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本文利用向量等式:对线性代数中的两个重要结论作出新的证明。本文给出的证明,不但方法上具有新意,而且其解决过程也会使我们对问题本身有新的认识和理解。  相似文献   
RCS包含了目标丰富的信息.分析了空间目标RCS序列产生混沌的机理,并非线性理论中的功率谱法引入空间目标RCS序列的分析中,用重整标度分析法(R/S)分析了空间目标RCS序列的混沌特性,仿真结果表明,与旋转目标相比,三轴稳定目标RCS序列较复杂和不规则,这与实际分析的情况相符合,证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   
以公安边防部队廉政文化建设的机制创新为研究对象,旨在推动公安边防部队廉政文化建设的深入开展,促进公安边防部队向心力、凝聚力和战斗力的不断提高。从公安边防部队廉政文化建设教育、约束、工作和保障机制四个方面进行了深入剖析,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
近年来,日本将太空安全视为国家太空战略的首要事项,不断加强太空安全能力建设.成立宇宙作战部队之后,太空安全战略向备战太空走向明显.本文分析了日本太空安全战略由"和平利用"到"保守防御"型再到"攻防兼备"型的演变过程,通过对《宇宙基本法》《宇宙基本计划》《国家安全战略》《日美防卫合作指针》等文件内容进行研判,得出日本太空...  相似文献   
新世纪的公安消防部队 ,已成为一支多元化的职能部队 ,在反恐怖、反分裂的军事斗争中 ,如何发挥出行动迅捷、指挥得当、装备精良、战法高超、保障有力、敢打必胜的作用 ,直接关系到部队中心任务完成和整体作战水平。结合新形势、新任务、新课题 ,努力探索消防部队在反恐怖、反分裂任务中执行维稳处突、抢险救援的有效途径和作战方法 ,是十分必要的。  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been a sharp growth in political and sociological interest in the British military. Set against the backdrop of the armed forces’ increasing presence in everyday life, alongside the organizations’ ongoing restructuring, the current paper focuses on the MoD’s problematic attempts to recruit 30,000 reservists by 2020; what has become known as the Future Reserves 2020 programme (FR2020). We argue that these changes are driven in part by the need to cut costs in defence. However, we also suggest that they are a reflection of the changing nature of modern military organisation, and the manner in which armed forces engage with the societies of which they are a part, and with the citizens that make up that society. We locate FR2020 programme in the context of a wider narrative about the changing nature of military organisation in contemporary western democracies, identifying structural, circumstantial and normative reasons for change. We also examine the specific challenges of implementing FR2020 in practice, including issues of recruitment and retention, integration and support, and relations with families and employers, drawing on the experience of comparator countries to do so. We conclude by considering the implications of these changes, both for the future of UK armed forces, and for the evolving nature of military-society relations in Britain.  相似文献   
基于任务分析的航天装备体系研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航天装备的发展是一项复杂的系统工程,必须建立行之有效的研究方法作为指导.首先分析了航天装备体系的层次性特征,然后对基于任务分析的航天装备体系研究方法的思想和步骤进行了详细的阐述,方法以军事需求为切入点,以作战能力指标、任务指标、技术指标三类指标所建立的指标体系为术语标准贯穿始终,通过层层分解、逐层细化、反复迭代,最终给出满足军事需求的航天装备体系技术方案.最后从某一具体作战样式对航天装备体系的军事需求出发,研究了方法的具体实现,建立了指标体系.  相似文献   
边防情报识别是边防情报工作的一项重要内容,要素分析法是当前公安边防情报识别的基本方法之一。结合公安边防情报的特殊性对要素分析法进行了探讨,旨在更好的运用要素分析法,为公安边防情报的识别提供理论参考,以促进公安边防情报识别工作的进一步发展。  相似文献   
This article elaborates on how structural, normative and functional pressures for change may challenge military organizational characteristics. We problematize theoretically and exemplify empirically what consequences these pressures can have on military organizational characteristics, arguing that they constitute major challenges for managing in particular normative pressures for change. The empirical examples suggest that bureaucratic, hierarchical, narcissistic and greedy traits of the organization are challenged by normative pressures such as value changes and normalization. Another source of challenge is professionalization processes. Structural challenges, on the other hand, are managed by the organization and do not seem to inhibit the workings of organizational characteristics. The plausibility probe conducted questions the sustainability of military organizational characteristics in their traditional disguise, in particular due to legitimacy concerns. It is suggested that future research should be directed towards analyzing how military organizations manage pressure for change and whether their characteristics are questioned.  相似文献   
归纳总结了受限空间人员被困事故的特点,分析了此类事故救援过程中需要的器材装备,论述了受限空间人员被困事故的救援技术,并针对此类事故救援、训练、研究提出了建议。  相似文献   
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