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以色列是世界上第一个遭受国际恐怖主义威胁的国家。但通过明确分工和行之有效的反恐措施,以色列已经能够对付不断升级的恐怖主义威胁。自“9·11”事件以来,全球许多国家都开始向以色列求教国土安全方面的知识和专业技术。  相似文献   
针对防空导弹与目标的空间对抗,建立了防空导弹微分对策空间对抗模型,并推算得到了最优策略,运用自适应神经网络评判方法对模型进行求解,通过给定条件下的仿真证明了该算法的有效性,显示了该模型可应用于防空导弹与目标的空间对抗问题。  相似文献   
“重述神话”的写作策略及其实践立足于民族神话的精神源泉,把神话的寓意和象征以及民族心理的把握有机结合起来,采用暗示和寓言的策略,从本土文化中演绎文学的构想并注入诗意的因素,力图凸显传统与现代接壤的特质。  相似文献   
调查外语受蚀时间对语言学习策略使用频率的影响。调查发现,学习者学习策略的使用频率,特别是记忆策略、认知策略和补偿策略的使用频率,随着受蚀时间的增加逐渐降低。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期中国共产党的文化选择具有三重功效:对广大民众、尤其是农民的现代启蒙;在民族危难关头的一场民族救亡总动员;指明了中国未来文化的重建方向。  相似文献   
随着海洋经济的迅速发展,海上人、财、物的流动急剧增加,海上治安形势日趋复杂。海上抢劫、盗窃、偷渡及贩枪贩毒等犯罪活动呈多发态势,这严重破坏了海上的生产作业秩序,危害了海上治安秩序的稳定。研究海上犯罪案件的特,点,有助于公安边防部门采取有针对性的侦查方略,有力地打击海上犯罪,以创造安全、有序的海上治安环境。  相似文献   
通过对学院学科建设现状与问题的分析,探讨了学院学科建设与发展的策略,提出了学院学科设置与调整的发展性、需求性、层次性、整合性及开放性等原则,讨论了学科发展与建设中应注意解决好的几个突出问题,研究了如何突出学科特色、提高学科建设水平的途径和方法.  相似文献   
由于军品的特殊性,其后评价标准与其他民品项目有所不同,根据军品技改项目的特点结合一般项目后评价内容,确定了军品技改项目后评价指标体系,共分为项目目标评价、项目实施管理评价、项目生产运营评价、项目生产力评价、项目经营效益评价、项目影响评价和项目持续性评价等7部分25个指标小项,并采用层次灰色法建立了军品技改项目后评价模型,为客观科学地进行军品技改项目的后评价提供了依据.  相似文献   
The revival of nuclear strategy in US policy and scholarship has been strengthened by arguments that the ‘nuclear revolution’ – the assumption that thermonuclear bombs and missiles had made major war too dangerous to wage – does not affect international behaviour as much as nuclear revolution advocates claim. This article shows that the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev indeed regarded nuclear war as too dangerous to wage, a decision which manifested itself not so much in foreign policy or military doctrine but in his determination to avoid war when the possibility arose. We argue that Khrushchev’s experience provides us with a more useful way to characterise the nuclear revolution and suggest some implications of this argument for contemporary debates about nuclear weaponry.  相似文献   
This article examines contemporary modes of American warfare. It posits the concept of “vicarious warfare” as a means of capturing prominent patterns in warfighting approaches. Although rooted in long-standing traditions of military practice, vicarious warfare is sufficiently novel as to be identifiable as a distinct phenomenon. The precise manifestation or combination of vicarious methods vary according to the specific circumstances and political contexts prevailing in different theaters. However, America’s general preference is to fight its wars by delegating tasks to proxies and limiting exposure of its own military to danger. Where U.S. forces are employed directly, this takes place largely in the shadows. Such approaches have clear attractions, offer undoubted tactical advantages, and permit successive administrations to maintain a persistent tempo of operations that evades rigorous democratic scrutiny. Yet, prominent cases and numerous studies suggest that vicarious warfare has a high potential to generate counterproductive effects and significant strategic harm.  相似文献   
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