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频繁流动已成为当代幼儿教师队伍建设中一个值得研究的课题。本研究借助对不同类型流动幼儿教师的访谈,揭示了激励机制与幼儿教师流动之间的关系,并在激励视角下,针对幼儿教师的频繁流动问题提出了相应的解决策略,以确保幼儿教师队伍建设的稳定性。  相似文献   
学前教育学课程是学前教育专业学生系统学习本专业知识的认知起点,在教学中运用案例教学法能弥补学生对本专业的感性认知和实践经验的缺乏,对于教师的"教"、学生的"学"和师生之间、生生之间的互动都有十分重要而有益的价值。本文诠释了案例教学法的基本内涵,在此基础上论述了案例教学法在学前教育学课程教学中的重要价值,最后探讨了在学前教育学课程教学中案例教学法的实施过程和应当注意的问题。  相似文献   
师生间的言语冲突在课堂教学中时有发生,而这一现象并未引起足够重视。课堂教学中师生间冲突性话语为本文的研究对象,分析其语言表现,并依据Brown&Levinson的面子威胁论,探析教师对于学生不合作话语引发的冲突回应,旨在揭示师生间冲突性话语的面子威胁性特征及语用理据。  相似文献   
目的通过对我院非医学娄大学生急救知识掌握程度以及知识来源的调查,探讨对非医学类大学生急救能力普及的教育、教学方法。方法对我院非医学类大学生采用院外急救知识及技能认知凋查表进行问卷调查。结果2%的大学生认为自己没必要学习这门课程,42%的大学生对于这些涉及生命的知识学习意识较高,但对急救知识、急救能力的掌握程度看所有被调查学生认知率不尽如人意;其急救知识的获得来源多为电视、报刊杂志、科教书以及网络等。结论普及非医学类大学生急救知识势在必行,应加大改进教学方法以及教育力度。  相似文献   
在全球毒品问题继续蔓延的趋势下,海峡两岸跨境毒品犯罪愈演愈烈。要有效遏制毒品犯罪给海峡两岸社会治安带来的危害,海峡两岸的警察机关应不断完善跨境追逃合作机制、犯罪资产追缴协助机制、调查取证协助机制,健全毒品犯罪情报交流机制,构建区际“控制下交付”合作机制,逐步拓宽打击跨境毒品犯罪警务合作渠道,以有效遏制海峡两岸毒品犯罪的发展蔓延。  相似文献   
中央八项规定的出台给警卫工作带来了前所未有的挑战,即:减少“硬性”控制措施,能否经得起严峻安全形势的考验,确保警卫安全;接受公众和舆论的监督,能否提交合格“答卷”,展示警卫部队的良好形象。同时,中央八项规定也为推动警卫工作模式创新、警卫战斗力建设、警卫工作立法、警卫工作理念和作风转变提供了难得的机遇。  相似文献   
当前,我国毒品犯罪活动呈现出集团化、隐秘化、有组织化和跨国化等复杂特征,境内外社会环境、贩毒集团和执法者之间存在着彼此交错的关系,使得公安边防部队缉毒斗争面临着严峻的形势和挑战。在整合多位学者的理论观点和现实研究基础之上,基于博弈论的成熟理论,紧密结合公安边防部队缉毒斗争实际,构建了公安边防部队与贩毒集团之间的博弈模型,并对其进行深入分析,从微观角度为公安边防部队缉毒斗争实际提供有效参考和决策依据。  相似文献   
This paper employs functionalist, transformative and peacebuilding approaches to explore the role played by civil society in peacebuilding during Zimbabwe's coalition government (2009–2013), under the Church and Civil Society Forum (CCSF). Through the functions of democratisation, socialisation and the rebuilding of communities, the various bottom-up peacebuilding initiatives under the CCSF framework rebuilt broken relationships, provided spaces of encounter between victims and perpetrators, and bridged the paradoxical values of mercy, justice, truth and peace in a context of deep political polarisation. Although the various peacebuilding activities were scattered and sporadic, they do provide a basis for nationwide replication under a ZANU-PF dominated government. The new 2013 constitution provides institutional opportunities for the formulation of a broader national framework for peacebuilding that synergises these efforts by civil society and a politically willing state.  相似文献   
This article explores the historical reasoning behind counterinsurgency thinking, particularly as applied to Iraq, using Douglas Porch's book, Counterinsurgency: Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War as a reference point. It argues that the classic historical analogies of counterinsurgency theory were inapt in dealing with the conflict in Iraq, and that the historical reasoning behind counterinsurgency more generally deserves greater scrutiny. Not only are the analogies of questionable applicability, but the evidence of causation in prior conflicts is ultimately unproveable. In the end, Counterinsurgency theory and the US Army's Field Manual 3-24 on Counterinsurgency were politically useful during the ‘Surge’, beginning in 2007, but remain intellectually and historically problematic.  相似文献   
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