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介绍了重庆商务职业学院新校区的校园规划策略。基于生态保护进行校园规划,通过建筑布局与地形环境的协调共生形成山水校园,结合历史人文营造个性化校园空间。同时,从生态保护、规划分区、建筑布局、景观空间等方面探讨文化内涵与个性校园的规划设计策略,得出自然山水形成了丰富的地域景观,并由此创造出具有个性的地区文化的结论。旨在为山地校园建设起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   
A new guidance law, called biased retro proportional navigation (BRPN), is proposed. The guidance law is designed to intercept high-speed targets with angular constraint, which can be used for ballistic target interception. BRPN guidance law is defined, and the exact time-varying bias for a required impact angle is derived. Furthermore, the simulation results (trajectory, variation of navigation ratio, capture region, etc) are compared with those of biased proportional navigation (BPN), proportional navigation and retro-proportional navigation. The results show that, at the cost of a higher intercept time, BRPN demands lower terminal lateral acceleration and has larger capture region compared to BPN.  相似文献   
安全性是卫星通信网络充分发挥其优势的必要保证。将物理层安全传输技术引入多波束卫星通信网络,可望有效提高卫星通信系统的抗截获和抗侦测能力。分析了卫星通信的物理层安全应用需求,设计了一套波束成形和功率控制相结合的多波束卫星下行链路物理层安全传输策略,建立了信道模型和信号模型,构建了一套多波束卫星网络下行链路的物理层安全性能评价指标,并对指标进行了定性和定量的分析。  相似文献   
There is some consensus in the literature that economic sanctions targeting authoritarian regimes are less effective than those against democratic regimes. This line of research, however, assumes that autocratic regimes are monolithic and that they have similar capacities to resist foreign pressure. This study argues that the success rate of sanctions against dictatorships is contingent on institutional differences across different types of autocracies. I develop a theoretical model indicating that single-party and military regimes are less likely to concede to foreign pressure compared to democracies. This is because they effectively use various repressive tactics and positive inducements to endure the costs of the coercion. Sanctions against personalist regimes, on the other hand, are likely to be as effective as sanctions directed at democracies. Personalist regimes might be inclined to acquiesce to foreign pressure due to their lack of strong institutional capacity to weather the costs of the sanctions. Results from the selection-corrected models show that sanctions against military or single-party regimes are less likely to induce concessions relative to democratic target regimes. The findings also indicate that there is no significant difference in the success rate of sanctions against personalist regimes and democratic governments.  相似文献   
本文研究和探讨了民族地区女性受教育的现状及对策,以期促进民族地区人口素质的提高,和谐新疆的构建和全面小康社会的实现。  相似文献   
在中国经济史课程中,屯垦经济史一直是作为农业经济的一个组成部分而占有较小的份量。作为有着屯垦戍边传统地区的高校,尤其需要在中国屯垦经济史教学和研究领域加大力度,特别是建立独立的中国屯垦经济史课程进行教学,这不仅可以使学生了解在两千年来的西北边疆屯垦和戍边史上屯垦经济所发挥的重要作用,而且可以进一步加深其对在国家战略西向中兵团经济发展所具有的重要意义的理解,并且,在课程建设和完善的基础上,逐步突出该课程的地域特色和学习价值,并进一步将其建设成国家的精品课程。  相似文献   
由于土壤源、湖水源热泵的应用受到地理条件、初投资等因素的制约,某些地区更适宜采用土壤源-湖水源的混合式热泵系统。以某工程应用为例,分别从性能系数、初投资及运行费用3个方面分析证明了采用混合式热泵系统的可行性。结果表明,混合式热泵系统的初投资虽然较大,但通过节约运行费用,在较短年限内可收回增加的成本,并且可以减少废水废气的排放。因此,在合适的地区可以推广使用土壤源-湖水源的混合式热泵系统。  相似文献   
做好玉树灾区重建过程中消防工作的意义重大,对重建中面临的消防问题进行分析,提出为保证灾区重建消防安全应注意以下问题:构建灾区防火监督网络、改善消防安全环境、确保消防专业规划的编制和实施、加强消防监督管理、做好灭火救援和抢险救灾准备、强化便民服务措施等。  相似文献   
乌昌经济一体化是新疆维吾尔自治区党委基于现实情况做出的区域经济发展的战略,该战略以其前所未有的发展促进了民族地区经济的发展。该文在极化理论的指导下分析了乌昌地区的扩散作用和回流作用,并对这些作用进行总结性分析。  相似文献   
解放初期中央和地方政府均无力投资新疆工业,解放军在缺衣少食的情况下发展了大批现代工业,其经济基础是自给立足、军费节约、个人积蓄和无偿劳动.  相似文献   
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