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随着经济发展和社会进步,城镇化也带来了一系列的问题,城镇化进程中的语言问题应当引起高度重视。本文在城镇化背景下,选取新疆察布查尔锡伯自治县的3个城镇区域为样本(爱新舍里镇、察布查尔镇、种羊场),调查城镇化给不同区域的锡伯族人的语言使用所带来的影响。通过数据分析,我们认为城镇化将扩大国家通用语的使用范围,增加国家通用语和锡伯语语言接触的深度,将进一步改变锡伯族的语言观念,城镇化的发展将增加锡伯族语言转用人群。最后提出城镇化与察布查尔县锡伯族语言和谐发展的对策,解决语言生活中的实际问题。  相似文献   
近年来,装备试验深入推进。作为装备试验领域的最高形式,装备一体化联合检验已经成为陆军合成旅装备试验的新趋势和新常态。本文从装备一体化联合检验的概念入手,简要阐述了以作战效能、作战适用性、体系适用性和在役适用性为主的“一能三性”,从装备体系效能的联合检验、装备体系运用的具体检验和陆军合成旅的综合检验三个方面深入理解和认识装备一体化联合检验,提出了立足联合作战、立足贴近实战、紧盯短板弱项、聚焦摸清底数等四个需要重点关注的问题,以为陆军合成旅装备一体化联合检验的深入开展提供理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
马克思创立的唯物史观富有深刻的价值内涵,一部社会发展史就是一部价值实现的历史。人类历史发展过程中价值的实现并不是一帆风顺的,是一个付出代价和扬弃代价的辩证过程,需要人们权衡利弊进行正确的价值选择,从而为社会进步谋求一条更好的发展之路。  相似文献   
消防院校教练员队伍是一支专门从事消防业务理论教育和灭火救援业务技能训练的教育队伍。教练员队伍建设质量的高低决定着消防部队教育训练的发展方向,对提升消防部队整体作战能力起着关键性的作用。以提高消防教练员队伍综合素质为切入点,在分析现阶段教练员队伍现状的基础上,剖析了教练员队伍中存在的问题和原因,总结了新时期消防部队教练员应具备的素质与能力,提出了提高教练员队伍综合素质的措施,并提出了具体、可行的培养方案。  相似文献   
新中国道德建设的基本经验主要是:形成了社会主义道德体系,坚持社会主义核心价值体系主导地位;明确了“相适应”、“相协调”、“相承接”三者统一的目标任务,坚定中国特色社会主义方向;坚持了先进性与广泛性相结合的实践要求,发挥先进典型示范引导作用,等。在新的历史时期,我们要力戒道德建设的“无我化”、“空洞化”和“泛政治化”,抵制“非道德主义”和“道德相对主义”的泛滥与风行。新中国道德建设的发展走向是:要在社会主义核心价值体系中,大力践行社会主义荣辱观;在“四观”中凸显道德观教育;在“四真”上下工夫塑造道德主体。  相似文献   
分析了现代反舰导弹的特点(包括超声速反舰导弹的弱点)及未来发展趋势,论述了当前国外反导防御的手段及新思想,指出末端防御的重要性。主要讨论了目前防空反导系统存在的困难及火控系统存在的局限性,总结了反舰导弹末端具有的弱点(红外特征明显、速度过大不易机动等),从系统的角度论述了末端拦截反舰导弹的可行性及需研究的新技术。  相似文献   
"大学之大,不在大厦之大,而在大师之大",高等学校间人才的竞争,在21世纪将显的更加激烈。地处西部的高校,面对近年的扩招和本校的发展,师资队伍建设问题显的尤为艰巨,本文通过对我校几年来师资队伍建设成功作法的总结,以期对西部高校的师资队伍建设有所借鉴。  相似文献   
Since 2000, international organisations such as the UN, NATO and the EU, but also countries, have started to apply what has been called the comprehensive approach to crisis management. This article unpacks this comprehensive approach implemented by the Dutch in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan. It first borrows and expands a conceptual framework developed by De Coning and Friis. Subsequently, it maps the different sorts of coherence in the mission by applying the framework. It shows how in practice there was not one single comprehensive approach, but many different forms of interaction between a number of organisational units. Each interaction had its own distinct issues and its own level of coherence. The level of coherence differed depending on the level at which the interaction took place – strategic at headquarters level versus operational at field level – and at what point in the mission it happened – in most cases it moved towards more cohesion.  相似文献   
We develop a model of military technology competition among states. States can choose to introduce new military technology, mimic rivals’ level of technology, or withdraw from the contest. States can choose to implement any level of technology within their current feasible technologies. We find that states with significant technological leads should sometimes withhold new technologies, only strategically releasing them to trump rivals’ efforts. We develop the model by refining Admiral Jackie Fisher’s roughly articulated concept of ‘plunging’. We then use this refined argument to reanalyze the case of naval rivalries among European powers between the Crimean War and the First World War. Finally, we conclude by discussing the model’s implications for current US military force structure planning.  相似文献   
This article explores the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons in the West African sub-region and efforts by the regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to deal with the problem through the ECOWAS Declaration of a Moratorium on the Importation, Exportation and Manufacture of Small Arms and Light Weapons in West Africa. The paper analyses the degree of compliance with the Moratorium by four ECOWAS member states, namely, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Mali.  相似文献   
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