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在理论方面,短肢剪力墙的研究尚处在探索阶段,缺少系统的研究,有关短肢剪力墙结构的轴压比对抗剪性能的影响分析还很不完善。在理论分析的基础上,确定了用以判断构件大、小偏压状态的界限轴压比,得到了为保证T形截面短肢剪力墙构件具有一定延性的轴压比限值。  相似文献   
培育军人核心价值观,是当前部队思想政治教育的重中之重,其培育途径尤为重要,笔者认为,可以通过培养与激发官兵亲社会行为,来推动与促进军人核心价值观的培育。运用心理学的相关理论,促进亲社会行为的概念与特征、亲社会行为与军人核心价值观的有机结合,培育军人核心价值观。  相似文献   
In rewards-based crowdfunding, entrepreneurs solicit donations from a large number of individual contributors. If total donations exceed a prespecified funding target, the entrepreneur distributes nonmonetary rewards to contributors; otherwise, their donations are refunded. We study how to design such campaigns when contributors choose not just whether to contribute, but also when to contribute. We show that strategic contribution behavior—when contributors intentionally delay until campaign success is likely—can arise from the combination of nonrefundable (potentially very small) hassle costs and the risk of campaign failure, and can explain pledging patterns commonly observed in crowdfunding. Furthermore, such delays do not hurt the entrepreneur if contributors are perfectly rational, but they do if contributors are distracted, that is, if they might fail to return to the campaign after an intentional delay. To mitigate this, we find that an entrepreneur can use a simple menu of rewards with a fixed number of units sold at a low price, and an unlimited number sold at a higher price; this segments contributors over time based on the information they observe upon arrival. We show that, despite its simplicity, such a menu performs well compared to a theoretically optimal menu consisting of an infinite number of different rewards and price levels under many conditions.  相似文献   
某军队院校干部体质状况不容乐观,干部首次体能达标率为63.74%。体质健康与健康行为密切相关。院校干部健康行为的认知度较高,但受时间、氛围、场地和自身行为等各种因素影响,生活方式和健身习惯不理想。建议提高思想认识,有效利用资源,建立监测系统,把体育健身融入到干部的日常生活中。  相似文献   
Changing and optimizing the projectile nose shape is an important way to achieve specific ballistic performance. One special ballistic performance is the embedding effect, which can achieve a delayed high-explosive reaction on the target surface. This embedding effect includes a rebound phase that is significantly different from the traditional penetration process. To better study embedment behavior, this study proposed a novel nose shape called an annular grooved projectile and defined its interaction process with the ductile metal plate as partial penetration. Specifically, we conducted a series of low-velocity-ballistic tests in which these steel projectiles were used to strike 16-mm-thick target plates made with 2024-O aluminum alloy. We observed the dynamic evolution characteristics of this aluminum alloy near the impact craters and analyzed these characteristics by corresponding cross-sectional views and numerical simulations. The results indicated that the penetration resistance had a brief decrease that was influenced by its groove structure, but then it increased significantly-that is, the fluctuation of penetration resistance was affected by the irregular nose shape. Moreover, we visualized the distribution of the material in the groove and its inflow process through the rheology lines in microscopic tests and the highlighted mesh lines in simulations. The combination of these phenomena revealed the embed-ment mechanism of the annular grooved projectile and optimized the design of the groove shape to achieve a more firm embedment performance. The embedment was achieved primarily by the target material filled in the groove structure. Therefore, preventing the shear failure that occurred on the filling material was key to achieving this embedding effect.  相似文献   
根据计划行为理论基本原理,通过问卷调查,分析促成学员考试违规行为意向形成的因素,提出相应措施予以适当干预,减少或杜绝考试违规行为发生。  相似文献   
一种基于辩论的协作型CGF分层协商模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对作战仿真对人类行为表示(HBR)的准确性要求,建立真实反映战场行为的冲突消解模型是非常重要的.根据已有研究的不足和冲突行为分析,提出了基于辩论的协作型计算机生成兵力(CGF)分层协商模型,在给出相关定义的基础上,研究了冲突下的协商行为过程,实现了基于效用理论的论据强度定量评估算法,算法用于实现首选议题的选取和共同信...  相似文献   
在各类计算机动画中 ,角色动画可满足实时性及交互性的需要 ,其核心技术在于角色的建模技术。该文主要介绍了作者所研制的角色动画制作系统———“网动王 98” (简称Net_Anim系统 )中所采用的角色建模机制及其相关技术 ,内容包括 :角色的对象模型及其运行机制 ;角色复合行为的实现算法及相关的关键问题 ;应用示例 :Net_Anim系统的特色和有待进一步研究和解决的相关问题。  相似文献   
The current combat motivation model based on primary group thesis assumes that the main force behind motivation is peer-bonding or otherwise known as unit cohesion. Cohesion is perceived as an all-encompassing factor that leads to satisfactory (or unsatisfactory in lack thereof) military effectiveness and performance in conflict environments. However, the article identifies three main problems with this perspective: 1. mono-dimensional view of motivation; 2. motivation based on heteronomy, and 3. self-reporting bias. The current model does not consider motivation as a separate entity from cohesion; it does not place motivation as fundamental human value; lastly, it takes motivation as granted by-product of socialization. The article proposes a new combat motivation model based on The Self-Determination Theory. The theory maintains that human motivation requires satisfaction of three psychological needs of competence, relatedness, and autonomy. The degree of satisfaction of those three needs leads to different types of regulated motivations – a continuum from intrinsic to extrinsic – each of which has specifiable consequences for learning, performance, and well-being of an individual.  相似文献   
直接挤出成型制造适用于任何含或不含添加剂的膏状或凝胶状复合材料,对复合材料制造技术具有深远意义.通过探讨热固性环氧树脂的流变学行为与挤出成型特性,得出热固性环氧树脂在直接挤出成型制造应用中的通用性流变学参数.通过向复合材料中加入增稠剂,对其流变学行为进行设计.结果表明:在高剪切速率(50 s-1)和低剪切速率(0.01...  相似文献   
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