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We study the scheduling situation in which a set of jobs subjected to release dates and deadlines are to be performed on a single machine. The objective is to minimize a piecewise linear objective function ∑jFj where Fj(Cj) corresponds to the cost of the completion of job j at time Cj. This class of function is very large and thus interesting both from a theoretical and practical point of view: It can be used to model total (weighted) completion time, total (weighted) tardiness, earliness and tardiness, etc. We introduce a new Mixed Integer Program (MIP) based on time interval decomposition. Our MIP is closely related to the well‐known time‐indexed MIP formulation but uses much less variables and constraints. Experiments on academic benchmarks as well as on real‐life industrial problems show that our generic MIP formulation is efficient. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   
In the last decade, there has been much progress in understanding scheduling problems in which selfish jobs aim to minimize their individual completion time. Most of this work has focused on makespan minimization as social objective. In contrast, we consider as social cost the total weighted completion time, that is, the sum of the agent costs, a standard definition of welfare in economics. In our setting, jobs are processed on restricted uniform parallel machines, where each machine has a speed and is only capable of processing a subset of jobs; a job's cost is its weighted completion time; and each machine sequences its jobs in weighted shortest processing time (WSPT) order. Whereas for the makespan social cost the price of anarchy is not bounded by a constant in most environments, we show that for our minsum social objective the price of anarchy is bounded above by a small constant, independent of the instance. Specifically, we show that the price of anarchy is exactly 2 for the class of unit jobs, unit speed instances where the finite processing time values define the edge set of a forest with the machines as nodes. For the general case of mixed job strategies and restricted uniform machines, we prove that the price of anarchy equals 4. From a classical machine scheduling perspective, our results establish the same constant performance guarantees for WSPT list scheduling. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
This paper presents a new methodology to solve the cyclic preference scheduling problem for hourly workers. The focus is on nurse rostering but is applicable to any organization in which the midterm scheduling decision must take into account a complex of legal, institutional, and preferential constraints. The objective is to strike a balance between satisfying individual preferences and minimizing personnel costs. The common practice is to consider each planning period independently and to generate new rosters at the beginning of each. To reduce some of the instability in the process, there is a growing trend toward cyclic schedules, which are easier to manage and are generally perceived to be more equitable. To address this problem, a new integer programming model is presented that combines the elements of both cyclic and preference scheduling. To find solutions, a branch‐and‐price algorithm is developed that makes use of several branching rules and an extremely effective rounding heuristic. A unique feature of the formulation is that the master problem contains integer rather than binary variables. Computational results are reported for problem instances with up to 200 nurses. Most were solved within 10 minutes and many within 3 minutes when a double aggregation approach was applicable. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007.  相似文献   
We study a deterministic two‐machine flowshop scheduling problem with an assumption that one of the two machines is not available in a specified time period. This period can be due to a breakdown, preventive maintenance, or processing unfinished jobs from a previous planning horizon. The problem is known to be NP‐hard. Pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithms and heuristics with worst case error bounds are given in the literature to solve the problem. They are different for the cases when the unavailability interval is for the first or second machine. The existence of a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) was formulated as an open conjecture in the literature. In this paper, we show that the two cases of the problem under study are equivalent to similar partition type problems. Then we derive a generic FPTAS for the latter problems with O(n54) time complexity. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
In this article, we propose a branch‐and‐price‐and‐cut (BPC) algorithm to exactly solve the manpower routing problem with synchronization constraints (MRPSC). Compared with the classical vehicle routing problems (VRPs), the defining characteristic of the MRPSC is that multiple workers are required to work together and start at the same time to carry out a job, that is, the routes of the scheduling subjects are dependent. The incorporation of the synchronization constraints increases the difficulty of the MRPSC significantly and makes the existing VRP exact algorithm inapplicable. Although there are many types of valid inequalities for the VRP or its variants, so far we can only adapt the infeasible path elimination inequality and the weak clique inequality to handle the synchronization constraints in our BPC algorithm. The experimental results at the root node of the branch‐and‐bound tree show that the employed inequalities can effectively improve the lower bound of the problem. Compared with ILOG CPLEX, our BPC algorithm managed to find optimal solutions for more test instances within 1 hour. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 138–171, 2016  相似文献   
We study the problem of multimode scheduling tasks on dedicated processors, with the objective of minimizing the maximum completion time. Each task can be undertaken in one among a set of predefined alternative modes, where each mode specifies a required set of dedicated processors and a processing time. At any time each processor can be used by a single task at most. General precedence constraints exist among tasks, and task preemption is not allowed. The problem consists of assigning a mode and a starting time to each task, respecting processor and precedence constraints, to minimize the time required to complete all tasks. The problem is NP-hard in several particular cases. In previous works, we studied algorithms in which a solution was obtained by means of an iterative procedure that combines mode assignment and sequencing phases separately. In this paper, we present some new heuristics where the decision on the mode assignment is taken on the basis of a partial schedule. Then, for each task, the mode selection and the starting time are chosen simultaneously considering the current processor usage. Different lower bounds are derived from a mathematical formulation of the problem and from a graph representation of a particular relaxed version of the problem. Heuristic solutions and lower bounds are evaluated on randomly generated test problems. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 893–911, 1999  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling multiprocessor tasks with prespecified processor allocations to minimize the total completion time. The complexity of both preemptive and nonpreemptive cases of the two-processor problem are studied. We show that the preemptive case is solvable in O(n log n) time. In the nonpreemptive case, we prove that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense, which answers an open question mentioned in Hoogeveen, van de Velde, and Veltman (1994). An efficient heuristic is also developed for this case. The relative error of this heuristic is at most 100%. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 231–242, 1998  相似文献   
We consider a system that depends on a single vital component. If this component fails, the system life will terminate. If the component is replaced before its failure then the system life may be extended; however, there are only a finite number of spare components. In addition, the lifetimes of these spare components are not necessarily identically distributed. We propose a model for scheduling component replacements so as to maximize the expected system survival. We find the counterintuitive result that when comparing components' general lifetime distributions based on stochastic orderings, not even the strongest ordering provides an a priori guarantee of the optimal sequencing of components. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
从现有的拦截排序准则出发,根据实际作战中进袭目标的特点,应用现代排序理论,分别建立了动态目标拦截排序模型和总损失最小化模型,给出相应的求解算法。最后实例计算得出模型既体现了现有的拦截准则,又对现有的准则进行了推广。  相似文献   
针对导弹在飞行过程中动力学特性大范围变化的特点,以俯仰通道为例,运用预定增益控制理论设计导弹飞行控制系统,即利用导弹空气动力学特性和导弹某些特征参数的强相关性来调整控制器参数,确保导弹在要求的飞行条件下满足稳定性和动态品质.最后通过仿真验证了所设计的控制器满足性能要求.  相似文献   
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