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为了改善履带车辆悬挂系统在各种路面的平顺性,对悬挂系统匹配了一款具有非线性特性的粘弹性胶泥缓冲器。为了定量地研究胶泥缓冲器的非线性阻尼控制机理,建立了非线性悬挂系统的动力学方程,将非线性时滞动力系统的随机最优控制规律应用于履带车辆悬挂系统,建立了车辆垂直振动加速度与车速、路况与阻尼比之间的数学关系,从理论上推导出了最佳阻尼比。最后,对履带车辆在F级和G级路面上进行了仿真分析来验证胶泥缓冲器的非线性阻尼的变化规律,结果表明,在0.07~0.18范围内调控阻尼比,可以使车体垂直振动加速度最小。该研究工作为胶泥缓冲器的优化设计和胶泥材料的配方提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
针对数据传输系统丢点问题,依据连续正弦信号瞬时相位差分特性,探讨了一种自动检测数据传输系统丢点方法。首先在数据传输系统采集前端加入正弦信号;然后将解包好的数据通过希尔伯特变换求取数据瞬时相位,并从前向后进行相位补偿,使数据瞬时相位呈连续递增形式;最后通过相位差分法求得瞬时相位前向差分。由理论分析可知:连续正弦信号未丢点时,当前位置数据相比前一位置数据相位差为2πfc/fs(fc为正弦信号频率,fs为数据传输系统采样率);连续正弦信号丢点时,当前位置数据相比前一位置数据相位差为2πfc(n+1)/fs(n为传输数据丢失点数)。由此特性,可实现对数据传输系统是否丢点实现自动检测。理论分析和实验结果表明,探讨的数据传输系统丢点检测方法可实现对数据传输系统是否丢点实现自动检测,便于工程应用。  相似文献   
敏捷指挥控制是应对现代战场复杂多变特点和快速响应要求的有效途径。在指控群体决策中,为了实现指控的敏捷性,决策成员应当尽可能快速准确地表达自己的决策信息,以利于决策信息迅速集结和提高决策质量。针对利用二元语义分析方法进行决策时决策者很难精确给出符号转移值的问题,提出一种基于比较得分算子的符号转移值确定方法,对于多个备选方案被评价到同一语言评价等级上的情况,采用比较得分算子来确定这些方案的权重,再利用转换函数将权重转换为符号转移值。最后通过算例证明方法的有效性。  相似文献   
多机、多目标、超视距空战仿真系统研制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
具有多机、多目标、超视距攻击特征的未来空战,其技术研究离不开仿真实验的强有力支持,完善的仿真系统是实现这一目标的重要基础和保证。本文着重对未来空战仿真系统设计研制的相关内容进行较为深入的讨论。采用RFM、蛀孔式通信、系统集成、VR、动态视景生成等先进技术进行系统设计,同时,对关键技术进行了分析研究。  相似文献   
本文研究一种具有4种故障形式的可修系统。利用向量Markov过程方法,求出了系统的可靠性指标。  相似文献   
Buying off the shelf procurements (OTS) has become an important part of the national acquisition strategy in several countries, and this paper seeks to bring empirical evidence on OTS as the preferred acquisition strategy by use of data from 2015 to 2022 investment portfolio of the Norwegian Armed Forces. We develop definitions for three categories of procurement – OTS, modified OTS and development projects – as well as a method to classify projects into these categories. Our first finding is that the characteristics of OTS projects correspond to modified OTS and development projects. Our second finding indicates that OTS projects perform better when it comes to the completion of projects according to the initial schedule, compared to development projects.  相似文献   
To engage properly with the Somali National Army, to understand it in the hope of improving stability and the lives of over 12 million Somalis, good basic information on its composition and characteristics is necessary. Authoritative accounts on the subject have been scarce for over 25 years. This account seeks to detail the army’s dispositions across southern Somalia, and, more importantly, the brigades’ clan compositions and linkages. Clan ties supersede loyalties to the central government. The army as it stands is a collection of former militias which suffer from ill-discipline and commit crime along with greater atrocities. Estimates of numbers are unreliable, but there might be 13,000 or more fighters in six brigades in the Mogadishu area and five beyond.  相似文献   

This article analyses the military transformations that India underwent during the Second World War. It focuses on the institutional dimension of these changes and considers the longer-term changes wrought by the war in the composition of the army, the logistical and support infrastructure and the emergence of an indigenous military industrial base. Taken together, the article argues, these changes positioned India as a potential regional military power that was qualitatively different from the interwar period.  相似文献   
先秦儒家荣辱观及其当代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以孔子、孟子、荀子为代表的先秦儒家的荣辱观,以“仁”为基础、以“义”为标准,闪耀着真理性的理论光芒。“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观,作为构建和谐社会的道德支撑,体现的就是先秦儒家荣辱观和当今时代精神的完美结合。  相似文献   
军队律师若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队律师,是专门为其所在部队、部队官兵及军属提供法律服务,保障依法治军的专业法律工作者,具有军人和律师的双重身份。建立和完善军队律师制度,不仅是完善我国律师制度体系的内在要求,也是依法治军,建设社会主义法治国家的必然要求。  相似文献   
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