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军事征用作为国防动员的一项重要内容,在当前各国的军事斗争准备中发挥着越来越重要的作用。从军事征用的概念入手,针对我国军事征用立法缺失法律责任规定的现状,分析了军事征用法律责任的概念、构成要件和分类。  相似文献   

The uncritical layering of western liberal defence governance norms and concepts on top of existing legacy concepts has impeded achieving coherent military capabilities and capacities when Serbia’s political and military leadership tried to reform the defence system using Western benchmarking principles and Western countries’ best practices. The process of this change has been more valuable than its actual output, as defined by increased capabilities. Such outcomes should be reflective of policy guidance, and can be thought of as closing the trinity loop of a defence planning system: plans, money and execution. This article addresses two key functional areas of the Serbian defence institution. First, it assesses the current state of defence planning to discern its strengths and weaknesses to ascertain if plans are tied to financial decision-making. Second, a full examination of current Serbian defence management is conducted to discern whether weaknesses exist that distract from producing operational capabilities. Both areas are analyzed thoroughly and some solutions for change are proposed. Also, the article analyzes the appearance of two negative phenomena in the planning process – economization and managerialism.  相似文献   
Based on fuzzy adaptive and dynamic surface (FADS), an integrated guidance and control (IGC) approach was proposed for large caliber naval gun guided projectile, which was robust to target maneuver, canard dynamic characteristics, and multiple constraints, such as impact angle, limited measurement of line of sight (LOS) angle rate and nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. Initially, a strict feedback cascade model of IGC in longitudinal plane was established, and extended state observer (ESO) was designed to estimate LOS angle rate and uncertain disturbances with unknown boundary inside and outside of system, including aerodynamic parameters perturbation, target maneuver and model errors. Secondly, aiming at zeroing LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate in finite time, a nonsingular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) was designed with adaptive exponential reaching law. Furthermore, combining with dynamic surface, which prevented the complex differential of virtual control laws, the fuzzy adaptive systems were designed to approximate observation errors of uncertain disturbances and to reduce chatter of control law. Finally, the adaptive Nussbaum gain function was introduced to compensate nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. The LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate were convergent in finite time and whole system states were uniform ultimately bounded, rigorously proven by Lyapunov stability theory. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) and digital simulation experiments both showed FADS provided guided projectile with good guidance performance while striking targets with different maneuvering forms.  相似文献   
减少航程损失的尾流自导新方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种基于三元换能器组的尾流自导导引方案,它对尾流的左右舷判别能力使其可以采用较小的尾流出入角度,从而可以较大程度降低鱼雷航程损失.仿真结果表明,该方案可以在不降低鱼雷末弹道命中概率的前提下,将尾流导引段的航程损失由通常的15%降低到5%左右.  相似文献   
目标反射特性对激光末制导精度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从物理光学和辐射原理的角度分析了目标反射特性对激光末制导精度的影响 ,给出了目标反射系数的直接测量方法 ,最后得出结论并提出了减少受其影响的措施。分析结果表明目标反射特性会影响激光末制导炮弹的接收反射激光信号功率的大小 ,进而影响激光末制导炮弹的制导概率 ,因而对于不同质地的目标 ,要根据目标的反射系数来确定激光指示器可靠的照射距离 ,选择其照射攻击部位 ,以提高激光末制导精度。  相似文献   
从现代战略武器小型化、高精度、强突防、全天候和机动飞行的发展趋势,阐述了MIRV系统工作原理、现代弹头的制导方式方法。并从弹头引爆控制系统的角度分析了制导误差及非制导误差对导弹精度的影响。针对导弹提高命中精度的需要,围绕提高战略武器攻击能力,主要是战斗部的威力、命中精度以及作战效果,提出应当在复合制导、综合引爆技术等方面提高导弹精度。  相似文献   
临近空间武器对预警探测制导技术的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临近空间进攻武器具有速度快、射程远、机动性强的特点,对未来空天安全构成重大威胁.简要综述了国内外临近空间武器的发展现状、主要特点及特性,包括高超声速巡航导弹和高速滑翔弹头两大主要威胁,从预警探测和探测制导的角度,指出了预警探测制导技术在应对临近空间进攻武器上面临的严峻挑战,提出了对其关键技术和技术途径的几点思考.  相似文献   
对自行高炮定位定向系统中的若干技术问题进行了探讨,重点分析了陆地惯性导航、快速自动寻北装置、基线差修正、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)的综合使用及实施过程中存在的问题和目前解决办法  相似文献   
现在已应用的中制导技术包括惯性中制导和半主动中制导,文中先简介了几种有代表性的复合制导空空导弹的发展情况和其中制导方法,然后,从实际应用的角度对这两种中制导剂方法进行了比较详细的分析研究和比较,最后讨论了采用这两种中制导的导弹对飞机及火控系统的影响。  相似文献   
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