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We address the problem of optimal decision‐making in conflicts based on Lanchester square law attrition model where a defending force needs to be partitioned optimally, and allocated to two different attacking forces of differing strengths and capabilities. We consider a resource allocation scheme called the Time Zero Allocation with Redistribution (TZAR) strategy, where allocation is followed by redistribution of defending forces, on the occurrence of certain decisive events. Unlike previous work on Lanchester attrition model based tactical decision‐making, which propose time sequential tactics through an optimal control approach, the present article focuses on obtaining simpler resource allocation tactics based on a static optimization framework, and demonstrates that the results obtained are similar to those obtained by the more complex dynamic optimal control solution. Complete solution for this strategy is obtained for optimal partitioning of resources of the defending forces. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
在中学开设研究性学习课程,是基础教育课程改革的具体目标之一。针对现有课程体系的弊端,重知识传授而轻过程和技能训练,重学科知识体系而不关心社会实践活动。重间接经验的传授而忽视学生的直接体验积累。为培养学生乐于探究勤于动手的学习精神,分析和解决的能力,本人在几年的教学实践中,不断探究,积累了一些经验。本文就此问题谈谈高中数学研究性学习的实践与体会。  相似文献   
GM(1,1)模型与指数回归模型的比较与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
GM(1,1)模型与指数回归模型都是对具有指数或近似指数规律的系列数据建立的数学模型。通过对两种模型进行比较与研究,发现一方面,利用数据列的灰指数特性建立指数回归模型,可以简单地实现数据列的预测过程;另一方面,利用指数回归模型可以对灰色理论的GM(1,1)模型进行控制和优化。  相似文献   
从亚麻纺织生产爆炸火灾的危害入手,通过对亚麻粉尘特性的研究,分析制定预防爆炸和减少火灾损失的对策.  相似文献   
建构主义教学论与教学模式改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建构主义学习观强调学习的建构性、社会性和情境性 ,对促进教学方法的变革将有重要意义。文章运用建构教学观辨证分析了传统教学模式 ,综合现代以知识为中心、以学生为中心和行为主义理论等现代教育思想 ,分析了传授———建构教学法、合作、探究学习方法。  相似文献   
针对军对院校科研单位财务管理的特点,分析了日常工作中存在的问题,并从加强制度管理和加强财务分析方面,探讨了提高财务保障能力的措施。  相似文献   
科学发展观提出,要全面协调可持续发展。教学、科研作为高校的两大基本职能,如何正确处理二者之间的关系,关系到学校的办学定位和办学质量。本文总结了目前高校教学与科研关系的状况,分析了二者之间产生矛盾的原因,提出了促进教学科研协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
结合防化科研工作实际,从四个方面谈了如何在防化科研中贯彻落实科学发展观、提高自主创新能力,推动防化科研又好又快发展的初步想法。  相似文献   
We consider a discrete time‐and‐space route‐optimization problem across a finite time horizon in which multiple searchers seek to detect one or more probabilistically moving targets. This article formulates a novel convex mixed‐integer nonlinear program for this problem that generalizes earlier models to situations with multiple targets, searcher deconfliction, and target‐ and location‐dependent search effectiveness. We present two solution approaches, one based on the cutting‐plane method and the other on linearization. These approaches result in the first practical exact algorithms for solving this important problem, which arises broadly in military, rescue, law enforcement, and border patrol operations. The cutting‐plane approach solves many realistically sized problem instances in a few minutes, while existing branch‐and‐bound algorithms fail. A specialized cut improves solution time by 50[percnt] in difficult problem instances. The approach based on linearization, which is applicable in important special cases, may further reduce solution time with one or two orders of magnitude. The solution time for the cutting‐plane approach tends to remain constant as the number of searchers grows. In part, then, we overcome the difficulty that earlier solution methods have with many searchers. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
依据水下平台获取目标信息的特点和线导鱼雷的导引机制,阐述了线导鱼雷导引控制有关术语的概念、解决的问题及相互关系,指出改善线导鱼雷导引使用性能的根本环节在于对导引方案的优化。通过对“自动导引”方案存在问题的分析,提出优化线导鱼雷导引方案,必须突破依靠单一探测器和“全程跟踪”观念的束缚,充分利用来自各种渠道的目标信息和鱼雷的速度资源,发挥作战使用者的主导地位,才能提高其适应复杂作战环境的能力,进而发挥出武器装备应有的作战效能。  相似文献   
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