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There are n boxes with box i having a quota value Balls arrive sequentially, with each ball having a binary vector attached to it, with the interpretation being that if Xi = 1 then that ball is eligible to be put in box i. A ball's vector is revealed when it arrives and the ball can be put in any alive box for which it is eligible, where a box is said to be alive if it has not yet met its quota. Assuming that the components of a vector are independent, we are interested in the policy that minimizes, either stochastically or in expectation, the number of balls that need arrive until all boxes have met their quotas. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 62:23–31, 2015  相似文献   
战备物资的调运是部队后勤工作中十分重要的一环,面对复杂多变的战场环境,战备物资调运必须进行科学合理的决策优化。然而现有战备物资调运模型的优化模型较为复杂,如果涉及较多供应点和目标要求则不易实现。针对涉及多个调运点的多目标战备物资调运问题,提出一种新的决策优化模型,利用启发式蝙蝠算法进行优化计算,发挥出蝙蝠算法易于实现、性能优越的特点,较好地解决了涉及较多供应点的多目标战备物资调运决策优化问题,并结合一个仿真算例,证明该方法相对于其他方法更具简易性和有效性。  相似文献   
简要介绍舰用多功能综合显控台结构模块化设计发展状况。探讨其结构模块化设计思路。应用模块化设计原理,对舰用指火控设备进行系统分析与归并,提出多功能综合显控台结构模块化设计方案。  相似文献   
陆战场空域已经成为一种重要的作战资源,对其进行科学高效的管理十分必要。分析了陆战场空域管理的特点,总结了陆战场空域管理的职能,从条令条例建设、空域管制方法和指挥体系结构等方面对美军陆战场空域管理进行了研究。  相似文献   
针对中近程反导的具体要求,分析了典型的驱护编队反导模式下编群队形特点,研究了指挥舰与护卫舰的队形关联性,探讨了基于信息化作战模式的抗饱和攻击能力,建立了基于多目标优化的最保守与最乐观情况下的抗饱和攻击模型,得到舰艇编队协同防空的系统效能,对驱护编队防空反导指挥决策具有很强的参考价值。  相似文献   
为解决加油机在远程作战体系中的高效使用与经济性问题,推导了远程作战体系中加油机和歼击机的油耗方程模型,建立以耗油量最少为目标的空中加油路径优化模型。该模型基于一定的作战任务构想,利用多种群遗传算法进行了求解,从求解结果来看,该算法可以快速搜索到能够在所有满足作战任务要求的任务路径中寻找到最小消耗的位置坐标,以获得最大的作战效能,从而达到优化远程作战体系中的作战和训练中加油机使用问题。  相似文献   
顶置武器站具有系统组成类型复杂、子系统间存在耦合作用的特点,导致多学科协同仿真的优化模型难以建立。通过Adams、Simulink分别建立了顶置武器站机械系统及控制系统模型,并在多学科优化设计平台Model Center中对该机电联合仿真模型进行系统集成;在此基础上,以顶置武器站稳定精度为目标函数,采用一阶差分模型对炮控系统比例系数及积分系数进行了灵敏度分析,并采用设计探索优化器对该参数进行了优化设计。仿真结果表明,所建立的顶置武器站稳定精度多学科协同优化模型设计周期短、计算效率高,为下一步进行顶置武器站多工况、多结构参数的优化设计提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
We consider a problem of optimal division of stock between a logistic depot and several geographically dispersed bases, in a two‐echelon supply chain. The objective is to minimize the total cost of inventory shipment, taking into account direct shipments between the depot and the bases, and lateral transshipments between bases. We prove the convexity of the objective function and suggest a procedure for identifying the optimal solution. Small‐dimensional cases, as well as a limit case in which the number of bases tends to infinity, are solved analytically for arbitrary distributions of demand. For a general case, an approximation is suggested. We show that, in many practical cases, partial pooling is the best strategy, and large proportions of the inventory should be kept at the bases rather than at the depot. The analytical and numerical examples show that complete pooling is obtained only as a limit case in which the transshipment cost tends to infinity. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 64: 3–18, 2017  相似文献   
A simultaneous non‐zero‐sum game is modeled to extend the classical network interdiction problem. In this model, an interdictor (e.g., an enforcement agent) decides how much of an inspection resource to spend along each arc in the network to capture a smuggler. The smuggler (randomly) selects a commodity to smuggle—a source and destination pair of nodes, and also a corresponding path for traveling between the given pair of nodes. This model is motivated by a terrorist organization that can mobilize its human, financial, or weapon resources to carry out an attack at one of several potential target destinations. The probability of evading each of the network arcs nonlinearly decreases in the amount of resource that the interdictor spends on its inspection. We show that under reasonable assumptions with respect to the evasion probability functions, (approximate) Nash equilibria of this game can be determined in polynomial time; depending on whether the evasion functions are exponential or general logarithmically‐convex functions, exact Nash equilibria or approximate Nash equilibria, respectively, are computed. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 139–153, 2017  相似文献   
Observational data are prevalent in many fields of research, and it is desirable to use this data to make causal inferences. Because this data is nonrandom, additional assumptions are needed in order to construct unbiased estimators for causal effects. The standard assumption is strong ignorability, though it is often impossible to achieve the level of covariate balance that it requires. As such, researchers often settle for lesser balance levels within their datasets. However, these balance levels are generally insufficient to guarantee an unbiased estimate of the treatment effect without further assumptions. This article presents several extensions to the strong ignorability assumption that address this issue. Under these additional assumptions, specific levels of covariate balance are both necessary and sufficient for the treatment effect estimate to be unbiased. There is a trade‐off, however: as balance decreases, stronger assumptions are required to guarantee estimator unbiasedness. These results unify parametric and nonparametric adjustment methods for causal inference and are actualized by the Balance Optimization Subset Selection framework, which identifies the best level of balance that can be achieved within a dataset. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 323–344, 2017  相似文献   
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