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针对不返回起始点、多个待救援点的应急救援路径规划问题,提出了一种应急救援路径规划的改进蚁群算法,设计了一种新的路径构造方法,为蚁群算法求解该类问题打下了基础。为提高收敛性,改进了信息素更新规则,构造了一种与蚁群算法有效结合的局部搜索算法,提高了算法快速寻优的能力。仿真结果表明:改进蚁群算法能够快速找到一条从救援中心到多个待救援点的优化路径,且收敛速度和最短路径较同类算法更优。  相似文献   
Consider a patrol problem, where a patroller traverses a graph through edges to detect potential attacks at nodes. An attack takes a random amount of time to complete. The patroller takes one time unit to move to and inspect an adjacent node, and will detect an ongoing attack with some probability. If an attack completes before it is detected, a cost is incurred. The attack time distribution, the cost due to a successful attack, and the detection probability all depend on the attack node. The patroller seeks a patrol policy that minimizes the expected cost incurred when, and if, an attack eventually happens. We consider two cases. A random attacker chooses where to attack according to predetermined probabilities, while a strategic attacker chooses where to attack to incur the maximal expected cost. In each case, computing the optimal solution, although possible, quickly becomes intractable for problems of practical sizes. Our main contribution is to develop efficient index policies—based on Lagrangian relaxation methodology, and also on approximate dynamic programming—which typically achieve within 1% of optimality with computation time orders of magnitude less than what is required to compute the optimal policy for problems of practical sizes. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 61: 557–576, 2014  相似文献   
通过模仿对地攻击机上飞行员的目视搜索发现地面可视目标的过程,建立了其空间几何模型;通过该几何模型得到目视搜索发现目标的数学模型;根据实际情况对模型进行简化,得到简化模型.该模型可信度高,能有效地提高作战效能评估的准确性,对于指挥决策部门和设计单位有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   
In a caching game introduced by Alpern et al. (Alpern et al., Lecture notes in computer science (2010) 220–233) a Hider who can dig to a total fixed depth normalized to 1 buries a fixed number of objects among n discrete locations. A Searcher who can dig to a total depth of h searches the locations with the aim of finding all of the hidden objects. If he does so, he wins, otherwise the Hider wins. This zero‐sum game is complicated to analyze even for small values of its parameters, and for the case of 2 hidden objects has been completely solved only when the game is played in up to 3 locations. For some values of h the solution of the game with 2 objects hidden in 4 locations is known, but the solution in the remaining cases was an open question recently highlighted by Fokkink et al. (Fokkink et al., Search theory: A game theoretic perspective (2014) 85–104). Here we solve the remaining cases of the game with 2 objects hidden in 4 locations. We also give some more general results for the game, in particular using a geometrical argument to show that when there are 2 objects hidden in n locations and n→∞, the value of the game is asymptotically equal to h/n for hn/2. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 23–31, 2016  相似文献   
求解面向进攻的武器-目标分配问题的蚁群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向进攻的武器-目标分配问题是军事运筹学研究中的重要课题,旨在制定合理的打击策略以最大程度摧毁敌方目标。采用一种融合局部搜索和信息素控制的蚁群算法,兼顾控制解的局部收敛速度和全局收敛质量。在解的构造过程中直接处理约束条件,提高生成解的可行性,并大大缩小了搜索空间,提高了算法效率。通过采用多种算法对不同规模的武器-目标分配问题进行实验,结果表明改进的蚁群算法在收敛速度和求解质量上表现优异。  相似文献   
针对既定目标,采用卫星系统进行协同观测可以最大化卫星系统的整体效能,如何对卫星系统的轨道或载荷参数设计是一个设计空间大、设计变量多的优化问题。对此,采用基于代理模型的仿真优化,通过改进广义模式搜索算法在设计空间中搜索最优解,并以此为核心设计开发卫星系统仿真优化平台。该平台集成问题建模、仿真优化和结果评估显示,为用户提供设计和改进卫星系统方案的方法和依据。采用该平台对卫星系统设计实例进行优化,通过对比发现,平台的优化结果稳定性和优化效率优于STK-Analyzer。  相似文献   
我国突发公共事件应急管理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
突发公共事件的应急管理是衡量一个国家、地区或城市综合管理能力和文明程度的重要指标之一。在简要介绍我国突发公共事件应急管理体制现状的基础上,重点分析了我国突发公共事件应急管理机制中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了完善我国突发公共事件应急管理机制的措施,为提高我国突发公共事件的应急管理能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   
We show that the linear objective function of a search problem can be generalized to a power function and/or a logarithmic function and still be minimized by an index priority rule. We prove our result by solving the differential equation resulting from the required invariance condition, therefore, we also prove that any other generalization of this linear objective function will not lead to an index priority rule. We also demonstrate the full equivalence between two related search problems in the sense that a solution to either one can be used to solve the other one and vice versa. Finally, we show that the linear function is the only function leading to an index priority rule for the single‐machine makespan minimization problem with deteriorating jobs and an additive job deterioration function. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
搜索引擎是互联网信息检索技术的核心,中文搜索引擎与国外相比存在着搜索引擎覆盖率低、查准率不高、检索精度差、更新速度慢、无法控制网络信息的动态变化、对信息内容难于控制和管理等问题。对此,提出了中文搜索引擎从单一查询工具向综合化、全功能服务发展;分类主题一体化,检索语言向自然语言发展;查询智能化,向多国化和多语种化发展;搜索引擎集成化、网络资源著录标准化及利用智能代理技术的信息检索等对策。  相似文献   
安全是社会和谐稳定的保障,而消防安全是社会安全的主要构成要素。消防行政强制,作为保障消防执法权的有效运作,及时消除火灾隐患的手段,是消防行政管理中不可或缺的。对消防行政强制的概念进行了界定,对消防行政强制权实施的程序、原则及消防行政强制的救济途径等理论问题进行了研究,以期为消防行政强制实践提供有益的理论参考。  相似文献   
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