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态势评估是对战场上战斗力量分配情况的评价过程。针对目前态势评估的局限性和面临的挑战,运用黑板模型和合同网理论研究态势评估问题。对当前态势评估黑板模型的主要工作进行比较,在此基础上引入合同网的思想,提出了基于合同网的态势评估黑板模型,并重点论述了该模型的结构和运行机制。该模型在一定程度上解决了黑板模型的不足,并且能更好地用于分布式信息融合环境。  相似文献   
To alleviate flooding, caused by hurricanes, governments build structural barriers called levees. In addition, relief providers such as the nongovernmental organizations and charities raise funds, and procure and deliver supplies (food, water, and medicines) for humanitarian relief. The strategy for managing disasters must, therefore, weigh the costs and benefits of building levees as well as procuring and delivering supplies. We use a three‐stage decision making framework to study how the investment in levee capacity can be integrated with supply procurements, fundraising, and rapid response. One of our major findings is that a large fundraising cost discourages postdisaster funding, implying relatively large investments in levee and prepositioned supplies. That notwithstanding, a large social value (of saving life) can tilt the balance in favor of postdisaster funding. If the levee capacity increases, funding for predisaster procurement is reduced without affecting postdisaster funding. For a sufficiently large increase in capacity, however, postdisaster response becomes superfluous. We also find that hurricane uncertainty motivates levees with large capacity. In contrast, levee‐failures motivate levees with small capacity.  相似文献   
"三个符合度"是一个学校办学水平高低的最集中体现,也是高校教学评估的实质和精髓.在迎评促建的过程中,高校的自评自建工作应该围绕以提高"三个符合度"为中心来展开.  相似文献   
针对现阶段大型医院病房楼火灾频发,危害严重的现状,提出基于多级灰色模糊理论评价方法,利用此方法对大型医院病房楼火灾风险建立了评价指标体系,并对其进行了实例火灾风险分析。  相似文献   
随着甲乙类厂(库)房规模、数量及生产(储存)的物质性质多样性的增加,其火灾危险性也大大提高。为了正确评价甲乙类厂(库)房的火灾危险性,以便为业主、保险公司、消防决策者等做出合理决策提供一定的参考,在介绍甲乙类厂(库)房定义的基础上,具体分析了国内外火灾风险评估方法的研究现状和评估方法分类。  相似文献   
腐蚀是引起管道事故的一个主要原因,我国在役长输管道大部分腐蚀严重,因此有必要对含缺陷管道的腐蚀失效概率进行评定.由于B31G规范评定结果偏于保守,因此采用修正的B31G规范对腐蚀缺陷进行评定,考虑到腐蚀缺陷有关参数的不确定性,利用Monte-Carlo法计算含缺陷管道的腐蚀失效概率.通过对一段实际管道腐蚀失效概率的计算,验证了Monte-Carlo法的可行性.  相似文献   
Measuring nationwide progress of counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan using violence trends is difficult due to several factors: aggregation of data to the national level may obfuscate disparate local trends; the observed seasonality in violence makes comparisons difficult and may obscure progress; and short-term spikes or troughs – attributable to weather, military operations and tempo, or holiday periods – heavily influence simple averaging schemes. Despite these challenges, proper understanding of violence statistics is critical to estimating the effectiveness of military forces added during a surge or redeployed as part of transition. This article explores methods for analyzing observed violence trends to identify causal factors, to provide a comparable baseline, and to inform assessments at appropriate levels of aggregation. One methodology for seasonal adjustment of violence data is discussed and shown to provide a logical baseline for examining trends. An ordinary least squares regression model is developed and implemented using time-series violence data.  相似文献   
分析了几个影响坦克威胁程度的主要因素,采用新的归一化效用函数法,对各目标的威胁程度进行评估,确定智能子母弹的攻击瞄准点.然后建立智能子母弹对目标攻击过程的数学模型及毁伤概率的计算模型,通过蒙特卡洛方法计算各目标命中的子弹数目.综合目标的特性进行多次仿真,得出了子母弹对整个坦克群目标的作战效能.最后模拟实现了整个攻击过程...  相似文献   
战场威胁估计是信息融合的重要研究内容之一,它能够为作战指挥控制决策提供依据。分析了威胁估计的概念和内容,包括威胁要素提取、量化及威胁等级确定。讨论了威胁估计常用理论和方法的特点以及优缺点,最后总结了威胁估计目前存在的问题,并指出其发展趋势。  相似文献   
随着大量软件产品应用于信息系统,不可避免地增大了软件失效对系统安全的影响概率。本文以某信息系统文电收发的处理过程为例,引入FMECA法,对其文电收发处理过程中由软件造成的风险进行分析,同时分析了引起风险常见的失效模式,并引入Markov模型对软件失效造成系统严重危害的风险进行预测,通过Markov模型与FMECA法结合能够迅速定位软件失效的原因,减少因软件失效造成的系统损失。  相似文献   
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