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装备健康状态评估作为健康管理的重要组成部分,是实施状态维修的关键环节。针对装备健康状态信息的随机性和模糊性。对状态指标体系进行了定性和定量的组合。将装备健康状态划分为5个等级,建立了基于云重心评估法的装备健康状态评估模型,采用加权偏离度来衡量装备的健康状态,构成了定性和定量评价间的相互映射。通过应用,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death and disability both in the United States and worldwide. Despite high morbidity, mortality, and cost in the United States and global healthcare systems, cardiovascular care has been understudied in the healthcare operations management literature. In this paper, we identify research opportunities for healthcare operations management scholars to aid in improving cardiovascular care. We focus on three burdensome conditions, including (1) coronary artery disease, (2) stroke, and (3) heart failure, which, collectively, lead to the vast majority of CVD‐caused mortality and disability. For each condition, we characterize a typical patient's journey in receiving cardiovascular care, elucidating key challenges in improving care and outlining research questions for healthcare operations management scholars. We close with a reference to new research opportunities that emerge as artificial intelligence is likely to transform much of cardiovascular care.  相似文献   
加强旅游管理专业实践教学的基本思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加强学生实践能力培养是高等教育培养模式中一个重要环节,按照新的教育教学思想要求,必须有效地培养旅游管理专业学生的实践能力。本文通过对高校旅游管理专业实施实践教学的现状进行分析,针对存在的问题,提出加强实践教学的合理化建议。目的是通过对学生提供多种实践活动机会,培养学生的实践技能,理论联系实际,提高他们在旅游企业中解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   
基于网格的资源目录管理的设计与管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源目录管理是网格系统软件的重要组成部分。通过实例研究基于网格的资源目录管理的设计与实现。资源目标管理的设计基于LDAP协议 ,直接采纳了LDAP的标准数据表示和数据存储方法 ,并结合网格系统的自身特点设计网格中的信息表示方法和数据模型。资源目录管理的实现采用目录管理软件Openldap1 2 7和后台数据gdbm1 8 0 ,对其中的关键技术和主要步骤都做了重点研究并举例说明  相似文献   
针对物资保障的信息化建设和物资保障网络管理信息系统的开发,论述了系统应具备的特点,提出了系统建设的总体方案.对信息系统功能进行了总体规划和划分对信息系统建设的关键技术进行了讨论.最后,结合信息系统开发方法学对系统开发的具体方法进行了讨论.  相似文献   
关于装备使用阶段质量问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在装备使用阶段部队活动的目的是为了充分发挥、保持、恢复和改善装备的综合保障性能,减少保障人力和费用、缩短保障时间,以满足作战和任务的要求.这些性能、费用和时间的要求正是装备质量的特性.质量要求在论证阶段提出,质量特性在设计和生产制造过程中形成,在使用过程中得到表现.装备质量的表现是使用方对装备质量的最终要求.可以考虑采用全面质量管理的方法,结合部队管理特点,进行使用质量管理.  相似文献   
知识经济是以知识为基础的经济,是建立在知识的生产、分配和使用之上的经济.在知识经济时代,如果离开了知识管理就不可能具有竞争力.基于这一思想,通过对军队管理现状的透析,结合国内外知识管理发展的现状与趋势,探讨出一条将知识管理适用于现代军队管理的途径.  相似文献   

The uncritical layering of western liberal defence governance norms and concepts on top of existing legacy concepts has impeded achieving coherent military capabilities and capacities when Serbia’s political and military leadership tried to reform the defence system using Western benchmarking principles and Western countries’ best practices. The process of this change has been more valuable than its actual output, as defined by increased capabilities. Such outcomes should be reflective of policy guidance, and can be thought of as closing the trinity loop of a defence planning system: plans, money and execution. This article addresses two key functional areas of the Serbian defence institution. First, it assesses the current state of defence planning to discern its strengths and weaknesses to ascertain if plans are tied to financial decision-making. Second, a full examination of current Serbian defence management is conducted to discern whether weaknesses exist that distract from producing operational capabilities. Both areas are analyzed thoroughly and some solutions for change are proposed. Also, the article analyzes the appearance of two negative phenomena in the planning process – economization and managerialism.  相似文献   
Risk-Adjusted-Return-On-Capital (RAROC) is a loan-pricing criterion under which a bank sets the loan term such that a certain rate of return is achieved on the regulatory capital required by the Basel regulation. Some banks calculate the amount of regulatory capital for each loan under the standardized approach (“standardized banks,” the regulatory capital is proportional to the loan amount), and others under the internal rating-based (IRB) approach (“IRB banks,” the regulatory capital is related to the Value-at-Risk of the loan). This article examines the impact of the RAROC criterion on the bank's loan-pricing decision and the retailer's inventory decision. We find that among the loan terms that satisfy the bank's RAROC criterion, the one that benefits the retailer the most requires the bank to specify an inventory advance rate in addition to the interest rate. Under this loan term, the retailer's inventory level is more sensitive to his asset level when facing an IRB bank compared to a standardized bank. An IRB (standardized) loan leads to higher profit and inventory level for retailers with high (low) asset. For retailers with medium asset, an IRB loan results in a higher retailer profit but a lower consumer welfare. Calibrated numerical study reveals that the benefit of choosing standardized banks (relative to IRB banks) can be as high as 30% for industries with severe capital constraints, volatile demands, and low profit margins, highlighting the importance for retailers to carefully choose the type of banks to borrow from. When the interest rate is capped by regulation, retailers borrowing from a standardized bank are more likely to be influenced by the interest rate cap than those borrowing from an IRB bank. Under strong empire-building incentives (the bank will offer loan terms to maximize the size of the loan), retailers with medium initial asset level shift their preference from IRB banks to standardized banks.  相似文献   
闫焱  张金存 《国防科技》2020,41(5):124-127
战时管理是关系作战全局的基础性工作,是保持和释放战斗力的重要举措,是确保军队高度集中统一、能打胜仗的重要支撑。有效提升军队战时管理能力是现代战争中部队管理工作亟待研究的重要课题。本文梳理了近期我国突发事件处置中的经验教训,从战时支前物资管理、战时人力资源管理及战时舆情信息管控三个方面提出:战时支前物资管理应完善机制、改造模式、畅通网络;战时人力资源管理应紧贴任务实际、突出岗才一致、彰显精简程序;战时舆情信息管控应统一机构、正确导向、纯洁队伍、严管舆论等措施,以期给未来战时管理决策提供可选方案,实现管理服务作战,保障打赢之目的。  相似文献   
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