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Russia, as many contemporary states, takes public diplomacy seriously. Since the inception of its English language TV network Russia Today in 2005 (now ‘RT’), the Russian government has broadened its operations to include Sputnik news websites in several languages and social media activities. Moscow, however, has also been accused of engaging in covert influence activities – behaviour historically referred to as ‘active measures’ in the Soviet KGB lexicon on political warfare. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence on how Russia since 2014 has moved towards a preference for active measures towards Sweden, a small country in a geopolitically important European region. We analyse the blurring of boundaries between public diplomacy and active measures; document phenomena such as forgeries, disinformation, military threats and agents of influence and define Russian foreign policy strategy. In summary, we conclude that the overarching goal of Russian policy towards Sweden and the wider Baltic Sea is to preserve the geostrategic status quo, which is identified with a security order minimising NATO presence in the region.  相似文献   
沈雪石 《国防科技》2017,38(4):042-046
网络空间攻防技术对国家安全影响的地位日趋上升,已成为世界主要国家超前布局、优先发展的重要技术领域。文章系统梳理了主要国家在态势感知技术、攻击技术、防御技术、控制技术、支援保障技术等领域所取得重要进展和面临的问题,重点分析和前瞻了网络空间攻防技术发展的新趋势和新途径。  相似文献   
对移动通信网络的位置群体节点进行了优化定位和挖掘,优化移动通信网络的覆盖度和可靠度,传统的位置群体节点挖掘算法采用信息度增益控制挖掘算法,算法不能自主感知节点信息数据的变化,无法实现数据信息的实时传递和决策。提出基于位置群体节点信息融合和滤波控制的移动通信网络位置群体节点的挖掘方法。构建移动通信网络节点的分布模型和信道模型,采用多径信道均衡设计实现位置群体节点信息融合,采用自适应滤波控制方法实现对通信节点挖掘的干扰抑制。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行通信节点挖掘,信标定位准确,信号的覆盖度较合理,实现了信道空间的合理高效利用,实现了信道均衡和干扰抑制,有效降低了通信的误比特率。  相似文献   
针对超低空重装空投过程中,货物的持续移动及瞬间出舱对载机产生的干扰力矩严重影响空投任务的完成性甚至危及飞行安全的问题,提出了一种基于自抗扰理论的超低空空投运输机纵向控制律设计方法。将气动参数摄动、未建模动态等不确定因素都归结为"未知扰动",利用扩张状态观测器对扰动进行实时估计和补偿,实现了飞机内环速度和俯仰角的解耦控制,保证了系统鲁棒性,结合外环PID高度保持控制器完成整个飞行控制系统的设计。数值仿真结果表明,该系统具有良好的响应特性,且对系统不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
良好的心理应对能力是维和警察有效遂行维和任务的心理保障。为探讨团体心理干预对维和警察心理应对能力的改善效果,对32名维和警察培训学员分成实验组和控制组进行干预实验。经干预,实验组成员身心状况、应对方式、社会支持有明显改善,自尊状况亦有显著变化。说明团体心理干预对改善培训学员综合心理健康状况、增强其心理应对能力有一定效果。  相似文献   
在阐释合作学习理论的基础上,分析了合作式教学的基本特征,并以澳大利亚英语课堂教学活动为例,探讨如何运用合作互动型模式提高外语学习效果。该理论的应用为改进学生英语课堂参与行为及参与模式提供教学启示。  相似文献   
This article investigates the little-known plans formulated by Harold Wilson's Labour government to deploy Polaris submarines in the Indo-Pacific region. The scheme was first proposed in 1965 as a response to several problems faced by British policy-makers, including China's acquisition of a nuclear capability, Britain's wish to maintain a meaningful position ‘East of Suez’ at reduced cost, and German pressure for equal treatment within NATO on nuclear matters. Despite extensive high-level discussion, the plans were finally abandoned in mid-1968, as Labour moved more decisively to forsake the world role.  相似文献   
为研究半预制破片PELE弹丸对武装直升机的毁伤效能,选取代表性的阿帕奇武装直升机为研究对象,建立了阿帕奇武装直升机关键部件驾驶舱和发动机舱的等效模型,在此基础上应用ANSYS/LS-DYNA就半预制破片PELE弹丸对阿帕奇武装直升机的毁伤效能进行了数值分析.结果表明:半预制破片PELE弹丸能有效穿透阿帕奇武装直升机的防护装甲,在穿透防护靶后弹丸壳体大面积碎裂,产生大量具有较高轴向剩余速度和一定径向飞散速度的破片,形成一个大面积的破片场,这些破片及弹丸剩余部分可对武装直升机内部人员及仪器设备造成有效毁伤,极大地增强了PELE弹丸的毁伤效能.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the long‐run demand for defence output through a homogeneous treatment of 15 NATO member countries between 1960 and 1999. We carry out a progressive study of the interactions between either defence spending or defence burden and their main determinants: income, external threat and allied military spending. To that end, we use time‐series analysis with endogenously determined structural breaks. We further consider individual country functions related to one another through a common correlated effects method, in order to take into account explicitly the connections between members of an alliance.  相似文献   
水雷主动声引信低截获特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从声纳方程和信号检测两方面分析了主动声引信实现低截获的可行性和技术途径.数据仿真表明,接收机检测阈在6 dB以下,有数量级为104以上的信号长度,发射波形为随机形式时,水雷主动引信实现低截获特性是可行的.  相似文献   
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