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基于线性四分树描述的图像块邻域寻找的快速方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
线性四分树将物体区域表示为组成物体区域的四分块的位置码的集合。本文通过分析位置码属性,归纳出了图像四分块相邻的充要条件,并给出了相应的寻找图像块邻域的算法。该方法简单明了,便于计算机实现。  相似文献   
运用系统动力学方法对炮兵群作战体系的对抗过程建立了仿真模型,分析了不同攻击策略产生的效果,为提高炮兵群作战体系的效能提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
This paper empirically investigates the importance of financial and political variables in determining debt rescheduling probabilities in Turkey for 1955–2000. The problem of sovereign debt default and rescheduling has been the subject of substantial academic research during the last two decades. There has been criticism of models of developing countries’ indebtedness and rescheduling that rely solely on some economic or financial predictors related to country debt, the foreign exchange sector or the domestic economic situation. Using probit analysis, this paper indicates that financial variables are important determinants of rescheduling probabilities. However, political variables are not significant in our models.  相似文献   
This paper models transnational terrorism as a three‐way strategic interaction involving a government that faces armed opposition at home, which may spill over in the form of acts of terrorism by the state's opponents against the government's external sponsor. The external sponsor also utilises deterrence against potential terrorists, which only lowers terrorism if terrorists are not intrinsically motivated by a deep‐seated sense of humiliation. The model highlights the importance of intrinsic motivation. A rise in the external power's preference for deterrence against terrorism may backfire in these circumstances. Increases in the government's military efficiency against the rebels, who are also terrorists against the government's sponsor, raises overall levels of violence.  相似文献   
在总结近10年病态信息控制工作经验的基础上,介绍了病态信息控制方法发展的6个阶段,提出了病态信息控制方法体系的3个层次和3种应用类型,形成了预处待用制和病态决策制2种病态信息处理的基本方法.3个层次是指:面向国家与社会的社会道德与法律的控制方法、面向组织的政策与策略的控制方法、面向基层的管理与技术的控制方法.3种类型是指检测/监测、整理、诊断方法.  相似文献   
针对装甲车辆驾驶技能等级评判系统中,如何将驾驶训练过程中采集的驾驶动作数据还原成实际驾驶操作动作的瓶颈问题,采用模糊模式识别的方法,实现了对无限长待识序列数据的识别,并通过对实车采集数据的分析,验证了识别的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   
将网络层次分析法(ANP)和云重心评判法相结合应用于军事通信系统的效能评估中,并指出有无卫星支援下军事通信系统的效能对比。首先,针对军事通信系统的特点,构建通信系统评估的指标体系,建立ANP模型;其次,根据通信系统各指标之间的关联性,采用网络层次分析法构造极限超矩阵来确定指标的权重,并与AHP确定的指标权重相比较,指出ANP提高了指标权重的科学性;最后,利用云模型处理定性指标和定量指标之间的转换,给出有卫星支援下的军事通信系统效能的提升度,并与模糊综合评判法相比较,结果证明了网络层次分析法和云重心评价法相结合在军事通信系统效能评估中的可行性和科学性。  相似文献   
<正>《林教头风雪山神庙》(见高中语文第四册)的“风雪”描写向来为人称道,其中关于“酒”的细节描写,却为人所忽视;至于“火”的描写,论者虽不少,但也只是在分析情节时一笔带过.笔者认为,“酒”、“火”同“风雪”一样,都是施耐庵苦心经营且独具匠心的象征物.本文试略作分析,以祈向同行请教.  相似文献   
因具有毒性和三致作用,污染环境介质中TNT去除倍受关注。为了能更有效地去除TNT,在总结大量文献的基础上,主要从TNT反应性质方面探讨其生物代谢途径。TNT的结构决定了TNT难于生物氧化、易于生物还原。TNT还原以硝基基团的序批式还原为主,一些中间代谢产物还会相互作用生成聚合物,产物TAT需在严格厌氧条件下生成;TNT的芳烃环也可实现加氢脱硝还原,以利于下一步反应的进行;此外,TNT可同时发生硝基还原和芳烃环还原,两条途径的中间产物还会相互作用生成一些聚合物。TNT的氧化以间接氧化为主,直接氧化很少。由于TNT本身结构的复杂性、反应条件或介质的不同、中间产物的多样性,使得TNT代谢途径还具有很大的不确定性,故仍需进行深入研究。  相似文献   
In this study, a theoretical nonlinear dynamic model was established for a saddle ring based on a dynamic force analysis of the launching process and the structure according to contact-impact theory. The ADAMS software was used to build a parameterized dynamic model of the saddle ring. A parameter identification method for the ring was proposed based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm. A loading test was designed and performed several times at different elevation angles. The response histories of the saddle ring with different loads were then obtained. The parameters of the saddle ring dynamic model were identified from statistics generated at a 50° elevation angle to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. The actual loading history of the ring at a 70° elevation angle was taken as the model input. The response histories of the ring under these working conditions were obtained through a simulation. The simulation results agreed with the actual response. Thus, the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed dynamic model were verified, and it provides an effective method for modeling saddle rings.  相似文献   
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