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建立了半圆柱形压电-正交基体复合材料界面端部开裂问题的力学模型,其中压电层为锆钛酸铅铁电陶瓷,基体为正交异性聚乙烯复合材料。综合利用位错模拟法、格林函数法和奇异积分方程法,对裂纹问题进行了理论分析。通过对应力强度因子进行数值求解和讨论,揭示了几何、物理参数对断裂行为的影响规律。从界面端部止裂的角度出发,找到了压电复合半圆柱的2种优化设计形式:一种是将"较软的内部基体"和"较硬的外部压电层"相结合;另一种是采用正交各向异性介电材料作为基体。另外,数值计算还表明:与剪切模量变化对应力强度因子的影响相比,压电系数和介电系数变化的影响至少要小2个数量级,因此后面二者对结构防断裂优化设计没有显著的实际意义。  相似文献   
针对纯方位条件下对等速直航目标观测的算法问题,将目标运动要素及平均声速作为待估计参数,给出了计算非线性最小二乘法目标函数梯度与Hessian矩阵的解析公式,基于这些公式,可以构造估计目标运动要素的一些算法及编程实现。部分数值实验表明,信赖域算法、Levenberg-Marquardt算法与Matlab用于解非线性最小二乘问题的函数lsqnonlin的计算精度基本一致。  相似文献   
为了有效防控航空器相撞事故的发生,保证航空系统安全、有序和高效运行,提出一种基于单一聚类过程的人为因素分析分类系统(HFACS)诱发模式分析方法。在该方法中,首先,根据航空器相撞的具体特点建立了HFACS。然后,利用HFACS对发生的航空器相撞事故/事故征候进行量化,构建历史信息的数据表。最后,采用单一聚类方法对得到的数据表进行诱发模式分析,识别出重要的诱发模式及模式中包含的重要影响因素,并据此提出防相撞的管控措施。实例分析表明,所提出方法的实现过程简便,定性定量结合,形式易于理解,分析结果也更加贴近实际,对于提升防相撞的管理和决策水平,防范航空器相撞及减少造成的损失具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   
利用相量图分析了三相整流系统所有故障情况下交直流侧电压波形,进一步得到了整流系统各种故障对直流侧电压纹波因数和交流侧线电压畸变率的影响。最后得出了一些重要的结论。  相似文献   
Since the joint actuator of the space robot executes the control instructions frequently in the harsh space environment, it is prone to the partial loss of control effectiveness (PLCE) fault. An adaptive fault-tolerant control algorithm is designed for a space robot system with the uncertain parameters and the PLCE actuator faults. The mathematical model of the system is established based on the Lagrange method, and the PLCE actuator fault is described as an effectiveness factor. The lower bound of the effectiveness factors and the upper bound of the uncertain parameters are estimated by an adaptive strategy, and the estimated value is fed back to the control algorithm. Compared with the traditional fault-tolerant algorithms, the proposed algorithm does not need to predetermine the lower bound of the effectiveness factor, hence it is more in line with the actual engineering application. It is proved that the algorithm can guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system based on the Lyapunov function method. The numerical simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can not only compensate for the uncertain parameters, but also can tolerate the PLCE actuator faults effectively, which verifies the effectiveness and superiority of the control scheme.  相似文献   
本文分析了柴油机的最大扭矩、扭矩储备系数、喷油系统喷油量与柱塞几何供油量的差异和变化规律,认为这3个参数的现行定义不尽合理,并给出了新的定义。  相似文献   
Factor screening is performed to eliminate unimportant factors so that the remaining important factors can be more thoroughly studied in later experiments. Controlled sequential bifurcation (CSB) and controlled sequential factorial design (CSFD) are two new screening methods for discrete‐event simulations. Both methods use hypothesis testing procedures to control the Type I Error and power of the screening results. The scenarios for which each method is most efficient are complementary. This study proposes a two‐stage hybrid approach that combines CSFD and an improved CSB called CSB‐X. In Phase 1, a prescreening procedure will estimate each effect and determine whether CSB‐X or CSFD will be used for further screening. In Phase 2, CSB‐X and CSFD are performed separately based on the assignment of Phase 1. The new method usually has the same error control as CSB‐X and CSFD. The efficiency, on the other hand, is usually much better than either component method. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
分析了卡尔曼滤波发散的原因,并给出了指数加权的衰减自适应记忆滤波和噪声加权自适应滤波2种算法用来抑制发散,相应地分析了衰减因子的选取以及噪声模型的在线估计,最后提出这2种定位方式组合的定位算法。仿真结果表明,衰减自适应记忆滤波和噪声加权自适应滤波明显提高了卡尔曼滤波的定位精度并且抑制了发散,组合算法在提高定位精度、抑制发散的同时,使这2种定位方式的优点形成了互补,增加了算法的稳定性。  相似文献   
飞机在飞行过程中会遭遇结冰问题,对飞机安全造成严重危害。通过检测飞机结冰参数,改变飞机控制律的方法,将成为解决飞机结冰问题的重要手段之一。通过引入飞机结冰参数模型,并定义两种不同严重程度的结冰情况下的结冰严重因子随时间变化曲线。分别介绍了利用H∞参数识别方法检测"时不变"与"时变"结冰气动参数,并将两种方法综合起来仿真计算。从而利用两者的优点,可以解决飞机结冰参数在线识别困难的问题。仿真计算结果达到满意的效果,对于减少检测方法的延时问题十分有效。  相似文献   
火灾中,起火建筑的内部构件以及相邻建筑物的外部构件都要受到火灾高温及火焰热的作用。本文定量评估了威胁上述建筑构件的火灾因素.旨在为人们综合考虑采取合理的防火技术措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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