation is not known. Situations like (2) happen often in military recruiting studies. We employ a Monte‐Carlo simulation to evaluate how neglecting such potential correlation affects the result of a multivariate meta analysis in terms of Type I, Type II errors, and MSE. Simulation results indicate that such effect is not significant. What matters is rather the size of the variance component due to random error in multivariate effects. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 500–510, 2000.  相似文献   
事物的本质是该事物得以存在和发展的根据。思想政治教育的本质问题是思想政治教育学的"元问题",自该学科成立以来,这一问题并未得到完满解决,影响到了其理论发展和实践效用;要给出符合其学科特征的界定,就不能脱离本质的原义与思想政治教育的学科特殊性。结合它的起源发展、内容及其特殊矛盾,应在阶级性这一本质属性的规限下做到工具性与合目的性的统一。  相似文献   
教学质量是高等学校的生命线,是影响人才培养质量的最直接因素。依据本院在教学质量监控方面的探索与实践,提出建立一套适合公安现役院校特点的教学质量监控体系,用来指导和评价教学工作,加强教学管理,不断提高教学质量。  相似文献   
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