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根据战时靠前修理的原则,对战损武器作出快速反应,遏制参战武器战斗力的大幅度下降,是BDAR的任务。从火炮的基本原理、战损模式和影响,制定修复大纲,研制工具、设备,备件配备方案等几个方面分析了火炮战场损伤评估与修复的方法。  相似文献   
While recent work has attempted to update the research agenda for transatiantic defense burden-sharing, there remain significant gaps between the public choice defense economics literature and the security studies literature. The presence of such a gap is unfortunate, because defense spending choices are likely shaped by factors identified by the public choice literature, as well as the strategic and cultural variables that the security studies literature tends to focus on, as well as domestic macroeconomic factors. The independent variables identified in recent qualitative literature are extremely useful analytically, and, fortunately, they have reasonable proxies in available quantitative data, which enables scholars to study them across large groups of countries and many years. This article builds upon such work to synthesize the most notable of the factors identified in the current literature, and offers some common analytical ground that will benefit both scholars and practitioners..  相似文献   
针对高超声速飞行器控制系统设计,提出一种基于干扰观测器的鲁棒反演控制器设计方法。采用反演控制方法分别设计速度和高度控制器。引入滑模微分器设计虚拟控制量的导数求解器,避免了传统反演控制"微分项膨胀"问题。为增强控制器的鲁棒性,设计一种非线性干扰观测器对模型不确定项进行自适应估计和补偿。通过数值仿真表明,该控制器能够保证对速度和高度参考输入的稳定跟踪。  相似文献   
针对以往级联失效模型负载局部重分配规则与现实计算机网络全局路由特点不吻合的缺陷,模拟网络中信息流传输过程。定义路由器的失效条件,建立基于负载全局重分配的级联失效模型,并在此基础上提出基于连通和性能两方面的级联失效影响评价参数,进而分析用户流量和攻击方式对计算机网络级联失效的影响。结果表明,随着流量的增大,级联失效存在相变行为,相变点刻画了网络在不会发生级联失效前提下的最大传输能力。此外,针对网络中高度节点的攻击,更为容易引发大规模的级联失效,应予以重点保护。  相似文献   
《语言学概论》课程的评价体系改革势在必行,本文拟通过对《语言学概论》课程教学目标的理解、授课对象以及对教材、最新理论发现与教学内容之间关系把握等方面的研究,试图探讨出适合《语言学概论》课程的评价体系,即建立多元化的课程评价体系。从而在课程评价中实现在平时测评中的多样化操作,同时又能实现期末课程评价最大的合理化与公平化。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect of alliance membership on the defense burdens of major powers in the 19th and 20th centuries. We hypothesize that the reactions of states to alliance membership will be different in the pre‐nuclear and nuclear eras. Possession of nuclear weapons by allies makes the security provided by the alliance more akin to a collective good than is the case in the pre‐nuclear era. States join alliances for two reasons: security and autonomy. The effects of each of these concerns are identified. We include in our model such alliance‐level factors as the power equivalence of the allies and the number of states in the alliance. We also look at state‐level variables such as power position within the alliance. We conclude that the nuclear period generally operates as the free‐rider principle would posit, while models based on “complementarity of effort” are more applicable in the earlier period.  相似文献   
This paper models and simulates a government‐contractor principal‐agent weapon system repair model. Insights are derived as to how government repair contracts should be constructed so as to induce optimal contractor behavior. The paper's general conclusion is that the best contracting approach combines a lump‐sum payment that does not vary with the number of units repaired, expensive item cost‐sharing, and a contractor‐provided availability guarantee. Provided there is intercontractor competition, this type of contract performs well even if the government is poorly informed about weapon system break patterns or repair costs.  相似文献   
总结和推广了非线性动态系统渐近滑态(ASM)控制方法的若干理论成果。在相当一般的假设条件下,我们指出了可以采用连续(乃至光滑)的控制方案,将系统的状态驱往给定的滑动流形上。此外,我们还引入了基于Hamilton-Jacobi方程的理论方法,统一了先前得到的关于闭环系统鲁棒性分析的结果。最后我们列举了一些应用例子和研究建议。  相似文献   
加快武警院校初级指挥人才培养模式转变,既是贯彻落实胡主席主题主线重大战略思想的客观要求,也是适应建设现代化武警需要,不断提高院校人才培养质量的迫切要求。客观分析了以往武警院校初级指挥人才培养模式所取得的主要成绩、存在问题及原因;从适应武警部队现代化建设现实需要等方面,阐述了转变人才培养模式的必要性;从服务部队建设、培养合格人才的高度,提出了加快初级指挥人才培养模式转变的六项基本对策。  相似文献   
抛锚式教学把学生设于真实的情境中,让学生达到认知冲突,让学生自己去分析问题、学习解决该问题所需的知识,逐步地解决问题。作为教师职前教育的一门重要的基础课程教育学,其教学效果一直不尽如人意。而抛锚式教学法为教育学的教学模式改啦提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   
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