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While recent work has attempted to update the research agenda for transatiantic defense burden-sharing, there remain significant gaps between the public choice defense economics literature and the security studies literature. The presence of such a gap is unfortunate, because defense spending choices are likely shaped by factors identified by the public choice literature, as well as the strategic and cultural variables that the security studies literature tends to focus on, as well as domestic macroeconomic factors. The independent variables identified in recent qualitative literature are extremely useful analytically, and, fortunately, they have reasonable proxies in available quantitative data, which enables scholars to study them across large groups of countries and many years. This article builds upon such work to synthesize the most notable of the factors identified in the current literature, and offers some common analytical ground that will benefit both scholars and practitioners..  相似文献   
The existing guidelines for security sector reform (SSR) tend to draw on theoretical work in the field of civil–military relations, which in turn has been derived from Western, liberal democratic models of governance. Although guidelines strongly advise that local culture and context need to be considered when drawing up objectives for post-conflict SSR programmes, this is not often reflected in practice. This article considers some of the reasons for this, citing both in-country challenges and donor-related issues, and suggests that one of the biggest problems is a lack of alternative, non-orthodox models of civil–military relations to draw upon. It is further suggested that elements of suitable alternative models may be found in states which possess political structures not entirely dissimilar to the Western, liberal democratic ideal, but which can offer different perspectives. Detailed research of these structures should produce a pool of sub-models which could then be employed to create bespoke, culturally appropriate objectives for use in post-conflict SSR programmes.  相似文献   
文化影响力是一个国家软实力的重要组成部分,对外进行文化传播是塑造一个国家积极正面形象、提高软实力的有效手段。通过探讨维和警察进行文化传播的重要性、任务、方式以及应注意的问题,旨在对中国维和警察及维和警察培训有所裨益。中国维和警察应发挥自身优势积极进行中华文化传播,塑造中国警察的良好形象,打造中国维护世界和平、构建和谐世界、负责任的大国形象。  相似文献   
管理现代化是一所大学成功办学的基本标志。军队院校文化管理理论的提出是时代发展的必然要求。军队院校实施文化管理的核心内容及基本策略就是建设好、使用好自己的特色文化,为此,管理者应注意处理好有为管理与无为管理、柔性管理与刚性管理、部门主管与分工合作、硬件投入与软件提升四个方面的关系。  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》作为中华民族传统文化中的“兵学圣典”,不但为中国所重视,更被译成几十种外国文字,广泛流传世界。它所包括的战争原则、系统观念、军人素质等战斗文化因素,对我军当前努力实现党在新形势下的强军目标,增强部队全面建设能力,提升部队战斗力有积极启示。  相似文献   
中国近代编辑出版是在旧制度已经衰败、新制度尚未建立的历史背景下发展起来的。西方文明与中国古老文明的冲突、旧思想与新思想的较量、公共利益与个体利益的矛盾必然存在。中国近代编辑出版工作者面对西学与中学、雅文化与俗文化、社会效益与经济效益的选择时,存在着矛盾心理,并为中国文化的近代化作出了贡献。  相似文献   
文化交流可以促进相互了解、共同繁荣。文化没有优劣之分,因此,文化交流应该是平衡的。这种交流离不开翻译。翻译教学是培养翻译人才的主要手段。教材是教学三要素之一,其重要性自不待言。我们目前的翻译教材在很大程度上仍然偏重文学,忽略实用文体的翻译,而且不可能顾及各地文化,因此在利用现有的翻译教材进行翻译教学时,有必要增加本地文化的翻译内容。兵团文化是一种崭新、独特的文化,更有必要在翻译教学中占有一席之地。  相似文献   
维吾尔族数学文化调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
维吾尔族传统文化中包含着丰富的数学元素。充分挖掘和展示维吾尔族文化中的数学知识,重视课程资源开发,提倡数学学习方式的多样化,深化多元文化视野下的数学教育对于推进少数民族地区数学课程改革具有积极的现实意义。此外,有关民族数学教育学的理论体系的建立及实践探索也是必须涉及的一个重要方面。  相似文献   
兵团是在新疆特殊区域内承担特殊使命的屯垦戍边组织,作为由国家教育部和新疆生产建设兵团共建的兵团高校,大学生政治社会化则直接关系到复杂严峻人文环境下新疆地方和兵团的稳定与发展,关系到兵团文化的传承、兵团精神的弘扬及兵团事业的推进后继有人的大问题。因此有必要对兵团高校大学生政治社会化的有关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
带混合误差的Ishikawa迭代格式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将Ishikawa型迭代格式的收敛性问题推广到带混合误差的Ishikawa型迭代格式的情形 ,同时所用的证明方法和技巧有所改进  相似文献   
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