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“发展航天事业,建设航天强国是我们不懈追求的航天梦” ,建设实力雄厚、现代化、技术一流的航天发射中心,不断推进航天强国战略发展步伐。本文辨析了世界一流航天发射中心的概念和所具备的特征,并从先天优势、发展实力、组织管理等方面分析了航天发射中心发展的内在要求,提出了现役航天发射中心转型发展对策,为航天强国建设提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
印度开展外空技术试验遭受了来自国际舆论的谴责、强国遏制与外空法约束等多个方面的压力.当今世界航天大国都在竞相开展外空技术试验.当各国面临相似的问题时,应尽快开展研究,找出如何以合理的理由、灵活的手段开展试验,同时集结优势力量开展国际合作.本文深入分析主要航天国家对印度开展外空试验的主要压制手段,以此剖析印度外空技术试验...  相似文献   
讨论Hilbert空间上具有A A与AA可交换的算子类的性质及其刻画,考察这类算子与其它算子类的关系,并给出了一些例子,用以说明有关算子类的包含关系.  相似文献   
改进的四陀螺冗余捷联惯组故障诊断与隔离方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四个陀螺和四个加速度计构成的冗余捷联惯组系统,采用等价空间法——广义似然比法、最优奇偶向量法进行故障诊断与隔离时,会出现不能正确隔离出故障仪表的问题。分析后得出,存在一个余度时,等价空间法只能诊断出故障,而无法隔离故障仪表,这是由等价空间法的原理决定的。小波变换可对信号进行多尺度分析,能够准确地找出信号奇异点——幅值突变和频率突变等。基于以上问题,利用小波变换对突变信号敏感的特性,提出等价空间+小波变换的组合方法,对四陀螺冗余捷联惯组进行故障诊断与隔离。数字仿真试验证明:对于阶跃型故障,该组合方法能诊断故障并能成功进行故障隔离。  相似文献   
针对目前网络化指挥信息系统作战效能评估指标体系不完善、且缺乏分项指标计算方法模型等问题,从网络化作战对指挥信息系统的作战需求出发,研究构建了空军网络化指挥信息系统的作战效能评估指标体系,并提出了分项指标概念内涵和计算模型与方法,可为指挥信息系统研制提供参考和支撑,为其作战效能的客观评估提供指标体系和模型方法。  相似文献   
利用民航力量由多个机场向一个目标机场实施航空战略投送时,由于各民航机场都具有运力限制约束,不可能无限制地快速投送兵力,因此,考虑了在多个出发机场存在运力限制约束的情况下,构建了"投送时间最短,动员机场最少"多目标决策模型,并给出了优化算法和算例.  相似文献   
The defense establishments of all major powers are changing to reflect changes in the foundations of national security strategy and resource allocation. The authors believe economists should play an active role in formulating these changes and offer an orientation to the U.S. debate, presenting three major alternatives: the “Base Force” (Bush Administration), Mr. Aspin's Force “C,” and the “Low” Alternative (Prof. Kaufmann and Dr. Steinbruner). These alternatives are compared using first‐order measures of capabilities, budgets and risk. Budgetary estimates are based on newly‐developed analytical tools.  相似文献   
Decision-making in defense acquisition programs in the Republic of Korea (ROK) has been problematic, especially in highly advanced complex systems. The highly disputed force modernization program for the ROK Air Force’s fifth-generation fighter, dubbed the Fighter eXperiment, went through extreme turbulence during the type selection phase. The gist of the turbulence became evident through poor institutional coordination within the defense acquisition authorities that eventually forced them to rescind the decision generated from their own yearlong efforts, thus basically shooting themselves on the foot. The paper highlights the background of the program and reviews the institutional elements that influenced the decision-making process, and conclude that the absence of an effective coordination mechanism has made decision-making in complex defense programs even more troublesome.  相似文献   
针对传统的装备维修保障力量派遣模糊、效率低下等问题,以受损装备为研究对象,以装备受损部位与维修专业之间的关系矩阵、修复受损装备时限为研究内容,以快速、精确派遣维修保障力量为研究目的,建立了面向任务的装备维修保障力量解聚模型。最后,重点分析并实例应用了装备维修保障力量解聚方法。  相似文献   
This article argues India is laying the foundation to move away from “no-first-use” (NFU) as its nuclear weapons employment policy. Since the inception of its nuclear weapons program, India has claimed NFU as the centerpiece of its nuclear strategy. But India has a history of developing foundational changes to its nuclear weapons program before such changes actually occur. For example, the infrastructure of India’s nuclear weapons program was already being created in the 1950s under the guise of civilian nuclear power. Similarly, the weaponization of India’s program, which did not officially occur until after the 1998 tests, had its genesis in far earlier decisions. A close examination of trends in India’s nuclear weapons production complex, its delivery systems, and its command and control complex all lead to the conclusion that India is laying the groundwork for more flexible employment options, up to and including first use. This article does not argue such a decision has been taken. Rather, it argues the underpinning is in place to allow for a move to more flexible options, perhaps very quickly, at some point in the future. This could occur during crisis or it could occur incrementally over time.  相似文献   
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