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针对一类具有冗余节点的无线传感网,提出了一种新颖的能量感知的动态分簇算法NEAC。它基于动态分簇路由机制,根据节点分布密集程度簇内分布一定数量的休眠节点,在数据传输阶段,这些休眠节点不感知和发送数据,当簇首节点的能量消耗达到一定阈值后需要重新轮换簇首,它们被唤醒并根据休眠节点和簇首轮换机制实现快速簇首和休眠节点选举以平衡节点间的能耗。仿真结果表明,与典型的分簇协议相比,NEAC能够更好地平衡节点的能耗,获得更长的网络生存期。  相似文献   
Consider a project during the life cycle of which there are cash payouts and in‐flows. To better meet his financial commitments, the project owner would like to meet all deadlines without running out of cash. We show that the cash availability objective is similar to the total weighted flowtime used to measure work‐in‐progress performance in the scheduling and inventory control literatures. In this article we provide several specialized solution methods for the problem of minimizing total weighted flowtime in an arbitrary acyclic project network, subject to activity release times and due dates, where the activity weights may be positive or negative and represent cash in‐ and out‐flows. We describe the structure of an optimal solution and provide several efficient algorithms and their complexity based on mincost and maxflow formulations. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
提出了用小生境遗传模拟退火算法求解带复杂约束的非线性规划问题。首先分析了遗传算法"早熟"收敛以及局部搜索能力弱的不足,由此引入小生境以增加种群多样性,并抑制"早熟"收敛现象,同时引入模拟退火算法以增强局部搜索能力,改进进化后期收敛速度慢的不足,最后结合典型非线性规划算例验证了混合算法的效率、精度和可靠性。  相似文献   
在等概率抽样群体的条件下,讨论了演化算法的隐合并行性,得到了算法每代隐含处理的模式长度不超过ls(0≤ls≤l)的不同模式期望数的精确表达,并估计了其上下界.  相似文献   
发射率是测量红外辐射特性中的重要参数,直接影响测量的精度。在传统的能量法测发射率的基础上进行改进,利用红外辐射计MR170测量目标的光谱辐射亮度并在同一温度相同波段下建立一标准黑体模型,对目标光谱发射率进行求解。实验验证该方法可以获得满意的测量结果。对实验求取的光谱发射率进行误差分析,结果显示误差小于3%。  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs on a single batch machine, where several jobs can be processed simultaneously. Each job j has a processing time pj and a size sj. All jobs are available for processing at time 0. The batch machine has a capacity D. Several jobs can be batched together and processed simultaneously, provided that the total size of the jobs in the batch does not exceed D. The processing time of a batch is the largest processing time among all jobs in the batch. There is a single vehicle available for delivery of the finished products to the customer, and the vehicle has capacity K. We assume that K = rD, where and r is an integer. The travel time of the vehicle is T; that is, T is the time from the manufacturer to the customer. Our goal is to find a schedule of the jobs and a delivery plan so that the service span is minimized, where the service span is the time that the last job is delivered to the customer. We show that if the jobs have identical sizes, then we can find a schedule and delivery plan in time such that the service span is minimum. If the jobs have identical processing times, then we can find a schedule and delivery plan in time such that the service span is asymptotically at most 11/9 times the optimal service span. When the jobs have arbitrary processing times and arbitrary sizes, then we can find a schedule and delivery plan in time such that the service span is asymptotically at most twice the optimal service span. We also derive upper bounds of the absolute worst‐case ratios in both cases. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 470–482, 2015  相似文献   
This article studies a min‐max path cover problem, which is to determine a set of paths for k capacitated vehicles to service all the customers in a given weighted graph so that the largest path cost is minimized. The problem has wide applications in vehicle routing, especially when the minimization of the latest service completion time is a critical performance measure. We have analyzed four typical variants of this problem, where the vehicles have either unlimited or limited capacities, and they start from either a given depot or any depot of a given depot set. We have developed approximation algorithms for these four variants, which achieve approximation ratios of max{3 ‐ 2/k,2}, 5, max{5 ‐ 2/k,4}, and 7, respectively. We have also analyzed the approximation hardness of these variants by showing that, unless P = NP , it is impossible for them to achieve approximation ratios less than 4/3, 3/2, 3/2, and 2, respectively. We have further extended the techniques and results developed for this problem to other min‐max vehicle routing problems.© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
研究了将经验模式分解(Empirical Mode Decom position,EMD)、遗传算法及BP神经网络相结合对柴油机振动信号进行故障诊断的方法。首先运用经验模式分解方法对柴油机缸盖表面振动信号进行分解并提取特征参数;然后利用遗传算法对得到的特征参数进行选择,找到对于故障诊断最为敏感的参数;最后建立了BP神经网络模型对柴油机典型故障进行诊断。通过对某型柴油机的验证,表明该方法能够准确识别柴油机供油系统的典型故障。  相似文献   
针对现有任务分配方法在任务点较多时不易解算,且计算量大的问题,提出了基于模糊C-均值聚类算法的多无人机系统任务分配方法.首先,利用模糊C-均值聚类算法得到的隶属度矩阵对任务点进行初始分配;其次,针对基于空间划分聚类可能造成各UAV任务不均衡的问题,设计任务的局部优化调整规则;最后,结合单旅行商问题,利用Tabu Sea...  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling orders on identical machines in parallel. Each order consists of one or more individual jobs. A job that belongs to an order can be processed by any one of the machines. Multiple machines can process the jobs of an order concurrently. No setup is required if a machine switches over from one job to another. Each order is released at time zero and has a positive weight. Preemptions are not allowed. The completion time of an order is the time at which all jobs of that order have been completed. The objective is to minimize the total weighted completion time of the orders. The problem is NP‐hard for any fixed number (≥2) of machines. Because of this, we focus our attention on two classes of heuristics, which we refer to as sequential two‐phase heuristics and dynamic two‐phase heuristics. We perform a worst case analysis as well as an empirical analysis of nine heuristics. Our analyses enable us to rank these heuristics according to their effectiveness, taking solution quality as well as running time into account. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
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