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We consider the salvo policy problem, in which there are k moments, called salvos, at which we can fire multiple missiles simultaneously at an incoming object. Each salvo is characterized by a probability pi: the hit probability of a single missile. After each salvo, we can assess whether the incoming object is still active. If it is, we fire the missiles assigned to the next salvo. In the salvo policy problem, the goal is to assign at most n missiles to salvos in order to minimize the expected number of missiles used. We consider three problem versions. In Gould's version, we have to assign all n missiles to salvos. In the Big Bomb version, a cost of B is incurred when all salvo's are unsuccessful. Finally, we consider the Quota version in which the kill probability should exceed some quota Q. We discuss the computational complexity and the approximability of these problem versions. In particular, we show that Gould's version and the Big Bomb version admit pseudopolynomial time exact algorithms and fully polynomial time approximation schemes. We also present an iterative approximation algorithm for the Quota version, and show that a related problem is NP-complete.  相似文献   
刘念光 《国防科技》2018,39(6):001-004
习主席在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上的重要讲话,是新时代改革开放再出发的宣言书和动员令。学习贯彻习主席重要讲话精神,关键要全面推进学校深化改革创新,深刻认清弘扬改革创新精神对于建设世界一流高等教育院校的重大意义,牢牢扭住全面深化改革创新的主攻方向,科学处理深化改革创新的重大关系,既以顽强的战略定力坚定不移深化改革,又运用科学的工作方法积极稳妥地推进改革。  相似文献   

Libya in 2011 witnessed a real process of political change, though different from all the policy-oriented jargon equating transition with a teleological transition to democracy. Due to the resilience of the Qadhafi regime in power and with the essential role of NATO intervention, the process was eased out by a eight-month civil war. Governance in post-Qadhafi Libya was not done through the rebuilding of centralized authorities. But it took the specific form of the emergence of multiple non-state actors embedded in local dynamics and then connected with weakened central authorities that had access to the huge Libyan resources. That raised complex questions about the quality of this mode of governance, especially at a time of pressing problems for Libya and its neighbors, whether direct ones (Tunisia, Egypt, Mali) or farther countries across the Mediterranean sea: terrorism with the expansion of Da’esh into the country and flows of refugees crossing Libya’s uncontrolled borders and flowing into Italy and then Europe by thousands.  相似文献   
为提高能力型防空群整体作战能力,应用系统论方法分析了能力型防空群指控系统的构成要素及运行模式,提出了指控系统信息结构力的概念,建立了能力型防空群指控系统概念模型。在此基础上,提出了能力型防空群指控系统效能评估指标体系,运用网络复杂性理论、图论、集合论及信息论方法建立了能力型防空群指控系统的物理性能及信息结构力计算模型,给出了指控系统效能综合评估函数,可为防空指控系统构建提供参考。  相似文献   
反恐情报保障是反恐行动的重要组成部分和决策依据。针对新疆边境地区情报力量建设较弱、情报保障手段单一、与有关部门缺乏有效的交流机制等问题,公安边防部门应采取加强情报力量建设、完善情报保障机制、充分利用各种情报手段和加强情报交流与合作等有效措施,不断提高反恐情报保障能力,掌握反恐怖斗争的主动权。  相似文献   
根据孔子晚年研究《易》的基本情况阐明了孔子与《易经》的传承和实践关系;论证了《易传》的里程碑意义。  相似文献   
省部共建高校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其服务应立足区域经济建设和社会发展的需要,一方面推进区域自主创新,另一方面实现学校自身又好又快的发展。该文从人才培养、科技创新、社会服务、文化辐射四方面分析了省部共建高校的服务定位,提出力争将其建设成为推动区域经济社会发展的核心动力源,成为地方高校发展的示范集群。  相似文献   
在现代战争中组网雷达由于充分利用了各单部雷达的资源和数据融合技术的优势,使得在探测、定位、跟踪、识别、威胁判断等方面的雷达网整体性能得以大幅度改善,从而使整体作战能力得到极大提高,使其在现代战争尤其是争夺制电磁权方面扮演了越来越重要的角色.介绍了组网雷达的概念并对其所具有的优越作战能力进行了初步探讨和分析,然后阐述了数据融合技术在组网雷达作战效能发挥中的应用,最后从理论研究的角度详细分析了秩K融合规则、贝叶斯推理法、最大似然法等数据融合算法在组网雷达融合发现概率模型的建立及对敌方空袭目标战术意图识别方面的具体应用.  相似文献   
阐述了新《消防法》提出的“加强消防技术人才培养”新规定的目的和意义,并着重围绕武警学院贯彻落实新《消防法》加强消防技术人才培养,从学科建设、办学层次定位、服务面向定位,以及人才培养方案、教材建设、师资队伍建设和学术科研等方面进行了探讨,提出了构建消防技术人才培养体系新格局、实施名师和双师战略、加强教学内涵建设、提升学术科研水平的建议。  相似文献   
介绍了市场比较法的运用原理、要求以及使用该方法的基本前提和基本步骤,并将该方法在火灾损失核定中具体应用,取得了较好的结果,最后总结了商品核定损失工作中的经验,为火灾损失核定提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   
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