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面阵CCD在光场能量探测领域具有较大的应用前景。讨论了影响CCD探测精度的特性参数,包括平均暗电流、光电响应非均匀性和非线性,设计了特性参数测试系统,给出的实验结果对CCD用于光能探测具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
通用雷达装备虚拟维修训练系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前装备模拟训练系统研制所存在的问题,以雷达装备为研究对象,开发了一种通用虚拟维修训练系统。该系统运用高层体系结构和组件技术,采用总线—插件的分布式软件体系结构,实现了系统开放互联的要求,有效降低了开发成本,提高了系统的通用性。  相似文献   
水面舰艇电子武备基座水平度的检验与修正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了舰船电子武备基座水平度的检验与修正方法,探讨了影响基座水平度变化的诸多因素及预防措施.通过建立物理模型和数学模型,提出了基座水平误差修正方法.该方法在某型导弹驱逐舰现代化改装中得到了应用,收到了良好的效果.  相似文献   
防空作战中的目标分配问题属于NP完全问题,在综合考虑火力单元作战效能和防御效能的基础上,引入火力单元综合有利度,建立了一种用于大规模多火力单元对抗多轮次目标的静态目标分配模型,给出了基于GA因子的改进PSO算法,并将算法应用于目标分配模型的求解,通过VC 6.0编程和计算机仿真验证了模型的可行性和算法的有效性.  相似文献   
通过基于级数的粒子编码变换方法,将武器目标分配问题的约束条件进行了化简.对原始类电磁算法,在种群初始化、局部搜索、合力计算以及粒子移动等各步骤对其进行改造,使之适应武器目标分配问题的整数解空间.最后通过数值实验验证了该改造后算法解决武器目标分配问题的有效性.  相似文献   
针对建筑节能初期设计阶段,采用建筑环境设计软件Ecotect对某节能示范楼外窗遮阳情况进行模拟分析,得到各朝向外窗的遮阳形式以及大小设计范围,为下一阶段包括外遮阳形式,构造尺寸和各朝向房间的窗墙比、外窗材料选择提供了设计参考.  相似文献   
量化判定空袭目标威胁等级是数字化战场信息融合的重要内容,也是未来联合防空作战中指挥决策系统合理分配作战资源的基本依据。但是,空袭目标威胁等级的评判标准至今尚未统一,本文首先使用AHP法建立空袭目标威胁等级层次分析模型,针对AHP法构建成对比较矩阵过于繁琐及各指标权重难以把握的弊端,只针对层次分析模型最下层的相关指标进行分析并提出量化方法,随后根据量化数值直接构建判断矩阵,并结合DELPHI法给出诸项评估指标的权重。最后,通过实例验证了该模型的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   
现存的被动式外骨骼存在助力效果不明显等缺陷。基于人体步态特征,提出了将人体行走过程中的重力势能转化为人体抬腿过程中动能的原理,通过弹簧、曲柄滑块机构、棘轮棘爪机构以及链传动机构的组合,设计了一款被动式下肢机械外骨骼,并通过外骨骼动力学分析和生理消耗指数实验测试的方法进行了外骨骼性能评价。动力学分析结果表明,穿戴外骨骼后髋关节峰力矩总量降低了23.43%,髋关节做功总量降低了30.59%,初步验证了外骨骼的有效性。生理消耗指数实验测试结果表明, 穿戴外骨骼对于短距离动作转换未产生显著效果,但在长距离行走和上坡行走中分别降低了8.1%和10.4%的能量消耗。因此,该下肢外骨骼助力性能得到了验证,为相关领域的研究提供了实例化参考。  相似文献   
The laser technology has made remarkable progress over the past couple of decades.It is being widely employed in diverse domains,such as holography,space sciences,spectroscopy,medical sciences,micro and power electronics,industrial engineering,and most distinctively,as directed energy military weapons.Owing to their active transmissions,laser systems are similar to microwave radars to some extent;however,unlike conventional radars,the laser operates at very high frequencies thus making it a potent enabler of narrow-beam and high energy aerial deployments,both in offensive and defensive roles.In modern avionics systems,laser target indicators and beam riders are the most common devices that are used to direct the Laser Guided Weapons(LGW)accurately to the ground targets.Additionally,compact size and outstanding angular resolution of laser-based systems motivate their use for drones and unmanned aerial applications.Moreover,the narrow-beam divergence of laser emissions offers a low probability of intercept,making it a suitable contender for secure transmissions and safety-critical operations.Furthermore,the developments in space sciences and laser technology have given syner-gistic potential outcomes to use laser systems in space operations.This paper comprehensively reviews laser applications and projects for strategic defense actions on the ground or in space.Additionally,a detailed analysis has been done on recent advancements of the laser technology for target indicators and range-finders.It also reviews the advancements in the field of laser communications for surveillance,its earlier state of the art,and ongoing scientific research and ad-vancements in the domain of high energy directed laser weapons that have revolutionized the evolving military battlefield.Besides offering a comprehensive taxonomy,the paper also critically analyzes some of the recent contributions in the associated domains.  相似文献   
This paper describes the most common presently used methods for detecting uranium and plutonium isotopes after their introduction to environment. Known isotope ratios of U and Pu in different nuclear events are important tool for characterizing the sources of nuclear material. Detection techniques both in field and in laboratory are presented, as well as different models that can be used for identifying the origin and age of the nuclear material. Identification of the source of nuclear material in environmental samples is needed for estimating the quality and quantity of the nuclear hazard. This information is essential in risk assessment and crisis management, in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) research after e.g. a terrorist attack, in radioecology and environmental radioactivity research.  相似文献   
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