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新疆兵团(以下简称"兵团")体育文化的形成植根于军队,发展于屯垦戍边事业,在我国民族体育文化中具有独树一帜的特征和价值;在60年的发展历程中,一直以兵团精神为精神支柱和发展动力,为促进兵团社会政治、经济、文化等事业发展,维护新疆社会稳定发挥了重要作用。近年来,兵团体育文化与城市化快速发展不相适应,仍然保留着"单位体制"、"行政运行"的局面,严重阻碍了兵团体育文化多元化、特色化、社会化的发展,因此,在兵团城市化背景下,体育文化体制、体育物质文化和体育文化内容必须走创新之路,才有发展的生机和活力。  相似文献   
The Building Security Overseas Strategy is at its core an ‘Intervention to end all Interventions’ – from a Western as well as an African perspective. Two of its main pillars are security sector reform in specific countries and systematic support to the development of the African Peace and Security Architecture. This article addresses the question why such efforts have met little success in francophone Africa. It argues that the failure of Western advisers to understand the sociological dynamics of African armed forces, shaped by a political culture based on personal loyalty to the leader, is at the root of the problem. In that context, the Huntingtonian-type distinction between the civilians and the military does not apply as military and civilians act in concert within common clientelism systems. As a result of the curtailing of the state-formation experience in most African countries, the military never had to demonstrate its performance as a state builder, nor did it have to bargain its legitimacy against the support of the citizens. Partnership in that context will remain a misnomer, at least until African military can credibly demonstrate commitment to state-building grounded in a broad-based social contract.  相似文献   
In 2002, a Nuclear Security Culture (NSC) Enhancement Program with the mission to raise the level of the NSC at sites and facilities in Russia's nuclear complex was launched under the guidance of the Russian State Corporation “ROSATOM” and with support from the US Department of Energy. A Joint Working Group for NSC with both Russian Federation and US members was formed and charged with the design and implementation of the program. The program was implemented at sites and facilities on a pilot basis. Nine sites participated in the Pilot Project. The key program component was an establishment of Culture Coordinators (CCs) with the authority to coordinate and implement NSC enhancement activities at sites and facilities. The CCs have served as the force that has maintained the momentum of the Pilot Project and continuously steered the site NSC enhancement efforts. The contribution of the CCs in achieving the positive outcomes of the program cannot be overstated.  相似文献   
在“文化人”理论假说的视野里,军队文化管理的实质就是智用文化管部队;为此,应当坚持以人为本原则、战斗力原则、文化竞争原则、创新发展原则,树立人本管理理念,建设先进军事文化,营造和谐军营氛围,提升官兵人文素质,充分发挥先进文化的战略管理职能、学习型组织职能、自我控制职能、育才型领导职能和内在激励职能。  相似文献   
“铸盾文化”是学院建院办学28年来的文化采撷和文化传承。围绕深刻理解铸盾文化重大意义、构建铸盾文化精神体系、打造特色铸盾文化环境、推进铸盾文化不断创新展开探讨,以期推动以铸盾为主题的校园文化建设发展。  相似文献   
本文从言语的语言学出发寻求和翻译的对等面。翻译是一种跨文化的信息交流与交往传播的活动,研究的是使用中的语言即言语,言语的语言学以言语为研究对象,因此言语的语言学应作为翻译的语言学基础。基于上述理论,本文从言语的语言学的语义、语用和文化三方面寻求和翻译的静态、动态和文化对等,使翻译活动更具实践意义。  相似文献   
在工程院校网络文化构建中,充分发挥伦理教育功能是素质教育的重要内容。工程伦理教育作为人文教育与科技教育交叉结合的新学科,要求高校尤其是工程院校在网络文化构建中,确立科学的教育理念、正确的舆论导向,多学科交叉配合,培育学生树立社会责任感,正确的价值观、利益观和强烈的伦理道德意识。  相似文献   
本文介绍了文化概念的源起和基本内涵,提出校园文化是校园环境中所产生的特定文化,通过将华山中学校园文化建设实践经验与党的十七届六中全会"决定"内容相结合,论述了中小学校园文化建设是社会主义先进文化建设不可或缺的基础环节,只有以马克思主义文化观作为思想基础,在"兵团精神"的统领下,站在"教育兴则兵团兴,教育强则兵团强"的战略高度,把校园文化建设作为兵团基础教育的突破口,亮出品牌、凝聚人心、稳定队伍,才能更好地完成从"屯垦戍边"向"教育戍边"的转变,实现兵团跨越式发展。  相似文献   
少数民族数学文化是少数民族文化的组成部分。新疆哈萨克族人民在长期生产、生活中总结出很多简单而原始的数学知识,从数字及其运算、数的进制、度量衡、历法、几何等方面都体现出独有的特点.关注少数民族文化中的数学文化的教育意义,开发有利于边远地区少数民族学生数学学习的课程资源,编写民俗数学教育案例,是有待于进一步要研究解决的现实问题。  相似文献   
兵团文化是兵团精神的集中反映,是兵团在长期历史发展过程中所形成的独特、稳固、持久而强烈的兵团精神的体现。兵团大学生作为兵团年轻一代的建设者和接班人,其价值观受到兵团文化的影响,在一定程度上对兵团文化的继承和创新起着举足轻重的作用。文章旨在调查兵团文化对兵团大学生价值观的影响,并为更好地弘扬兵团文化在大学生价值观教育中的作用提出相应对策。  相似文献   
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