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The Arab Spring, a pro-democracy uprising that has been sweeping through North Africa and the entire Arab world since 2010, has been described as a cataclysmic revolutionary wave that has left the overthrow of political regimes in its wake. Studies have comprehensively x-rayed the political and socio-economic circumstances that gave rise to the uprising. Apart from the impact of the uprising on political developments and democratic governance in the Arab world in particular and the world in general, the circumstances that resulted in the revolutions constitute empirical security implications for Nigeria. This is the focus of this article. Using the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) and other selected indicators, this article draws a comparative analysis of the key factors that led to the uprisings in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, pointing out areas of social and security tensions in Nigeria. Based on these findings, it points out the urgency of and imperative for security sector reforms in Nigeria.  相似文献   
Security Intergovernmental Organizations, here illustrated by NATO, persist in a “permitted interval” of internationalization, i.e. permitted by its member-states. On the one hand, they are seldom or never permitted to vanish due to member-states' vested interests in retaining them as tools of statecraft, even if their original purposes have become redundant. On the other hand, there is an internationalization ceiling that they must respect: they should not become too autonomous and thereby no longer be suitable as member-state tools. In spite of post-Cold War reform, interviews carried out at NATO Headquarters (HQ) in the late 1980s compared to interviews in 2012 display that a continuous pulling and hauling of forces of internationalization and renationalization have taken place around NATO HQ. The only instance of clear internationalization can be observed in the proactive diplomacy of Secretary General Fogh Rasmussen. There is stiff opposition to the internationalization of abolishing the Military Committee/International Military Staff among minor and South European states, and there is no waning in states' attempts to micro-manage the International Staff. Only external shocks can overcome resistance to internationalizing reform.  相似文献   
随着我国经济飞速发展和社会深刻变革,消防工作面临的形势发生新的变化,公安机关消防机构转变职能迫在眉睫。综合阐述新形势下改革建设工程消防监督管理工作的期待和现实需求,探讨稳步推进建设工程消防监督管理改革的对策,对加强和创新社会消防安全管理,服务经济和社会发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
依托消防通信指挥车进行《消防通信A》课程改革,以技能和通信指挥训练为主线,强化和培养学员综合运用理论知识的能力.在介绍《消防通信A》课程性质、作战指挥中心通信枢纽在大型灭火救援现场的地位作用与功能的基础上,提出了课程改革的思路、主要内容,并设计了考核评定方案。  相似文献   
2013年最新改革后的大学英语四、六级考试,在考试内容、分值比例和难度系数等方面都作了诸多调整,呈现出新的特点。结合此次改革特点和对某军校150名学员展开的问卷调查,提出三大对策:利用考试“反拔效应”,引发学员对于输出性技能的重视;充分重视翻译策略讲解,加强中国文化渗透;努力培养学员自主学习意识养成,提高学员自我听力训练量。  相似文献   
“胆子要大与步子要稳”,是习总书记论述全面深化改革要处理好的五对重要关系的其中一个。胆子要大,步子要稳,是过去改革开放实践的成功经验,是当前全面深化改革的科学指南,也是深化国防和军队改革的原则要求。推进全面深化改革,必须把握好“胆子要大与步子要稳”的辩证关系。  相似文献   
从关于国防和军队重大改革的重要论述入手,系统地阐述了武警部队重大改革必须向“能打胜仗”的战斗力聚焦。主要从三个层面进行分析:一是向提高部队整体素质及优化规模结构聚焦;二是向提高部队武器装备保障效能聚焦;三是向增强部队以执勤处突为中心的军事能力聚焦。  相似文献   
本文从心理学、教育学交叉融合的视角,对选择性注意中线索效应和生态教学改革方面进行了综合探讨,旨在通过课堂活动、教学对象、教学方法方面阐述生态教学的理念,使线索效应在教学活动中充分体现其优势效应。介于此,本文以期在提高生态教学质量和教学效果的基础上,更好地发挥教师的主导作用,创建良好学习情境,积极开发学生的潜能,加强学生综合素质的培养,优化组合教学方法,达到和谐、健康的教学,使学科交叉相容的优势体现出良好的教学效果,为教育教学的改革提出新的参考性建议。  相似文献   
基于"多元评价"的教育评价理论,在"中学化学微格教学"课程中先后进行了尝试性改革:增加"自我评价"、"组员评价"环节,适当调整"自评"、"组评"和"师评"的权重,编制并逐年完善了《微格教学评价表》,实现了评价主体多元化、定性评价与定量评价相结合、过程性评价与结果性评价相结合。  相似文献   
This article analyses the disunity among African states in terms of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) reform, and attributes it to the contest between South Africa and Nigeria. These two countries have been locked in a hegemonic contest for continental domination. To this end, the article notes that African unity, not in terms of protocol but on the basis of principles and cooperation, is sacrosanct in order for the African Union to make a significant contribution to the reform of the UNSC. It is asserted that the contest between South Africa and Nigeria has been symbolised by the continental leadership aspirations of the heads of state of both countries, and recommends that it be tamed through forging diplomatic and strategic partnerships between the ruling parties of these two countries. The influence of external actors on the African countries, particularly that of France, is underscored as a contributing factor in stalling the debate on the UNSC reform. It recommends that South Africa use its strategic partnership within the association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), particularly Russia and China as permanent members of the UNSC, to influence the realisation of the reform debate.  相似文献   
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