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在将子弹均匀散布的椭圆区域等效转换为矩形区域的基础上,建立了适宽射向射击子母弹对矩形目标毁伤全概率计算的数学模型。通过函数转换和泛函分析给出了子弹均匀散布子母弹理想射击密度,得到了理想射击密度下对目标的毁伤概率计算公式。讨论了最有利火力分配方式的确定方法,给出了最优射向间隔和表尺差的计算公式,为便于实际应用,给出了最优火力分配计算中所需的3个参数的近似计算公式,最后给出了应用算例。  相似文献   
The misuse of biological research is increasingly becoming a prominent policy concern. One regulatory measure that has gained considerable support over the last few years in response to this is voluntary self-governance by the scientific community, and in particular codes of conduct. This article charts the rise of the policy debate on codes, highlighting the involvement of the scientific community. Shifting the focus from policy to practice, it explores the effectiveness of codes of conduct as a regulatory measure by examining our experiences of how another voluntary self-governance regime in the biosciences has worked in practice. Noting limitations with voluntary self-governance as a regulatory tool to prevent misuse, this article includes a reflection on the attention paid to codes of conduct in policy discussions, arguing that there are at least three possible interpretations.  相似文献   
现代战争的信息化程度、复杂性和不确定性不断提高,对海上远程精确打击(LPSS)体系作战能力的评估提出了更高的要求.要想准确评估系统的作战能力,建立合理的LPSS体系作战能力评估指标体系非常关键.然而影响LPSS体系作战能力的指标繁多,指标间存在冗余和相关性,不同层次指标间还存在交叉性,直接采用这些指标会增加后续评估的时空复杂度.在创建LPSS体系作战能力评估指标体系的基础上,对评估指标空间的建模方法进行研究,创建了可供评估的数据样本空间,为后续对底层指标集合进行约简、降维处理奠定了基础.  相似文献   
舰炮对海上集群小目标射击的毁伤概率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上集群小目标是水面舰艇面临的主要威胁之一。以单管大口径舰炮对海上集群小目标射击作为研究对象,对集群目标进行了等效处理,分析了弹种、引信和装药的选择以及效力射中的表尺分配问题,提出多表尺效力射方法,利用该方法对海上集群小目标射击的毁伤概率进行了分析。结果表明,采用该方法并使用空炸榴弹或杀伤爆破弹,可有效破坏敌运输工具,杀伤其有生力量。  相似文献   
The US has embarked upon a major transformation of its approach to defence industrial base planning. Although bureaucratic and industrial inertia, as well as budgetary constraints, may delay transformation, its effects will lead to radical changes in the US defence industrial base with new entrants and new combinations of players. The UK, with more modest defence ambitions, capabilities and budget, will seek to keep in touch with the US. However, a commercially‐led drive to embed UK industry even more deeply in the US defence market could be the last step in creating a largely US–UK North Atlantic relationship, with much of Europe very much a subsidiary business concern. This contains a risk that the UK will become increasingly dependent on the US for design and integration of major systems and national defence industrial capability focused on a limited number of niche technologies.  相似文献   
Defense budgets in Japan have been complicated compromises from numerous inputs ‐ including threat perceptions, domestic industrial/technological base development, support for the bilateral security treaty with the United States and internal bureaucratic politics ‐ but with the fall of the former Soviet Union, the clearest justification for higher spending disappeared. Double‐digit defense spending increases that were common in the 1980s have been replaced by annual increases lower than present inflation rates, resulting in negative real growth in the country's defense budget. Domestic economic problems and consistent government pressures for smaller budgets have further slowed annual growth in total spending and have contributed to lower procurement budgets. As a result, the domestic Japanese defense industry is facing far more constrained conditions from the growth years of a decade before.

Government policymakers are examining Japan's regional security environment as well as its alliance with the United States to determine the appropriate course for the country to take in the coming years. The formal security treaty with the United States is likely to remain a major element of government positions, but other aspects of the country's overall security posture are open to debate. Perceptions of a reduced threat environment are fueling additional pressures for defense budget cuts.

The domestic defense industry seeks means to assure its survival in domestic defense markets in this constrained environment. Expansion into overseas markets to offset declining domestic markets is an option that currently is constrained by policy restrictions on arms exports. Industry is advocating re‐examination of those policies and unlike earlier years, government appears willing to respond positively but cautiously to this lobbying.  相似文献   
复杂电磁环境对海上作战和频谱管控提出了更高的要求,准确感知战场电磁态势是指挥控制、频谱管控的重要基础,但目前尚没有系统生成海战场电磁态势的方法.在分析传统态势感知模型的基础上,定义了战场电磁态势的相关概念,提出了海战场电磁态势感知的基本模型,深入分析了电磁环境感知、电磁环境构建、电磁态势理解、电磁态势展现等模型中的重要环节,并提出了初步技术解决途径,为进一步分析和评估海战场电磁态势提供了基础.  相似文献   
随着非线性学科的发展,混沌科学受到各个学科领域的广泛重视,海杂波的混沌特性吸引越来越多的科研人员开始探索混沌理论在雷达系统中的应用。介绍了混沌理论的起源和发展趋势,简要阐述了混沌定义,给出了混沌的奇异吸引子、相图与Poincare截面、相关维及Lyapunov指数等基本特性,并基于混沌时间序列的关联积分C-C法、相空间重构法及小数据量法等混沌特性研究方法,对微波雷达实际采集的海杂波数据进行了混沌特性分析,分析结果表明,微波雷达海杂波数据具有混沌特征。  相似文献   
海上补给仿真训练系统中高架索形态模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实景物理模型的开发是整个海上补给仿真训练系统的重点与难点,而高架索物理形态模型又是整个实景物理模型开发的核心.应用面向对象的建模方法,对横向干货补给过程中各阶段高架索所涉及的物理行为模型:悬链线计算模块、恒张力补偿阶段高架索形状计算模块、集中载荷作用高架索形状计算模块、卸载货物阶段高架索模块、架索演示阶段计算模块和装备撤出演示模块进行研究,从而建立海上补给仿真训练高架索形态模型,为模拟仿真训练的开发奠定了坚实的数学基础.  相似文献   
按照是否与任务、事件相关,将物资需求分为两类,对于任务、事件相关物资需求的预测,将任务进行合理的分解,并根据物资消耗与任务、事件之间的关系,给出了预测的一般模型;对于与任务、事件联系不紧密的物资需求的预测,则根据历史经验及该物资固有的消耗规律,提出了经验预测模型。为了解决舰艇编队海上运输补给物资需求预测所存在的问题,利用案例推理的方法生成了预测所需的样本数据,以最小二乘向量机(LSSVM)模型为预测模型,并以岛屿进攻作战的防空弹药需求预测为例进行了实例分析。结果表明:案例推理生成的样本数据可用,选用LSSVM模型的预测结果与其他预测模型表现出了一致性,但LSSVM相对误差较小;该方法在某种程度上解决了样本数据有限的问题,适用于作战物资需求的预测问题。  相似文献   
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