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中国当代作家由于缺乏深层的终极意识和悲悯情怀,他们的作品也就缺乏一种强有力的内在的精神支撑。他们长于描写形而下的欲求与想往,却苦于对形而上的彼岸的敬畏与审视,不能唤起对高贵灵魂的疼痛与抚摸。因此,他们的精神生态中没有可以真正安顿灵魂的家园,成了一片荒芜的“荒原”。  相似文献   
针对高膛压坦克炮身管剩余寿命预测的难题,结合坦克实弹射击试验数据量少和非线性的特点,基于最小二乘支持向量机构建了坦克炮身管剩余寿命预测模型,给出了模型参数的选取方法,并以某型坦克炮射击试验为基础,对坦克炮身管剩余寿命预测模型进行了验证。结果表明:该模型预测坦克炮身管剩余寿命效果良好。  相似文献   
大型消防装备采购模式存在的一些问题,影响了大型消防装备全寿命期的经费使用效益,导致大型消防装备的购置费用高而效率低,装备闲置和利用率不高,装备全寿命期费用控制效果较差,必须建立大型消防装备全寿命费用管理体系,提高大型消防装备投资的效率。  相似文献   
张岱山水小品文的个性意识与时代内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张岱的山水小品文创作受晚明社会风气的影响 ,鲜明地体现出晚明山水文学的共性特征 ,指出了晚明士大夫适世娱世的人生态度和注重山水的悦已作用 ,同时由于其独特的人生历程及审美视野 ,张岱的山水小品文亦呈现出独具特色的个性风彩和思想内涵 ,如其对自然生命观、个性美的认识等 ,在晚明文坛独树一帜 ,进一步加深了人们对自然的理解 ,提升了人们对自然的观照态度 ,进而推动了晚明山水文学的发展  相似文献   
The notions of the likelihood ratio order of degree s (s ≥ 0) are introduced for both continuous and discrete integer‐valued random variables. The new orders for s = 0, 1, and 2 correspond to the likelihood ratio, hazard rate, and mean residual life orders. We obtain some basic properties of the new orders and their up shifted stochastic orders, and derive some closure properties of them. Such a study is meaningful because it throws an important light on the understanding of the properties of the likelihood ratio, hazard rate, and mean residual life orders. On the other hand, the properties of the new orders have potential applications. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
This paper offers the personal view of a senior executive in the Defence Procurement Agency about the future requirements of the defence industry’s principal UK customer. The focus here is on trying to identify the type of corporate behaviour and range of skill sets that the UK Government will need from defence suppliers, both primes and supply chain companies in the future. The concluding message from this ‘Customer View’ is that there is likely to be a continuing market for the company that specializes in delivering defence capability. It will be a company that will be looking for a long‐term relationship, with a specialist knowledge of its various national customers and a willingness to work openly and closely with them. It will be agile in its ability to bring together diverse technologies, to package them as a system and to deliver them either as hardware or as a service. Such suppliers will also need to innovate and to adapt at least as rapidly as the threats that they seek to counter.  相似文献   
本文用生存分析方法,对坦克分段寿命试验进行了统计分析,并从理论上说明了坦克分段寿命试验的合理性.  相似文献   
服役年限是核舰艇可靠性要求的一个组成部分,影响其确定的一个主要因素是核动力装置反应堆的堆芯寿期。本文讨论了堆芯寿期与核舰艇服役年限的关系,在分析核燃料消耗的影响因素基础上建立其估计模型以供服役年限与堆芯寿期进行权衡,最后参考军情况,提出堆芯寿期的确定原则。  相似文献   
利用热分析技术,对电缆绝缘材料的热老化寿命进行了研究,得到了电缆绝缘材料热老化寿命的计算公式。在不同载流量下,对电缆绝缘材料热老化寿命进行了比较,给出了电缆热老化寿命与载流量的函数关系,为电流致热型线缆火灾的防治提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
Impressive investment and growth figures and commercial write-ups enthusing about ‘Africa rising up’, ‘the continent of the future’, and so on, obscure the poverty, illiteracy, poor health and other hardships afflicting the vast majority of African people. Why has massive so-called development and technical ‘aid’ not created the expected dynamic, autonomous economic progress? A blind eye is delicately being turned to the decisive role of people – more specifically, the cultural element. Notwithstanding good intentions, outsiders seeking to promote development assume that black Africans think and act like they only need more education, training and finance in order to ‘catch up’. Outsiders easily forget that since time immemorial, Africans have developed and cherished worldviews and cultures of their own. While these are by no means immutable and do adapt to changing needs and outside influences, Africans refuse to cast off overnight the heritage that makes them the people they are. This paper examines the impact of witchcraft as an integral feature of traditional culture on African existence, notably community life, religion, politics, the law, and economic practice. It stresses the significance of traditional society's powerful egalitarian impulses as well as its profound conviction that all things – goods, wealth, well-being and life force – are in a strictly limited supply that cannot be increased, but can only be redistributed by force or through magical manipulation. While modern life gradually weakens the influence of witchcraft beliefs – in Europe these flourished well into the 18th century – the exasperation associated with Africa's headlong urbanisation actually bolsters these beliefs.  相似文献   
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