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1975年MAZO提出超Nyquist码元速率(FTN)理论,通过理论推导证明,信号在加性高斯白噪声信道下,以超过Nyquist码元速率25%以内的速率进行传输,误码性能可以不下降。但MAZO以及至今都没人能完成FTN的接收,因为当信号以超Nyquist码元速率进行传输所引起的码间串扰长度无限长,若要完全消除码间串扰,使用最大似然检测(MLSE)方法,其复杂度无穷大,是不可实现的。基于MMSE均衡和WCE均衡级联的两级均衡已证明在长码间串扰信道下其误码性能接近于MLSE。文章将两级均衡运用于FTN接收,仿真证明在加性高斯白噪声信道下,信号以超过Nyquist码元速率25%以内的速率进行传输,误码性能不下降。成功实现FTN的接收,验证了MAZO的理论。  相似文献   
航空反潜战中,潜艇处于不利地位,如何提高潜艇对抗反潜机的作战能力,是亟待解决的问题。分析了潜艇通过拖曳综合浮标和电子支援措施Electronic Support Measure(ESM)设备对声纳浮标阵进行估计定位的单站双址交叉测向和基于方位角变化率的方法,以及潜艇方位角、角速率和航速对定位误差的影响。建立了潜艇对声纳浮标位置估计模型,提出了潜艇突破声纳浮标阵封锁应采用的规避策略。结果表明,潜艇可以对声纳浮标进行定位,为潜艇规避声纳浮标阵提供参考。  相似文献   
In the classical EPQ model with continuous and constant demand, holding and setup costs are minimized when the production rate is no larger than the demand rate. However, the situation may change when demand is lumpy. We consider a firm that produces multiple products, each having a unique lumpy demand pattern. The decision involves determining both the lot size for each product and the allocation of resources for production rate improvements among the products. We find that each product's optimal production policy will take on only one of two forms: either continuous production or lot‐for‐lot production. The problem is then formulated as a nonlinear nonsmooth knapsack problem among products determined to be candidates for resource allocation. A heuristic procedure is developed to determine allocation amounts. The procedure decomposes the problem into a mixed integer program and a nonlinear convex resource allocation problem. Numerical tests suggest that the heuristic performs very well on average compared to the optimal solution. Both the model and the heuristic procedure can be extended to allow the company to simultaneously alter both the production rates and the incoming demand lot sizes through quantity discounts. Extensions can also be made to address the case where a single investment increases the production rate of multiple products. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
火灾中,起火建筑的内部构件以及相邻建筑物的外部构件都要受到火灾高温及火焰热的作用。本文定量评估了威胁上述建筑构件的火灾因素.旨在为人们综合考虑采取合理的防火技术措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Various methods and criteria for comparing coherent systems are discussed. Theoretical results are derived for comparing systems of a given order when components are assumed to have independent and identically distributed lifetimes. All comparisons rely on the representation of a system's lifetime distribution as a function of the system's “signature,” that is, as a function of the vector p= (p1, … , pn), where pi is the probability that the system fails upon the occurrence of the ith component failure. Sufficient conditions are provided for the lifetime of one system to be larger than that of another system in three different senses: stochastic ordering, hazard rate ordering, and likelihood ratio ordering. Further, a new preservation theorem for hazard rate ordering is established. In the final section, the notion of system signature is used to examine a recently published conjecture regarding componentwise and systemwise redundancy. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 507–523, 1999  相似文献   
Cylindrical specimens are commonly used in Split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) tests to study the uniaxial dynamic properties of concrete-like materials.In recent years,true tri-axial SHPB equipment has also been developed or is under development to investigate the material dynamic properties under tri-axial impact loads.For such tests,cubic specimens are needed.It is well understood that static material strength obtained from cylinder and cube specimens are different.Conversion factors are obtained and adopted in some guidelines to convert the material strength obtained from the two types of specimens.Previous uniaxial impact tests have also demonstrated that the failure mode and the strain rate effect of cubic specimens are very different from that of cylindrical ones.However,the mechanical background of these findings is unclear.As an extension of the previous laboratory study,this study performs numerical SHPB tests of cubic and cylindrical concrete specimens subjected to uniaxial impact load with the validated numerical model.The stress states of cubic specimens in relation to its failure mode under different strain rates is analyzed and compared with cylindrical specimens.The detailed analyses of the numerical simulation results show that the lateral inertial confinement of the cylindrical specimen is higher than that of the cubic specimen under the same strain rates.For cubic specimen,the corners are more severely damaged because of the lower lateral confinement and the occurrence of the tensile radial stress which is not observed in cylindrical specimens.These results explain why the dynamic material strengths obtained from the two types of specimens are different and are strain rate dependent.Based on the simulation results,an empirical formula of conversion factor as a function of strain rate is proposed,which supplements the traditional conversion factor for quasi-static material strength.It can be used for transforming the dynamic compressive strength from cylinders to cubes obtained from impact tests at different strain rates.  相似文献   
以具有欠驱动关节的水平两自由度机械臂为研究对象,研究当驱动关节达到指定位置后,以幅值和频率可调的驱动关节角速度信号为控制输入量来控制欠驱动关节的位置。用平均法对欠驱动机械臂的拉格朗日动力学模型进行了简化,并基于简化后的模型给出了闭环非线性反馈控制律。仿真结果表明,所设计的闭环非线性反馈控制率能够使任意初始位置的欠驱动关节趋近其指定位置。  相似文献   
针对我军配套装备器材订货的特点,在考虑库存容量空间限制与整套装备的最低期望满足率两种约束条件下,建立了配套装备器材的库存与运输优化模型,并应用改进的动态规划方法进行求解。结果表明:应用库存与运输的优化模型,在保障军事目标实现的前提下,有效地降低了物流成本。  相似文献   
Following a review of the basic ideas in structural reliability, including signature‐based representation and preservation theorems for systems whose components have independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) lifetimes, extensions that apply to the comparison of coherent systems of different sizes, and stochastic mixtures of them, are obtained. It is then shown that these results may be extended to vectors of exchangeable random lifetimes. In particular, for arbitrary systems of sizes m < n with exchangeable component lifetimes, it is shown that the distribution of an m‐component system's lifetime can be written as a mixture of the distributions of k‐out‐of‐n systems. When the system has n components, the vector of coefficients in this mixture representation is precisely the signature of the system defined in Samaniego, IEEE Trans Reliabil R–34 (1985) 69–72. These mixture representations are then used to obtain new stochastic ordering properties for coherent or mixed systems of different sizes. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
用应急净水系统净化不同水质的原水,以考察其作业性能。结果表明,出水浊度不受原水浊度的影响,且低于1NTU;在试验原水浊度、温度范围内,出水流量较稳定,产水量符合设计要求;出水水质符合生活饮用水卫生标准的要求。  相似文献   
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