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运用一维连续Morlet小波变换法分析重庆市近11年逐日空气污染指数的多尺度演变特征、主周期、突变点和变化因素。结果表明:重庆市空气污染指数在不同时间尺度有不同的变化规律,变化主周期为300 d左右;空气污染状况受地形和气象因素影响,呈"冬重夏轻"格局;春分、秋分前后是一年中空气污染轻重状况转换的突变点;2005年后重庆市空气污染逐渐减轻,但冬季有加重趋势。实践证明,小波变换法是研究空气污染指数时间序列变化的有效分析方法。  相似文献   
健康评估是卫星在轨安全健康工作的关键技术之一.针对卫星控制系统的健康状态评估问题,首先分析了卫星控制系统的内部结构特征,将控制系统按其结构分层并提出了基于层次推理地健康状态评估方法,然后通过分析系统特有的工作关系确定了各级系统状态数的计算方法,最后以某型气象卫星的一种控制模式为例计算了从部件到整系统的各级别状态数.计算以及仿真的结果显示该方法能够利用状态数合理地表示控制系统的健康状态.  相似文献   
Log‐normal and Weibull distributions are the most popular distributions for modeling skewed data. In this paper, we consider the ratio of the maximized likelihood in choosing between the two distributions. The asymptotic distribution of the logarithm of the maximized likelihood ratio has been obtained. It is observed that the asymptotic distribution is independent of the unknown parameters. The asymptotic distribution has been used to determine the minimum sample size required to discriminate between two families of distributions for a user specified probability of correct selection. We perform some numerical experiments to observe how the asymptotic methods work for different sample sizes. It is observed that the asymptotic results work quite well even for small samples also. Two real data sets have been analyzed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
A cost–benefit analysis of terrorist attacks is developed and placed within a systematic theoretical structure. For the target or object of the attack, we consider the lost value of human lives, lost economic value, and lost influence value, counted as benefits for the terrorist. The corresponding losses for the terrorist are counted as costs. The terrorist attacks if benefits outweigh costs. Bounded rationality is enabled where the three kinds of benefits and costs can be weighted differently. We account for two ex ante probabilities of successful planning and attack, and enable the terrorist to assign different weights to its multiple stakeholders. We introduce multiple time periods, time discounting, attitudes towards risk, and subcategories for the benefits and costs. The cost–benefit analysis is illustrated with the 11 September 2001 attack, and 53 incidents in the Global Terrorism Database yielding both positive and negative expected utilities. The paper is intended as a tool for scientists and policy-makers, as a way of thinking about costs and benefits of terrorist attacks.  相似文献   
基于综合集成赋权法的导弹攻击目标价值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理选择打击目标是导弹攻击作战中的首要问题,分析了目标价值影响因素,改进了信息熵权法,采用目标偏好的主观赋权法和综合集成赋权法确定因素权重,并结合模糊综合评估的方法对目标价值进行分析排序,给出了算例实现,为解决导弹攻击作战过程的目标价值评估排序问题提供决策依据。  相似文献   
火力分配是现代作战中的关键问题,如何有效地进行火力分配对高效发挥火力、提高作战效能、争取作战的主动权具有重大意义。根据评价指标筛选原则,建立了一个反映目标价值的多层次评价指标体系,提出了火力分配的GEM-AHP计算模型。实例研究表明,该模型对多指标决策的火力分配问题具有很好的适用性。  相似文献   
现代空袭作战已成为结构破坏战,各类政治、经济、军事指挥中心、侦察预警设施,交通枢纽等点状目标已成为敌空袭的首选目标,而如何准确、可靠地预测点状保卫目标的空袭规模是防空作战的首要问题和难点。把点状保卫目标分为立体类目标、平面类目标、地下类目标,根据每类点状目标的特性,构建其相应的空袭规模预测模型,通过算例分析,该模型具有较高的可信度,能为各种辅助决策系统和指挥自动化系统提供决策支持。  相似文献   
处处有导数的函数(导函数)有两个很好的性质:(1)在一点处有极限,则该点必连续,若无极限则该点两侧或单侧必振荡;(2)可能有不连续点的导函数介值定理仍成立。如果函数某点的领域内处处可导,我们可得到如下三个推论:(1)当f^l(x0+0)=f^l(x0-0)时,则存在且连续。(2)当f^l(x0+0)≠f^l(x0-0),或至少有一个单侧极限为无穷时,函数在该点不可导,(3)当f^l(x0+0)和f^l(f0-0)中一个或同时振荡时,函数在该点可能可导。  相似文献   
通过对炮兵目标价值分析与排序的指标体系进行系统分析,在岛屿封锁这一特定的作战样式中选取了六种属性作为目标价值排序的准则,然后根据对各属性的评分,在权重未知的情况下从最优化角度出发,以各方案与理想方案的距离为目标函数建立了目标价值排序的优化模型,并采用拉格朗日乘数法对模型进行求解,得到最终的目标打击顺序.  相似文献   
C逻辑值“真”和“假”分别为整数1和0,可作为普通的数参与数值运算,由此派生出许多巧妙算法。逻辑值与分支选择结构密切相关,在解决各类分支选择问题中有相应的应用。  相似文献   
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