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What are relationships between epidemics, national security, and US immigration policy? This question is important because it sheds light on transnational or nontraditional security areas, American immigration policy, and a pressing issue for US leaders who have recently faced epidemics such as the West Africa Ebola outbreak that began in 2013. This article answers it and lays ground in the area by reviewing epidemics in world history, using International Relations and Security Studies works to specify dangers of contagions for states, and identifying three general immigration measures that American leaders have utilized from the seventeenth century to the present day to protect against contagions, which are (1) policies restricting entrance of foreigners thought to carry specified diseases, (2) the isolation or quarantining of immigrants with contagious disease, and (3) delegating the President with authority to stop immigration in the event of an epidemic abroad. This study has implications for research and contemporary US immigration policy.  相似文献   
刑事政策是大刑事法思想的基本范畴 ,军人犯罪刑事政策是国家基本刑事政策在军队的具体沿用。军人犯罪刑事政策是由军委就一定时期军队犯罪情况制订的原则性指导意见 ,它不直接对某一犯罪人作出评判 ,而是作为军事立法机关和司法机关形成最终法律判断的动态标准。  相似文献   
军事刑事审判级别管辖的划分根据不同于普通刑事审判级别管辖的划分根据,它是以被告人的职务等级作为划分依据的。那么,这种划分依据的根据是什么?有无理论上的合理性?这便是本文所要探讨的问题。  相似文献   
Observers of United States (US) interventions have almost universally characterized the 1994 Haiti intervention as multilateral, a model for how international cooperation can achieve common security goals. A closer analysis of the intervention reveals that the planning and execution of the intervention were almost entirely unilateral and therefore cost the US few if any of the theoretical costs of coalition warfare, including interoperability and policy compromise. Mapped onto the unilateral strategy and operation of the intervention, however, was a multilateral diplomatic effort that secured United Nations Security Council authorization and provided a cover for an intervention that the US had already planned and intended to execute with or without that authorization. That the US sought a multilateral cover for an intervention that it could easily accomplish unilaterally shows the importance of two factors: A domestic audience that opposed unilateral peacekeeping but would accept using US resources as part of a broader multilateral operation, and a local population that would be more responsive to a multilateral coalition than a use of force that was perceived to be unilateral. The Haiti intervention shows that the determinants of success in operations other than war are as much political as military. When the US already has overwhelming military superiority vis-à-vis its adversary, building military coalitions becomes as much about enlisting political support as aggregating material capability.  相似文献   
In May 2012, Zambia's Inspector-General of Police announced a crackdown on sex workers. This commentary discusses the rationale behind this proposed crackdown and the problems associated with such a policy response.  相似文献   
大陆地区和台湾地区的刑事法律制度存在较大差异,必将影响海峡两岸共同合作打击跨境犯罪工作的开展。海峡两岸应在《海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议》框架下,在协商互信的基础上,本着对两岸刑事法律制度差异的清晰认识,采取合理、有效的刑事对策弱化其对两岸合作打击跨境犯罪的影响。  相似文献   

Terms like ‘support’ and ‘collaboration’ are often used interchangeably to denote a loose set of acts or attitudes that benefit non-state armed groups (NSAGs). However, these terms are seldom defined, and the alternatives available to civilians are rarely identified. Moreover, existing approaches overlook that the interaction between civilians and NSAGs is often one between ruler and ruled, which makes obedience and resistance central. This paper proposes to conceptualize the choices available to civilians as forms of cooperation and non-cooperation, offers a typology, and discusses the implications for theory building on civilian and NSAG behavior, and on the functioning of armed social orders.  相似文献   
随着现实的快速变化,我国刑法关于消防责任事故罪的规定越来越显现出弊端,亟须修改完善。分析了现行消防责任事故罪存在的问题,提出了修改完善的建议。  相似文献   
刑事和解制度着眼于治疗创伤与恢复被破坏的社会关系,在寻求抚慰与宽容中伸张正义。刑事和解制度有利于被害人利益的恢复与加害人回归社会,有利于提高司法效益,有利于恢复被破坏的社会关系,从而有利于社会主义和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   
当前学术界对军事侦察与刑事侦察的概念界定尚存争议。军事侦察权是部队与生俱来的一种权力,正是因为它与部队相伴而生,熟悉军事侦察的内容,理解军事侦察概念、属性并为其准确定位尤为重要。它直接影响着军事侦察权的行使。同时,准确把握军事侦察与刑事侦察的区别和联系,对部队正确执行任务和依法履行职责也具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
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