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面向 MPP Fortran 的程序自动并行化初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
MPPFortran是由Cray公司推出的一种较有代表性的数据并行语言,本文首先介绍了MPPFortran的主要特点,然后,以该语言为例,对面向MPP系统程序自动并行化的主要内容进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
为了提高海洋声学快速场模型在近场区域的计算精度,分析了影响经典快速场模型精度的因素,主要包括Bessel函数近似、忽略内行波项以及在水平距离最远处波数采样率过低,这些因素导致快速场模型近场误差较大、远场水平距离最远处结果不正确(计算结束后需要去除水平距离后段的声场)。提出能够提高经典快速场模型近场计算精度的改进模型,改进部分主要是采用保留内行波项的近似Bessel函数,再将近场上下两个基于声源点与对称轴的三角形区域用波数积分解(使用精确Bessel函数)覆盖。算例测试结果表明:与经典快速场模型相比,改进模型可在绝对时间增加较少的情况下,显著提高近场计算精度,综合性能更优;与波数积分法相比,改进模型在误差为同量级的情况下,积分时间大幅降低,实际应用价值更高。  相似文献   
以《武警年鉴》原始资料为基础,从三个阶段简述武警部队“忠诚卫士文化”建设的历程:以武警部队重新组建为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入自发发展时期;以“中国武警十大忠诚卫士”评选为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入迅速发展时期;以《武警部队先进军事文化建设纲要》颁发为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入有意识地打造品牌的时期。  相似文献   
Recent events in Iran and elsewhere demand a reevaluation of the need for increasing nuclear fuel supplies and assuring reliable flow of fuel to nuclear power user states vis-à-vis the need for strengthened security for all countries against the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The right of countries to a guaranteed supply of nuclear energy for peaceful uses must be balanced with the global community's desire to limit flows of nuclear material and sensitive nuclear facilities that could create opportunities for nuclear proliferation. This article proposes elements of an international regime of fresh fuel supply and spent fuel disposal that will guarantee fresh fuel supplies to countries honoring their obligations under the Treaty for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), while reducing concerns about diversion of spent fuel for weapons purposes. A specific application to countries with small pre-commercial uranium enrichment plants is also proposed.  相似文献   
Given the nature of global counterinsurgency operations, the demands of military expansion, and the need for cultural, linguistic, and regional expertise, the United States Army should evaluate the establishment of US-led foreign troop units for its evolving force structure. This article proposes the creation of an American foreign legion based upon the recruitment of US-led, ethnically homogeneous tribal force units to meet the grist mill of counterinsurgency operations. This structured approach would be more beneficial than the current reliance on a de facto American Foreign Legion, represented by private military contractors (PMCs), many of them comprised of foreigners. These PMCs carry a number of oversight, accountability, and legal risks not found in a fully integrated, and US-officered foreign legion. The British Brigade of Gurkhas, the South-West African Police Counter-Insurgency Unit (Koevoet), and the Kit Carson Scouts serve as relevant historical examples where foreign troops were used to supplement national manpower resources.  相似文献   
We consider an expansion planning problem for Waste‐to‐Energy (WtE) systems facing uncertainty in future waste supplies. The WtE expansion plans are regarded as strategic, long term decisions, while the waste distribution and treatment are medium to short term operational decisions which can adapt to the actual waste collected. We propose a prediction set uncertainty model which integrates a set of waste generation forecasts and is constructed based on user‐specified levels of forecasting errors. Next, we use the prediction sets for WtE expansion scenario analysis. More specifically, for a given WtE expansion plan, the guaranteed net present value (NPV) is evaluated by computing an extreme value forecast trajectory of future waste generation from the prediction set that minimizes the maximum NPV of the WtE project. This problem is essentially a multiple stage min‐max dynamic optimization problem. By exploiting the structure of the WtE problem, we show this is equivalent to a simpler min‐max optimization problem, which can be further transformed into a single mixed‐integer linear program. Furthermore, we extend the model to optimize the guaranteed NPV by searching over the set of all feasible expansion scenarios, and show that this can be solved by an exact cutting plane approach. We also propose a heuristic based on a constant proportion distribution rule for the WtE expansion optimization model, which reduces the problem into a moderate size mixed‐integer program. Finally, our computational studies demonstrate that our proposed expansion model solutions are very stable and competitive in performance compared to scenario tree approaches. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 47–70, 2016  相似文献   
从XX坦克电台使用可靠性的现状出发,在理论与实际的结合上,论述了装备可靠性指标论证工作中某些亟待解决的问题.结合军工企业的现有条件和可靠性工作开展的实际情况,提出了装甲车载通信——电子装备可靠性指标论证工作的基本程序及其要点.  相似文献   
研究生课表的计算机自动编排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对研究生课程安排特点,提出并建立了一个研究生课程的计算机排课系统,同时讨论了此系统的数据结构和具体实现环境.通过建立排课的约束条件和排课相容判断准则,进一步阐述了研究生课表编排的计算机具体实现原则及其方法.  相似文献   
程序切片是一种重要的程序分析方法,类成员级粒度的切片技术目前仅仅有Tip提出的类层次切片技术.Tip提出的类层次切片技术其分析基础是Rossie-Friedman的类层次框架,但主要用于面向对象程序的优化,并不适用于回归测试.本文基于Rossie-Friedman的类层次框架提出类成员后向切片方法,并提出一个覆盖类的方法一级的回归测试策略.  相似文献   
对于结构测试中的不可达路径问题,仅仅使用传统的不可达路径排除方法存在很大的限制性,应用效果一般.积极选择可达路径的思想可有效减少不可达路径的产生.目前,基于最少谓词思想的路径生成方法得到广泛的认可.了解可达路径选择思想后,主要介绍一种基于数据流信息的,具体应用基本程序切片技术来生成可达路径的方法,该方法可生成几乎有最少谓词的路径,有较好效果.  相似文献   
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