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According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) publication Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian Law, all civilians (including child soldiers) lose their immunity from direct targeting ‘for so long as’ their actions amount to direct participation in hostilities. All civilians can, however, access the revolving door of protection and return to their civilian activities – complete with full immunity from direct targeting – provided the nature of their direct participation was spontaneous and disorganised. Once it can be ascertained that their participation in hostilities amounts to continuous combative functions, they relinquish their access to the revolving door of protection, and can be targeted at all times until they abandon their formal or functional membership of the belligerent group. This piece analyses how the revolving door phenomenon and the notion of continuous combative functions apply in instances where civilian child soldiers are directly participating in hostilities.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the key issues associated with the restructuring of the defence industry. A comparison is made between the US and the European Defence Industrial Bases in terms of the drivers for change and the paradigms within which change has taken place. Having shown that some very important differences exist, the paper then explores the approaches that have been adopted for industry consolidation and references them to the academic literature on mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and strategic alliances (SAs). Given that most of the key defence players recognise the need to be global players, the paper presents an argument that the European firms’ experience of operating with a wide range of forms of corporate alliance will serve them in good stead for operating on a global defence scale. US firms, in contrast, have focused largely on M&A activity.  相似文献   
中国经济结构的转型升级对“复合型优质人才”提出了更高的要求,为增强高等教育对社会的吸引力与竞争力,立足于优质复合型人才的培养,本文结合喀什大学生命与地理科学学院产学研合作模式下的“嵌入式”校企合作项目,结合生物技术专业校企嵌入式教学的特点,就现代教学中存在的问题、校企嵌入式下的实训基地建设内容、建设成效等方面进行阐述。探索出了一种基于工科专业实践教学的嵌入式复合型优质人才的培养方法。更好的实现学校、学生、企业和社会的“多赢”局面,让嵌入式复合型优质人才满足行业的需求,促进社会的发展和进步。  相似文献   
职校的分层教学是根据职校教育的现状、针对不同层次中职学生的实际,在教学目标、内容、途径、方法上区别对待,使不同层次中职学生都能在其已有基础上很好发展的一种课堂教学策略。在职校数学课程改革理念的引领下,通过对学生自身状况的分析、做好中职学生的层次划分、不同备课目标的制定、不同课堂教学的设计、不同层次联系的布置、课后分层辅导的制定、评价等环节,更能展现因材施教的教学原则,对中职学生个性化教育有所帮助,同时,有利于培养中职学生的逻辑思维,改善当前数学课堂教学的情形,增强学生在数学中的应用能力,从而提高数学教学效果。  相似文献   
The United States has conducted armed drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004. While there has been some recent work on Pakistani public opinion about drones, there is very little research on how Pakistan’s media characterize the US drone program. This is an important gap in understanding the determinants of Pakistani popular perceptions of this program. Decades of research has shown that “news framing”, a process by which certain aspects of a complex concept are emphasized in political communications with others played down, influences individual cognition while forming political opinions. In this essay, we address this lacuna by assembling an unprecedented sample of editorials about the drone program from three English newspapers and one Urdu newspaper and analyzing the news frames within them. We next compare the trends in these news frames to public opinion data collected by Pew between the spring of 2009 and 2014. Initially, most Pakistanis were unaware of the drone program, media coverage of the program expanded as drone strikes increased in frequency. While Pakistanis became more cognizant of the US drone strikes, even by 2014 large minorities remained unaware. Pakistani public opinion strongly reflected the top media frames, particularly those that are negative. This is an important finding suggesting that newspaper editorials are a good barometer of Pakistani opinions despite the fact that only information elites rely upon newspapers for political information.  相似文献   
从创新精神、创造性思维、创新实践能力3个方面论述了创新能力,并着重论述了在课程教学中如何培养学生的这一能力。  相似文献   
通过介绍我院在建设校园网过程中的基本做法和初步经验,对网络技术特别是1000M以太网技术,进行了简单分析和研究,提出了基于Intel网络设备的千兆校园网解决方案,强调指出:建设先进高效的校园网,开展多媒体网络教学,创建信息化教学环境,是信息时代军事教育训练改革的必由之路。  相似文献   
Various application domains require the integration of distributed real-time or near-real-time systems with non-real-time systems.Smart cities,smart homes,ambient intelligent systems,or network-centric defense systems are among these application domains.Data Distribution Service(DDS)is a communi-cation mechanism based on Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe(DCPS)model.It is used for distributed systems with real-time operational constraints.Java Message Service(JMS)is a messaging standard for enterprise systems using Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)for non-real-time operations.JMS allows Java programs to exchange messages in a loosely coupled fashion.JMS also supports sending and receiving messages using a messaging queue and a publish-subscribe interface.In this article,we pro-pose an architecture enabling the automated integration of distributed real-time and non-real-time systems.We test our proposed architecture using a distributed Command,Control,Communications,Computers,and Intelligence(C4I)system.The system has DDS-based real-time Combat Management System components deployed to naval warships,and SOA-based non-real-time Command and Control components used at headquarters.The proposed solution enables the exchange of data between these two systems efficiently.We compare the proposed solution with a similar study.Our solution is superior in terms of automation support,ease of implementation,scalability,and performance.  相似文献   
张滢  吕艳  杨任农  吴军  左家亮 《国防科技》2021,42(5):130-134
红蓝对抗训练是实战化训练的最高形式,近年来在部队演习演练中被广泛采用,效果显著。军队院校教学向部队靠拢,向实战聚焦,可在航空兵初级指挥专业的人才培养中引入红蓝属性,开展实战化教学的探索和实践。本文提出“模拟环境+师生对抗+硬度可调”的实战化教学组训方法:一是红蓝对抗模拟训练环境,可支撑航空兵初级指挥专业学员开展“规划-部署-实施-评估”的航空兵作战全流程红蓝对抗实战化教学;二是“蓝”教员和“红”学员师生对抗教学组织实施程序;三是适应学员能力渐进式增长的关于训练想定、蓝军能力、导调方式和评定标准的“硬度可调”机制。此外,为确保红蓝对抗实战化教学的顺利实施,给出了锻造“红蓝兼备”院校“蓝”教员队伍的几点建议。  相似文献   
目前国内外静态标定火炮身管内弹道性能改变量的方法,都存在着原理和精度不高的缺陷。采用多特征截面的标定方法可取得满意的精度,本文论述了其理论基础、精度及应用领域。  相似文献   
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