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光学元件的装配应力和加工应力是制约高精度激光陀螺稳定工作的重要因素.考虑各向同性材料在应力作用下介电常量变化的情况,利用弹光效应和琼斯矩阵得到了复杂应力与穿过全反射棱镜的激光束偏振态改变之间的关系.通过实验,提出一种通过记录棱镜布儒斯特角反射光椭偏度配合光斑质量分析应力水平的筛选方法,对棱镜式激光陀螺装配过程中光学元件应力的早期筛查有突出作用,并设计专用工装以适应棱镜相关产品的应力检测需要.  相似文献   
履带车辆转向性能指标分析及实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
转向性能是评价履带车辆机动性的重要指标之一.文中针对转向角速度、转向半径和转向消耗功率3个指标,分别在不考虑履带滑转滑移的理想条件下和考虑履带滑转滑移的实际情况下,对履带车辆的转向性能进行了讨论和分析,对2种条件下履带车辆的转向性能的变化进行了比较.为了对履带车辆在转向过程中履带的滑转和滑移程度进行定量的分析,定义了履带的滑转和滑移系数.通过实车实验,对分析结果进行了验证.  相似文献   
In terrorism research, three different sources of information and data exist: the terrorists and their environment; the incidents; and the population. This article discusses the strengths and weaknesses of research that is concerned with, or relies on, any of the mentioned sources. An in-depth understanding of the methodological issues that come with these sources is important to correctly interpret results from scientific studies. It is highlighted how the different scientific approaches add to a holistic view of terrorism as a phenomenon. Furthermore, the double-edged sword of information in the field of terrorism is discussed. From these deliberations, guidance concerning the future work of both scholars and decision-makers can be deducted.  相似文献   
The assignment of personnel to teams is a fundamental managerial function typically involving several objectives and a variety of idiosyncratic practical constraints. Despite the prevalence of this task in practice, the process is seldom approached as an optimization problem over the reported preferences of all agents. This is due in part to the underlying computational complexity that occurs when intra-team interpersonal interactions are taken into consideration, and also due to game-theoretic considerations, when those taking part in the process are self-interested agents. Variants of this fundamental decision problem arise in a number of settings, including, for example, human resources and project management, military platooning, ride sharing, data clustering, and in assigning students to group projects. In this article, we study an analytical approach to “team formation” focused on the interplay between two of the most common objectives considered in the related literature: economic efficiency (i.e., the maximization of social welfare) and game-theoretic stability (e.g., finding a core solution when one exists). With a weighted objective across these two goals, the problem is modeled as a bi-level binary optimization problem, and transformed into a single-level, exponentially sized binary integer program. We then devise a branch-cut-and-price algorithm and demonstrate its efficacy through an extensive set of simulations, with favorable comparisons to other algorithms from the literature.  相似文献   
MIMO雷达的种类很多,其中分布式MIMO雷达是具有空间分集特性的一种,具有较强的代表性。针对采用多波束多信号干扰设备干扰分布式MIMO雷达的情况,要考虑针对MIMO雷达各节点干扰功率的分配问题,提出了采用能量集中法进行功率分配。给出分配方法及干扰效果的仿真实验,结果表明在使用相同的干扰功率情况下,所讨论的方法比传统的干扰等比例分配法具有更佳的干扰效果。  相似文献   
It has long been held that the Federation of Malaya’s counter-insurgency campaign during the First Malayan Emergency (1948–60) was determined by the use of intelligence. Special Branch — the Federation’s primary intelligence agency — dominates the prevailing paradigm of how the insurgent threat was tackled. Conversely, the role of the Royal Air Force (RAF) within this paradigm is very limited. Most observers simply dismiss the role of photoreconnaissance or airstrikes as being largely inconsequential to the counter-insurgency effort. This is perhaps understandable: the Emergency was after all a ‘policing action’ and the insurgents were largely hidden under Malaya’s jungle canopy and amongst the Chinese community. However, further scrutiny reveals that the RAF made a much more significant contribution to the intelligence element of the counter-insurgency campaign than previously realised. First, the RAF decided to locate their Advanced Headquarters with the Army’s General Headquarters. This led to the creation of the Land/Air Operations Room, through which intelligence, tasking and resources were coordinated. Moreover, the RAF put its intelligence teams into the field to provide a practical link between local units and theatre-level assets. Second, with the support of the Army, the RAF established at the beginning of the Emergency the Joint Air Photographic Intelligence Board (Far East). This coordinated all photographic intelligence requirements throughout the Emergency, which was then delivered via the Joint Air Photographic Centre (Far East). Hence, via Joint Operations Centre and JAPIB (FE), the RAF provided both the practical means for effective joint intelligence operations at theatre level throughout the Emergency.  相似文献   
Why should deployment affect re‐enlistment? In our model, members enter the military with naïve beliefs about deployment and use actual deployment experience to update their beliefs and revise their expected utility of re‐enlisting. Empirically, re‐enlistment is related to the type and number of deployments, consistent with the learning model. Non‐hostile deployment increases first‐term re‐enlistment but hostile deployment has little effect except for the Army, where the effect is positive. Both types increase second‐term re‐enlistment. Interestingly, first‐term members with dependants tend to respond to deployment like second‐term members. In addition, deployment acts directly to affect re‐enlistment, not indirectly through time to promotion.  相似文献   
建立了基于球齿轮齿盘啮合传动的星载天线定位机构(PMSG)在星间通信过程中的运动学模型,研究了其运动学特性.分别建立PMSG自身运动学模型和卫星运动学模型,在此基础上建立星载PMSG的运动学模型.结合星间通信特点,以两颗中轨卫星为例对PMSG的运动学特性进行了仿真研究.仿真结果验证了文中建立的理论模型,得到了PMSG指...  相似文献   
结合非线性优化理论和方法提出了易于实现、收敛速度比较快的多层神经网络共轭梯度反传算法。液体火箭发动机参数辨识技术已得到广泛的应用,由于传统的数学方法必须基于发动机已知模型,使得其参数辨识受到极大的限制。文中基于神经网络共轭梯度反传算法进行液体火箭发动机的系统辨识,结合变推力发动机热试车动态数据,得到了满意的仿真结果。  相似文献   
针对机床智能加工对加工状况监测的要求,文中提出一种在线估计表面粗糙的神经网络多传感器融合方法,用该方法可获得表面粗糙度的较好估计。文中论述了该方法的特征提取,维数压缩和归一化等预处理方法,神经网络的构造及训练等内容。仿真表明,该方法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   
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