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浅析建筑物鉴定中的计数抽样方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍计数型抽样检验原理的基础上,从建筑物鉴定检测的特点出发提出了采用相应抽样检验国家标准的建议。指出GB/T50344-2004《建筑结构检测技术标准》中关于计数抽样检测方案的规定失之过松,有可能给建筑物的检测或鉴定留下安全隐患,不宜采用。  相似文献   
Quantile is an important quantity in reliability analysis, as it is related to the resistance level for defining failure events. This study develops a computationally efficient sampling method for estimating extreme quantiles using stochastic black box computer models. Importance sampling has been widely employed as a powerful variance reduction technique to reduce estimation uncertainty and improve computational efficiency in many reliability studies. However, when applied to quantile estimation, importance sampling faces challenges, because a good choice of the importance sampling density relies on information about the unknown quantile. We propose an adaptive method that refines the importance sampling density parameter toward the unknown target quantile value along the iterations. The proposed adaptive scheme allows us to use the simulation outcomes obtained in previous iterations for steering the simulation process to focus on important input areas. We prove some convergence properties of the proposed method and show that our approach can achieve variance reduction over crude Monte Carlo sampling. We demonstrate its estimation efficiency through numerical examples and wind turbine case study.  相似文献   
高效的仿真技术对研究提高军事通信的性能具有重要意义。针对传统的蒙特卡罗仿真时间长的问题,提出了基于重要性采样的空时分组码高效仿真方法,给出了仿真模型和实现流程。仿真和分析结果表明本方法在运行较少的时间内能够获得较好的误码性能。采用该高效仿真方法可以加快军事通信技术研究的进程。  相似文献   
本文针对现行紧固件原材料进厂抽样复验方法的不足,套改《ISO2859计数抽查程序和图表》,提出动态抽样方案,并对新旧方案实际应用进行了比较。以比较科学的决策,取得提高效益、降低消耗的结果.  相似文献   
We undertake inference for a stochastic form of the Lanchester combat model. In particular, given battle data, we assess the type of battle that occurred and whether or not it makes any difference to the number of casualties if an army is attacking or defending. Our approach is Bayesian and we use modern computational techniques to fit the model. We illustrate our method using data from the Ardennes campaign. We compare our results with previous analyses of these data by Bracken and Fricker. Our conclusions are somewhat different to those of Bracken. Where he suggests that a linear law is appropriate, we show that the logarithmic or linear‐logarithmic laws fit better. We note however that the basic Lanchester modeling assumptions do not hold for the Ardennes data. Using Fricker's modified data, we show that although his “super‐logarithmic” law fits best, the linear, linear‐logarithmic, and logarithmic laws cannot be ruled out. We suggest that Bayesian methods can be used to make inference for battles in progress. We point out a number of advantages: Prior information from experts or previous battles can be incorporated; predictions of future casualties are easily made; more complex models can be analysed using stochastic simulation techniques. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 541–558, 2000  相似文献   
Acceptance sampling plans are used to assess the quality of an ongoing production process, in addition to the lot acceptance. In this paper, we consider sampling inspection plans for monitoring the Markov‐dependent production process. We construct sequential plans that satisfy the usual probability requirements at acceptable quality level and rejectable quality level and, in addition, possess the minimum average sample number under semicurtailed inspection. As these plans result in large sample sizes, especially when the serial correlation is high, we suggest new plans called “systematic sampling plans.” The minimum average sample number systematic plans that satisfy the probability requirements are constructed. Our algorithm uses some simple recurrence relations to compute the required acceptance probabilities. The optimal systematic plans require much smaller sample sizes and acceptance numbers, compared to the sequential plans. However, they need larger production runs to make a decision. Tables for choosing appropriate sequential and systematic plans are provided. The problem of selecting the best systematic sampling plan is also addressed. The operating characteristic curves of some of the sequential and the systematic plans are compared, and are observed to be almost identical. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 451–467, 2001  相似文献   
This article studies the problem of designing Bayesian sampling plans (BSP) with interval censored samples. First, an algorithm for deriving the conventional BSP is proposed. The BSP is shown to possess some monotonicity. Based on the BSP and using the property of monotonicity, a new sampling plan modified by the curtailment procedure is proposed. The resulting curtailed Bayesian sampling plan (CBSP) can reduce the duration time of life test experiment, and it is optimal in the sense that its associated Bayes risk is smaller than the Bayes risk of the BSP if the cost of the duration time of life test experiment is considered. A numerical example to compute the Bayes risks of BSP and CBSP and related quantities is given. Also, a Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of the CBSP compared with the BSP. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed CBSP has better performance because it has smaller risk. The CBSP is recommended. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 604–616, 2015  相似文献   
从系统的精度、平稳性和硬件造价、计算机负担等方面对高炮防空反导系统中的目标测定器输出采样频率和棱镜伺服系统采样频率的取值进行了理论分析和计算机仿真,在此基础上给出了最佳取值范围。  相似文献   
针对宽带频谱感知中采样率大、感知时间长的问题,在调制宽带转换器采样的基础上提出了一种改进多重信号分类算法的宽带频谱快速感知方法。调制宽带转换器对宽带频谱进行欠奈奎斯特采样,以最小描述长度准则估计信号个数,用改进多重信号分类谱估计信号位置。算法引入调整因子,使得多重信号分类谱中信号位置更为明显,降低了噪声的干扰。整个感知过程无需重构原始波形,无需计算频谱,大大降低了计算量,而且感知算法计算复杂度低,提高了感知效率。仿真结果表明,在低信噪比的情况下,该算法仍具有很好的检测性能。  相似文献   
为实现UWB雷达中的高速数据采集,本文从理论上探讨了中频/射频直接采样和数字正交技术对大带宽信号(≥10MHz)进行相干检波的可行性。对三种数字正交途径进行的计算机仿真表明:正交双路的幅相一致性大大提高了,当信号带宽≤20MHz时,镜频抑制效果优于传统模拟方式(<-30dB)。  相似文献   
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