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研究天波雷达装备维修保障能力评估问题。首先,根据天波雷达本身的特点建立了装备维修保障能力评估体系,并给出了各指标的意义及计算方法;其次,采用层次分析法确定评估指标体系中各指标的权重;最后,通过实际数据对目前天波雷达装备维修保障能力进行了计算。通过计算说明了模型能够反映天波雷达装备维修保障能力,计算结果可以为改进装备维修保障系统提供依据,亦可以为装备维修保障指挥提供辅助决策。  相似文献   
对因素权重为实数、因素状态值为模糊数的多因素不确定性决策问题,由实数型状态变权向量导出模糊数状态变权向量,得出模糊数变权公式,建立模糊数变权综合决策模型,最后给出一个应用模糊数变权综合决策模型的实例.  相似文献   

State support for foreign rebel groups has become more salient, yet it remains unclear how this affects armed conflict. This paper therefore analyses the effect of foreign government assistance and does so in the typical case of the Angolan War (1975–1991). It argues that South African and United States support greatly helped the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) wage a large and sustained insurgency campaign but was ultimately insufficient to overthrow the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) government because it enabled the incumbent government to obtain similar foreign assistance and because the level of aid awarded to UNITA fluctuated strongly, preventing it from engaging in meaningful long-term planning.  相似文献   
目标威胁评估是空战决策研究的重要组成部分,评价指标是进行威胁评估的前提和基础。根据现代空战的特点,借鉴网络中心战思想,从空间态势、物理域、信息域、认知域4个角度,构建了信息化条件下空战目标威胁评估指标体系,并对指标体系进行了完备性、合理性、有效性检验。通过实例分析表明威胁评估指标能较好地反映信息化条件下空中目标的实际威胁,为空战决策研究提供参考。  相似文献   
曹裕华 《国防科技》2021,42(2):14-20
按照现行装备试验鉴定体制的要求,装备作战试验是新研太空目标监视装备在正式交付使用单位前必须完成的一类试验。太空目标监视装备具有精密昂贵、价值高、单台套、集成度和复杂度高等特点,开展作战试验与普通的侦察探测装备和常规兵器区别较大。本文介绍了太空目标监视装备作战试验的对象与要求,分解了太空目标搜索发现、监视管理、目标识别、信息共享等实战能力和实战能力的生成与保持要求,构建了作战试验评估指标体系,并依据太空目标监视任务剖面和环境剖面设计了作战试验项目,基于作战试验指标考核评估确定了评估数据采集需求,紧贴太空目标监视装备实际使用面临的环境条件构设了逼真的作战试验环境条件。这些研究可为太空目标监视装备作战试验实践提供支持。  相似文献   
针对典型DES具有密钥短等缺点,提出了一种基于Logistic映射的改进型DES算法,提高了密钥空间,增强了密文输出的混乱特性。同时,将该算法应用于远程装备监控系统中,有效地增强了数据传输的安全性。  相似文献   
针对空降兵部队安全着陆问题,首先建立空降排队模型,明确空降作战受到火力打击时为混合制排队论问题,对具体空降参数进行了分析与计算,得到了比较科学的结果,与实际基本相符,然后根据结果分析了各种参数对空降作战的影响,提出了空降作战提高安全着陆人数的对策,对空降作战人数的安排及火力的支援提供了较强的参考价值,为开展空降作战相关问题研究提供可借鉴的思路方法。  相似文献   
What are relationships between epidemics, national security, and US immigration policy? This question is important because it sheds light on transnational or nontraditional security areas, American immigration policy, and a pressing issue for US leaders who have recently faced epidemics such as the West Africa Ebola outbreak that began in 2013. This article answers it and lays ground in the area by reviewing epidemics in world history, using International Relations and Security Studies works to specify dangers of contagions for states, and identifying three general immigration measures that American leaders have utilized from the seventeenth century to the present day to protect against contagions, which are (1) policies restricting entrance of foreigners thought to carry specified diseases, (2) the isolation or quarantining of immigrants with contagious disease, and (3) delegating the President with authority to stop immigration in the event of an epidemic abroad. This study has implications for research and contemporary US immigration policy.  相似文献   
基于集合交的欧式误差估计方法利用集合理论,根据已有的探测数据对目标的状态进行估计,在满足一定的条件下,计算目标状态估计集合。根据该集合确定状态的估计值以及估计的欧式误差范围。可以针对某一次具体的实验,计算目标的状态估计以及误差界。  相似文献   
International concern over nuclear terrorism has grown during the past few decades. This has driven a broad spectrum of efforts to strengthen nuclear security globally, including the widespread adoption of radiation-detection technology for border monitoring. Detection systems are now deployed at strategic locations for the purported purpose of detecting and deterring the smuggling of nuclear and radioactive materials. However, despite considerable investment in this area, few studies have examined how these programs are implemented or the operational challenges they face on a day-to-day basis. This article seeks to address this with a focus on radiation-detection efforts at maritime facilities. Utilizing practitioner interviews and a survey, this article identifies the factors that influence the planning and use of these systems in this fast-moving environment. The results clearly demonstrate that the implementation of these systems varies significantly across different national and organizational contexts, resulting in a fragmented global nuclear-detection architecture, which arguably undermines efforts to detect trafficked nuclear-threat materials. Greater consideration should therefore be given to developing international standards and guidance, designing and adopting tools to support key parts of the alarm assessment process, and broader sharing of good practice.  相似文献   
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