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云南省红河州中越边境地区治安问题十分突出,直接影响着边境经济社会稳定。解决这一问题需要创新理念,建立高效规范的边境管理体系;加强警务合作,开展专项整治,保持高压态势打击边境地区各类违法犯罪活动;加强信息交流,发挥情报侦查在管控边境上的主导作用;加强边境联合执法,建立健全科学管控联动机制;加大经费投入,坚持科技强警思想,全面加强边防派出所执法队伍建设。  相似文献   
用人工神经网络BP算法评价城市火灾风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深入讨论了人工神经网络的BP算法在城市火灾风险评价中应用的可行性和一些具体做法.  相似文献   
从微观主体人力资源投资的角度来理解军队高素质人力资源的流失现象,以人力资本投资理论、经济学成本一效益理论和激励相容理论为基础,在Mincer工资方程的基础上建立转业回报方程,通过计算教育回报率和转业回报率来解释我军高素质人才缺失、高素质人才留不住的现况。为从实证角度分析转业回报率和教育回报率,提出相应的政策建议奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
On October 1, 2008, Congress enacted a proposal that originated with President George W. Bush in 2005 to approve an unprecedented nuclear trade pact with India by removing a central pillar of US nonproliferation policy. Despite the numerous political challenges confronting the Bush administration, the initiative won strong bipartisan support, including votes from Democratic Senators Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. The four-year struggle to pass the controversial US-India nuclear trade agreement offers an exceptionally valuable case study. It demonstrates a classic tradeoff between the pursuit of broad multilateral goals such as nuclear nonproliferation and advancement of a specific bilateral relationship. It reveals enduring fault lines in executive branch relations with Congress. It vividly portrays challenges confronting proponents of a strong nonproliferation regime. This article is based on an analysis of the negotiating record and congressional deliberations, including interviews with key participants. It assesses the lessons learned and focuses on three principal questions: how did the agreement seek to advance US national security interests?; what were the essential elements of the prolonged state-of-the-art lobbying campaign to win approval from skeptics in Congress?; and what are the agreement's actual benefits—and costs—to future US nonproliferation efforts?  相似文献   
学校工作是由一个个细节组成的,切实做好每一个细节,是提高办学质量的关键。多年来,小白杨中学在“精”字上做文章,在“细”字上下功夫,优化过程,彰显内涵。“精品工程”的建设,有力的促进了学校各项工作的蓬勃发展。短短几年间,学校迅速从上百所学校中脱颖而出,独树一帜。  相似文献   
A company wishes to estimate or predict its financial exposure in a reporting period of length T (typically one quarter) because of warranty claims. We propose a fairly general random measure model which allows computation of the Laplace transform of the total claim made against the company in the reporting interval due to warranty claims. When specialized to a Poisson process of both sales and warranty claims, statistical estimation of relevant quantities is possible. The methodology is illustrated by analyzing automobile sales and warranty claims data from a large car manufacturer for a single car model and model year. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
中国共产党的领导是历史和人民的必然选择。科学认识关键在党是中国共产党90年光辉历程的经验总结、中国共产党是社会主义事业的坚强领导核心、坚持中国共产党核心领导地位和作用的基本原则,对于全面建设中国特色社会主义伟大事业具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
应用层次分析法,根据桂西北古村寨的实际情况,建立了桂西北古村寨的火灾风险评估体系。采用专家打分法获取数据,并应用统计学中的众值原理,对获得的数据进行了统计,得到了指标的权重,建立了适用于实际情况的消防安全检查表。并应用实例证明了这种评估方法行之有效。  相似文献   
简要分析了弹道导弹飞行3个阶段的不同特点及各阶段导弹预警探测手段的侧重点,结合威胁估计的特征构建了弹道导弹威胁估计模型结构框架,运用多阶段贝叶斯网络理论,构造了主动段、自由段和再入段威胁估计模型,并明确了三阶段间的转换时机。采用动态贝叶斯方法对弹道导弹作战全过程进行威胁估计仿真推理,仿真结果能够反映导弹在飞行过程中威胁程度的变化特点,为反导指挥员作出辅助决策提供智力支持。  相似文献   
生于江南水乡的诗人沈苇,大学毕业后来到新疆。身为异乡人的他,对脚下这片独具异域特点的土地饱含着一份炙热的爱。到如今,新疆已成为他生命中的第二故乡。新疆主题,一直以来是沈苇诗歌创作的根源和内在的精神原动力,他执着在异域他乡的诗人之路上,努力在第二故乡里寻求灵魂的栖息地,从而完成对个体生命强度、韧性以及承载力的检验。  相似文献   
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