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In this article, I outline a holistic approach to the military concept of “Rules of Engagement” (ROE), which complements the legal aspects of ROE with considerations of operational and political requirements for the use of military force. Drawing upon two illustrative cases from the US military experience with the use of ROE, I demonstrate that ROE for any particular military operation should be formulated to balance optimally, if not harmonize fully, the legal, operational and political concerns related to the use of force. In this task, political decision-makers and military practitioners alike are confronted with unavoidable and real-life dilemmas. How these dilemmas are handled has significant implications for how legal requirements concerning accountability and concerns for civilian lives in military combat can be preserved through ROE.  相似文献   
Wildfire managers use initial attack (IA) to control wildfires before they grow large and become difficult to suppress. Although the majority of wildfire incidents are contained by IA, the small percentage of fires that escape IA causes most of the damage. Therefore, planning a successful IA is very important. In this article, we study the vulnerability of IA in wildfire suppression using an attacker‐defender Stackelberg model. The attacker's objective is to coordinate the simultaneous ignition of fires at various points in a landscape to maximize the number of fires that cannot be contained by IA. The defender's objective is to optimally dispatch suppression resources from multiple fire stations located across the landscape to minimize the number of wildfires not contained by IA. We use a decomposition algorithm to solve the model and apply the model on a test case landscape. We also investigate the impact of delay in the response, the fire growth rate, the amount of suppression resources, and the locations of fire stations on the success of IA.  相似文献   
王磊  苏金波 《国防科技》2018,39(3):096-099,113
由于契约的不完全性、专用性资产的存在,导致民企参军的谈判过程中,一方可能利用另一方因专用性资产投资的锁定效应,而采取机会主义行为将另一方套牢,攫取可占用专用性准租金。这种套牢风险不是单向的,而是双向的,双向套牢风险的存在不仅会降低军品科研生产项目建设质量,而且还会严重挫伤民营企业承担军品科研生产任务的积极性。为有效防范双向套牢风险,本文将从博弈论的角度,建立民营企业与军队采办部门的期望收益与专用性资产投资的函数关系和博弈矩阵,分阶段讨论民营企业与军队采办部门所面临的套牢风险大小及各自的最佳行为选择。以降低民企参军面临的套牢风险,引导更多优势民营企业进入军品科研生产与维修领域,推动军民融合的深度发展。  相似文献   
针对新时代背景下少先队教育面临的三个时代课题,为推动少先队教育改革与时俱进,在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的指导下,本文基于近十年相关文本政策进行分析,以光荣感教育、政治社会化、辅导员专业化发展为主线,探究其发展规律并做出阶段性总结,对少先队时代课题的破解提出做好家、校、社光荣感教育的衔接;促进队员政治社会化的培养;树立辅导员内部自觉发展意识等建议,力图为今后少先队工作的顺利开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Three different kinds of PELE (the penetrator with lateral efficiency) were launched by ballistic artillery to impact the multi-layer spaced metal target plates. The impact velocities of the projectiles were measured by the velocity measuring system. The damage degree and process of each layer of target plate impacted by the three kinds of projectiles were analyzed. The experimental results show that all the three kinds of projectiles have the effect of expanding holes on the multi-layer spaced metal target plates. For the normal structure PELE(without layered) with tungsten alloy jacket and the radial layered PELE with tungsten alloy jacket, the diameters of holes on the second layer of plates are 3.36 times and 3.76 times of the diameter of the projectile, respectively. For radial layered PELE with W/Zr-based amorphous composite jacket, due to the large number of tungsten wires dispersed after the impact, the diameter of the holes on the four-layer spaced plates can reach 2.4 times, 3.04 times, 5.36 times and 2.68 times of the diameter of the projectile. Besides, the normal structure PELE with tungsten alloy jacket and the radial layered PELE whit tungsten alloy jacket formed a large number of fragments impact marks on the third target plate. Although the number of fragments penetrating the third target plate is not as large as that of the normal structure PELE, the area of dispersion of fragments impact craters on the third target plate is larger by the radial layered PELE. The radial layered PELE with W/Zr-based amorphous composite jacket released a lot of heat energy due to the impact of the matrix material, and formed a large area of ablation marks on the last three target plates.  相似文献   
刘念光 《国防科技》2018,39(6):001-004
习主席在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上的重要讲话,是新时代改革开放再出发的宣言书和动员令。学习贯彻习主席重要讲话精神,关键要全面推进学校深化改革创新,深刻认清弘扬改革创新精神对于建设世界一流高等教育院校的重大意义,牢牢扭住全面深化改革创新的主攻方向,科学处理深化改革创新的重大关系,既以顽强的战略定力坚定不移深化改革,又运用科学的工作方法积极稳妥地推进改革。  相似文献   

Libya in 2011 witnessed a real process of political change, though different from all the policy-oriented jargon equating transition with a teleological transition to democracy. Due to the resilience of the Qadhafi regime in power and with the essential role of NATO intervention, the process was eased out by a eight-month civil war. Governance in post-Qadhafi Libya was not done through the rebuilding of centralized authorities. But it took the specific form of the emergence of multiple non-state actors embedded in local dynamics and then connected with weakened central authorities that had access to the huge Libyan resources. That raised complex questions about the quality of this mode of governance, especially at a time of pressing problems for Libya and its neighbors, whether direct ones (Tunisia, Egypt, Mali) or farther countries across the Mediterranean sea: terrorism with the expansion of Da’esh into the country and flows of refugees crossing Libya’s uncontrolled borders and flowing into Italy and then Europe by thousands.  相似文献   
为提高能力型防空群整体作战能力,应用系统论方法分析了能力型防空群指控系统的构成要素及运行模式,提出了指控系统信息结构力的概念,建立了能力型防空群指控系统概念模型。在此基础上,提出了能力型防空群指控系统效能评估指标体系,运用网络复杂性理论、图论、集合论及信息论方法建立了能力型防空群指控系统的物理性能及信息结构力计算模型,给出了指控系统效能综合评估函数,可为防空指控系统构建提供参考。  相似文献   
We study the supplier relationship choice for a buyer that invests in transferable capacity operated by a supplier. With a long‐term relationship, the buyer commits to source from a supplier over a long period of time. With a short‐term relationship, the buyer leaves open the option of switching to a new supplier in the future. The buyer has incomplete information about a supplies efficiency, and thus uses auctions to select suppliers and determine the contracts. In addition, the buyer faces uncertain demand for the product. A long‐term relationship may be beneficial for the buyer because it motivates more aggressive bidding at the beginning, resulting a lower initial price. A short‐term relationship may be advantageous because it allows switching, with capacity transfer at some cost, to a more efficient supplier in the future. We find that there exists a critical level of the switching cost above which a long‐term relationship is better for the buyer than a short‐term relationship. In addition, this critical switching cost decreases with demand uncertainty, implying a long‐term relationship is more favorable for a buyer facing volatile demand. Finally, we find that in a long‐term relationship, capacity can be either higher or lower than in a short‐term relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
反恐情报保障是反恐行动的重要组成部分和决策依据。针对新疆边境地区情报力量建设较弱、情报保障手段单一、与有关部门缺乏有效的交流机制等问题,公安边防部门应采取加强情报力量建设、完善情报保障机制、充分利用各种情报手段和加强情报交流与合作等有效措施,不断提高反恐情报保障能力,掌握反恐怖斗争的主动权。  相似文献   
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