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如何设计试验方案使试验评估结果更准确、试验代价更小,是序降应力加速寿命试验应用中面临的一个重要问题。以试验评估精度和试验代价共同需求为背景,建立一类新的基于加权系数的优化目标函数。为解决仿真优化设计过程中的计算量问题,在深入分析目标函数性质基础上,提出一种新的优化设计法——正交搜索法。与优化设计过程的全局搜索法不同,该方法能够逐次缩小目标函数值,快速逼近最优试验方案。最后通过仿真算例验证了新方法的正确性和高效性。  相似文献   
鉴于空战中威胁目标的多属性及动态变化特点,提出采用时序多属性评价方法来解决空战目标动态威胁排序问题。在建立空战威胁指标体系基础上,采用熵权法确定目标属性权重,并通过指数分布法确定各时刻权重,最后综合依据威胁目标多时刻的属性信息,实现了空战动态威胁排序。仿真结果说明该方法的合理性。  相似文献   
未来信息化条件下的海上战斗,信息对抗的地位越来越重要。为科学评估海上联合机动编队信息对抗能力,采取定性与定量分析相结合的方法,对编队信息对抗能力的构成及影响因素进行了分析,建立了评估指标体系,并利用指数法建立了各种能力以及综合对抗能力的评估模型。结合具体的算例给出了评估结果,并就单个评估指标对评估结果的影响进行了灵敏度分析。对海上联合机动编队信息对抗能力分析和评估,对于科学组合和正确运用信息对抗兵力,具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
针对典型飞机掩蔽库目标,研究空地导弹对两种不同停放方式飞机的毁伤效能评估方法。首先定义了飞机的毁伤等级,其次构建了聚能侵彻战斗部对飞机掩蔽库的毁伤模型。最后通过蒙特卡罗仿真方法研究空地导弹对掩体内停放飞机的毁伤效果,并且计算了导弹的杀伤概率。仿真结果表明所建模型和采用的评估方法具有较强实用性和可操作性。  相似文献   
The question of nuclear stability in South Asia is a subject of both academic and policy significance. It is the only region in the world that has three, contiguous nuclear-armed states: India, the People's Republic of China, and Pakistan. It is also freighted with unresolved border disputes. To compound matters, all three states are now modernizing their nuclear forces and have expressed scant interest in any form of regional arms control. These issues and developments constitute the basis of this special section, which explores the problems and prospects of nuclear crisis stability in the region.  相似文献   
British attitudes towards military intervention following the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan have undergone what appears to be considerable change. Parliament has voted against the use of Britain's armed forces in Syria and the public are unenthused by overseas engagement. Conscious of the costs and the challenges posed by the use of British military power the government has been busy revamping the way it approaches crises overseas. The result is a set of policies that apparently heralds a new direction in foreign policy. This new direction is encapsulated in the Building Stability Overseas Strategy (BSOS) and the more recent International Defence Engagement Strategy (IDES). Both BSOS and IDES set out the basis for avoiding major deployments to overseas conflict and instead refocuses effort on defence diplomacy, working with and through overseas governments and partners, early warning, pre-conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction. Developing a number of themes that reach from across the Cold War to more contemporary discussions of British strategy, the goal of this special edition is to take into account a number of perspectives that place BSOS and IDES in their historical and strategic context. These papers suggest that using defence diplomacy is and will remain an extremely imprecise lever that needs to be carefully managed if it is to remain a democratically accountable tool of foreign policy.  相似文献   
文章以549份新疆高校大学生创业意识调查问卷数据为依据,运用有序Probit模型,探究影响边疆大学创业意识形成的关键因素。结果表明:个人特质是大学生自主创业意识形成的关键,家庭教养、学校教育和社会环境通过影响大学生个体特质,对大学生自主创业意识也有显著影响。性别差异、创业自我效能感、家庭所在地、家庭是否经商、家庭是否支持创业、学校是否要求大学生书写创业计划书、学校对大学生创业培训经费支持、大学生的就业形势以及社会对自主创业优惠政策对边疆大学生创业意识形成的影响系数较大,是大学生自主创业意识培养过程中应该重点关注的因素。  相似文献   
结合现代战争的特点,探讨了多媒体在未来战场上的军事需求、军事应用及相关技术和军事影响,并认为多媒体技术将在未来的数字战场发挥自己举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   
Consider a situation where a single shooter engages, sequentially, a cluster of targets that may vary in terms of vulnerability and value or worth. Following the shooting of a round of fire at a certain target, the latter may either be killed or remain alive. We assume neither partial nor cumulative damage. If the target is killed, there is a possibility that the shooter is not aware of that fact and may keep on engaging that target. If the shooter recognizes a killed target as such, then this target is considered to be evidently killed. If the objective is to maximize the weighted expected number of killed targets, where the weight reflects the value of a target, then it is shown that a certain type of a shooting strategy, called a Greedy Strategy, is optimal under the general assumption that the more a target is engaged, but still not evidently killed, the less is the probability that the next round will be effective. If all weights are equal, then the greedy shooting strategy calls to engage, at each round, the least previously engaged target that is not evidently killed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 613–622, 1997  相似文献   
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