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China-U.S. cooperation over the most difficult security problem in Northeast Asia—the North Korean nuclear issue—in essence projects its bigger power game amid the tectonic shifts of Asian geopolitics. The nuclear issue affords a test case to gauge the future posture of China and the United States in East Asia and their partnership in that conflict-prone region. Approaches to resolving this issue must take into account the geopolitical realignment of Asia, Washington's reorientation of relations with its Asian allies, and China's rise as an influential regional player and the subsequent regional response. However, the long-standing mistrust between China and the United States is contributing to a lack of substantial progress in Korean nonproliferation efforts. The declared nuclear test by Pyongyang further put the denuclearization cooperation between China and the Unites States on the line. China-U.S. cooperation in denuclearizing Pyongyang may either produce lasting stability for the region or create ‘‘collateral damage,’’ with the North Korean issue paling in comparison.  相似文献   
服务职能是思想政治教育的一项基本职能。公安边防部队思想政治教育要服务于社会、服务于边防部队和官兵个人,以增强思想政治教育的完整性和实效性,提高边防部队的凝聚力和战斗力。在对目前公安边防部队思想政治教育服务职能的现状及原因进行分析的基础上,从坚持以人为本教育理念、紧贴现实更新教育内容、充分利用教育资源和现代手段、完善考评监督保障机制四个方面,提出了加强服务职能的对策。  相似文献   
The Anglo-American military relationship is a vital yet neglected area of study. This article argues that the British military have actively cultivated a relationship with the U.S. military that has contributed to the longevity of the broader so-called “Special Relationship,” even in the Trump era. The article contends that the complexities of the military relationship can best be captured by the theoretical lens provided by Lowndes and Roberts that combines different strands of institutionalism to focus on rules, practices, and narratives. The intense linkages between the United States and United Kingdom have become routinized, enabling them to adapt their peacetime cooperation to conflicts, and thereby address post-Cold War security challenges. The article draws upon semi-structured interviews with senior British military officers as well as policy documents to explore how these patterns of collaboration have become ingrained in patterns of both thinking and behavior.  相似文献   
中国警卫工作始终披着神秘面纱,面纱遮盖住警卫工作诸多秘密,也造成社会视角中对中国警卫工作认知的扭曲;社会生活中群众对警卫工作的扭曲认识,严重影响了警卫部队建设和警卫工作的开展。分析社会对警卫工作产生扭曲认识的原因,对警卫概念、发展史、基本机构和作用等方面加以介绍,还中国警卫工作一个真实面目。  相似文献   
举世瞩目的上海世博会规模空前,中外警卫对象云集,人数之多、活动之频前所未有,警卫工作的实施难度之高前所未有。警卫部门构建的现代指挥体系,确保了世博会警卫任务的圆满完成。警卫工作指挥体系的内涵和特征,建立现代指挥体系的必要性和可行性,认识指挥体系的构成要素,构建和完善现代指挥体系应遵循的原则和建设的主要着力点。  相似文献   
边防工作作为国防的重要组成部分,涉外性强,受周边安全形势影响大。当前,我国的边防工作既面·l盏着难得的发展机遇,同时更要直面各种挑战。分析周边安全环境对我国边防的影响,可以使我们更好地认清形势,趋利避害,抓住机遇,充分发挥职能作用,确保边防安全稳定。  相似文献   
The article examines the findings of the Commission of Inquiry established by the Norwegian government in 2014 to evaluate all aspects of Norway’s civilian and military contribution to the international operation in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Concerned with the wider implications of the Commission’s findings, it focuses on two issues in particular: (1) Norway’s relations with the US, a close and long-standing strategic ally whose resources, capabilities and dominance of decision-making dwarfed that of all other coalition partners in Afghanistan; and (2) Norway’s record in the province of Faryab, where, from 2005 to 2012, a Norwegian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team was charged with bringing security, good governance and development to the province. How Norway prioritised and managed relations with the US highlights and helps to problematise the challenges – political, practical and moral – facing small and medium-sized powers operating in a coalition alongside the US. Norwegian efforts in Faryab are revealing of the dilemmas and contradictions that plagued and, ultimately, fatally undermined the international intervention as a whole. As such, Norway’s experience provides a microcosm through which the inherent limitations of the attempt to transfer the structures of modern statehood and Western democracy to Afghanistan can be better understood.  相似文献   

The original Olson and Zeckhauser model of alliance burden‐sharing was based on the following four assumptions: (1) alliance defence is a pure public good; (2) allied nations make their security contribution decisions without consulting the other allies; (3) alliances produce only a single public good; and (4) alliance defence is produced with equal degrees of efficiency in all alliance nations. But while the first of these assumptions has received a great deal of attention in the alliance literature, the remaining ones have received comparatively less attention, particularly in terms of empirical analyses. This paper synthesizes a varied literature developed around these four assumptions, both substantively and theoretically, and shows that when these assumptions are brought closer to real world approximations, hypotheses regarding the potential for security cooperation with less free‐riding result. This article also provides a simple test of Western alliance burden‐sharing in the areas of military spending, development resources spending, and research and development spending that supports the hypothesis positing more equitable burden‐sharing.  相似文献   
通过对IPSec实现VPN隧道这种网络安全技术和基于小波分析的信息图像伪装算法的深入研究,将这两种技术有机结合,在应用层对信息进行伪装,在网络层实现VPN 隧道传输,并据此构建一个可解决公用的信道上述问题的信息安全传输平台模型,从而为军队油料信息安全传输提供一种较好的解决方法。  相似文献   
What is the case for defence and is it a worthwhile investment? This question is addressed for two contrasting nations, namely, the UK and New Zealand. Economists have a set of standard analytical tools for addressing the question but they are difficult to operationalise. This paper provides policy‐relevant answers.  相似文献   
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