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This article argues that the nuclear nonproliferation norm (NNPN) is a social fact with a relatively independent life of its own and that it has a powerful impact on the behavior of both nuclear-weapon states (NWS) and non-nuclear-weapon states (NNWS). It challenges the application of critical constructivist research on norms to the NNPN and the idea that its legitimacy and structural power depend on contestation “all the way down.” State and non-state actors play an important role in explaining the dynamics of the NNPN, but agential constructivism runs the danger of “throwing the baby out with the bath water,” neglecting the structural impact of the NNPN on state behavior. The article examines the limitations of norm-contestation theory, arguing that some norms are more resistant to contestation than others. The NNPN is more difficult to contest than new norms (such as the Responsibility to Protect) because it is rooted in fifty years of nonproliferation nuclear diplomacy. The US-India nuclear deal is not a case of “norm change” but a violation of the NNPN. The “core” of the NNPN has not changed since the US-India nuclear deal. The conflict confronting NWS and NNWS is about the implementation of “type 2” norms (organizing principles) and “type 3” norms (standardized procedures), and not about the “hard core” of the NNPN.  相似文献   
由于浮标的随机漂移,在航空搜潜过程中,需要定期对浮标的位置进行更新。根据航空搜潜声纳浮标与飞机的相对方位信息,采用扩展卡尔曼滤波技术,分析了计算浮标位置的原理、方法,建立了相应的系统模型和仿真算法,从估计的相对位置误差和均方根误差两个方面,仿真分析了系统的误差性能。结果表明,该定位模型能够成功地跟踪浮标的位置,并具有较高的定位精度。  相似文献   
The authors propose five principles for addressing the major deficiencies of the current treaty-based approach to nonproliferation. These involve: effectively closing the door to withdrawals from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); defining which nuclear technologies fall within the NPT's “inalienable right” provision, so as to maintain a reasonable safety margin against possible military application; expansion of International Atomic Energy Agency inspections to include greater readiness to use its “special” inspection authority; creation of an NPT enforcement regime, to include a secretariat; and universalizing the NPT so as to apply to all states, while creating a path for current non-parties to come into compliance. There is no illusion here about the prospects for the adoption of this approach. At a minimum, the world needs to be frank about the gap between nuclear programs and current nonproliferation protection. Encouragement of greater use of nuclear power should be predicated on closing that gap.  相似文献   
反潜巡逻飞机具有快速反应能力强、航程远、留空时间长、可装备多种搜潜设备和攻潜武器以及不易受潜艇威胁的优势,已成为世界海军强国竞相发展的装备。海洋环境对航空兵反潜作战的影响巨大,能否充分利用海洋环境条件,关系到搜潜器材能否及时、有效地发现潜艇目标。主要分析了海洋环境噪声对反潜巡逻机浮标搜潜装备的作战保障问题。  相似文献   
运用改进的Topsis评估模型对反潜巡逻机的作战效能进行评估,主要是对指标权重的计算方法进行改进:综合考虑客观熵权和专家主观权重得到综合权重,通过客观的熵权信息来调整主观权重的偏差,使得反潜巡逻机作战效能的评价结果更为合理。实例分析表明,该方法能够主客观相结合,简单有效,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
本文先用面积法求出线式巡逻潜艇发现目标的概率,然后对潜艇发现目标距离作了分析。在此基础上,建立了潜艇线式巡逻的矩阵对策模型,并用计算机对此模型进行求解,得到了潜艇线式巡逻的最佳对策。最后,对最佳对策作了讨论。本文建立的矩阵对策模型和求得的结果以及求解方法可为组织潜艇进行线式巡逻提供决策的科学依据。  相似文献   
采用定性描述与定量分析相结合的方法,阐述了影响59D型坦克行进间射击效果的主要因素,提出了提高59D型坦克105mm加长管坦克炮行进间对不动目标射击命中率的措施。具有较强的操作性,对于缩短新装备形成战斗力的周期有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
曾国藩治理的湘军非常有战斗力已是不争的事实 ,但关于曾国藩的治军思想 ,学术界却少有研究。笔者认为 ,曾国藩自己所说的“用恩莫如用仁 ,用威莫如用礼” ,就是对其治军思想的全面概括。同时 ,笔者从以仁申诫、以仁相处两方面分析了“仁” ;从气质之礼、处世之礼、制度之礼三方面分析了“礼” ,尽可能详尽地总结了曾国藩的治军思想。  相似文献   
江泽民提出“建设社会主义政治文明”并把它作为“全面建设小康社会的重要目标” ,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。它是对马克思主义文明观的新发展 ,是我国进一步解放思想、推进政治体制改革的突破口 ,是社会主义现代化建设的推进器和社会安定团结、长治久安的稳定器  相似文献   
坦克炮方向机弹性补偿装置设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析方向机空回量的分布及对射击精度的影响,提出采用弹性补偿装置,沿炮塔座圈 径向提供一个弹力,使主动齿轮和座圈之间实现无侧隙传动;通过对该装置受力分析,并将该装置应用 于某车型进行试验检测,静态测试空回量及炮口松动量;结果表明空回量明显减小,射击精度得到提高。  相似文献   
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