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对混合判断矩阵和完全一致性混合判断矩阵这2个概念进行了新的应用。针对大区域防空作战决策中指挥员可能给出的混合判断信息情形,构建混合判断矩阵,并基于互反判断信息和互补判断信息的转换公式,利用文献中给出的求解混合判断矩阵排序向量的简便方法,将其应用于大区域防空作战方案的排序和择优,辅助防空作战指挥员提高决策能力和质量,同时对于防空作战辅助决策系统设计也具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   
针对信息化武器装备体系复杂系统的结构优化问题,以综合集成思想和复杂自适应系统理论为指导,提出探索性计算实验优化方法和面向探索性计算实验的SABI(System of system,Agent,Behavior,Interaction)建模方法。在分析武器装备体系结构优化目标的基础上,依据武器装备体系探索性计算实验自顶向下的探索分析和自底向上的综合集成分析的要求,给出了武器装备体系结构探索性计算实验优化分析逻辑框架和基于多Agent的武器装备体系探索性计算实验优化分析模型。  相似文献   
多目标优化问题中的一个关键在于合理地评判各有效解的优劣。通过引入灰色系统理论中灰色关联度的概念作为评判准则,结合粒子群优化算法进行有约束多目标规划问题的研究。提出了一种新的不可行解的保留策略,进化过程中以此策略保留适量的不可行解,有利于增强对约束边界附近可能的最优解的搜索,同时,针对粒子群优化算法的容易陷入局部最优的缺点,实现了以粒子群优化为载体的混合算法:即对全局极值邻域进一步混沌搜索寻优。仿真结果表明改进的算法对多目标决策问题是有效的。  相似文献   
In the last decade, there has been much progress in understanding scheduling problems in which selfish jobs aim to minimize their individual completion time. Most of this work has focused on makespan minimization as social objective. In contrast, we consider as social cost the total weighted completion time, that is, the sum of the agent costs, a standard definition of welfare in economics. In our setting, jobs are processed on restricted uniform parallel machines, where each machine has a speed and is only capable of processing a subset of jobs; a job's cost is its weighted completion time; and each machine sequences its jobs in weighted shortest processing time (WSPT) order. Whereas for the makespan social cost the price of anarchy is not bounded by a constant in most environments, we show that for our minsum social objective the price of anarchy is bounded above by a small constant, independent of the instance. Specifically, we show that the price of anarchy is exactly 2 for the class of unit jobs, unit speed instances where the finite processing time values define the edge set of a forest with the machines as nodes. For the general case of mixed job strategies and restricted uniform machines, we prove that the price of anarchy equals 4. From a classical machine scheduling perspective, our results establish the same constant performance guarantees for WSPT list scheduling. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
人工神经网络特征优化方法在模式识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在模式识别中,特征量的选择及组合优化是设计模式识别系统的关键问题,它强烈地影响到分类器的设计及其性能。人工神经网络除了在模式识别中作为分类器应用之外,而且能够实现特征参数的提取。通过采用人工神经网络模型,对柴油机故障的特征量优化方法进行了研究,实现了对柴油机故障的特征提取及优化。  相似文献   
We investigate the quality of local search heuristics for the scheduling problem of minimizing the makespan on identical parallel machines. We study exponential size neighborhoods (whose size grows exponentially with the input length) that can be searched in polynomial time, and we derive worst‐case approximation guarantees for the local optima of such neighborhoods. The so‐called split neighborhood splits a feasible schedule into two layers, and then recombines the two layers by finding a perfect matching. We show that the makespan of every local optimum for split is at most a factor of 2 away from the globally optimal makespan. We then combine the split neighborhood with two neighborhoods from the literature. The combination of split with the jump neighborhood only marginally improves the approximation guarantee, whereas the combination with the lexicographic‐jump neighborhood decreases the approximation guarantee from 2 to 3/2. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
为了保证电视侦察弹能到达目标区域的上空并发挥最优的侦察效力,采用了基于遗传算法的启发式仿真优化方法来解决炮射电视侦察弹的优化使用问题.分析了电视侦察弹的主要影响因素,建立了用于计算目标侦察效力的仿真模型,引入了演化策略,实现了基于进化计算的启发式仿真优化系统,并求取了电视侦察弹的最大侦察效力及其主要影响因素的最优搭配....  相似文献   
The idea of deploying noncollocated sources and receivers in multistatic sonar networks (MSNs) has emerged as a promising area of opportunity in sonar systems. This article is one of the first to address point coverage problems in MSNs, where a number of points of interest have to be monitored in order to protect them from hostile underwater assets. We consider discrete “definite range” sensors as well as various diffuse sensor models. We make several new contributions. By showing that the convex hull spanned by the targets is guaranteed to contain optimal sensor positions, we are able to limit the solution space. Under a definite range sensor model, we are able to exclude even more suboptimal solutions. We then formulate a nonlinear program and an integer nonlinear program to express the sensor placement problem. To address the nonconvex single‐source placement problem, we develop the Divide Best Sector (DiBS) algorithm, which quickly provides an optimal source position assuming fixed receivers. Starting with a basic implementation of DiBS, we show how incorporating advanced sector splitting methods and termination conditions further improve the algorithm. We also discuss two ways to use DiBS to find multiple source positions by placing sensors iteratively or simultaneously. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 287–304, 2017  相似文献   
A system reliability is often evaluated by individual tests of components that constitute the system. These component test plans have advantages over complete system based tests in terms of time and cost. In this paper, we consider the series system with n components, where the lifetime of the i‐th component follows exponential distribution with parameter λi. Assuming test costs for the components are different, we develop an efficient algorithm to design a two‐stage component test plan that satisfies the usual probability requirements on the system reliability and in addition minimizes the maximum expected cost. For the case of prior information in the form of upper bounds on λi's, we use the genetic algorithm to solve the associated optimization problems which are otherwise difficult to solve using mathematical programming techniques. The two‐stage component test plans are cost effective compared to single‐stage plans developed by Rajgopal and Mazumdar. We demonstrate through several numerical examples that our approach has the potential to reduce the overall testing costs significantly. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 49: 95–116, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.1051  相似文献   
边防情报在公安边防部门开展对敌斗争,维护沿边沿海地区政治、社会稳定和预防打击犯罪中发挥着越来越重要的作用。对边防情报进行科学管理,更好地发挥边防情报的服务功能,需要对边防情报资源管理模式进行优化。引入知识管理模式,以期实现边防情报资源管理模式的优化。  相似文献   
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